More powerful version of Instrs.map_changed

Introducing a generalization of map_changed that can now
use a context on each instruction. The context is computed with
the previous instructions in the collection.

Reviewed By: skcho, jvillard

Differential Revision: D20669993

fbshipit-source-id: 58fdee1d9
David Pichardie 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent a1a3c55186
commit 121b7352f9

@ -70,34 +70,41 @@ let of_rev_list l = NotReversed (Array.of_list_rev l)
let filter_map (NotReversed instrs) ~f = NotReversed (Array.filter_map instrs ~f)
let map_changed =
let aux_changed arr ~f i =
for i = i to Array.length arr - 1 do
Array.unsafe_get arr i |> f |> Array.unsafe_set arr i
done ;
let map_and_fold =
let rec aux_changed arr ~f current i =
if i >= Array.length arr then arr
let e = Array.unsafe_get arr i in
let next, e' = f current e in
Array.unsafe_set arr i e' ;
aux_changed arr ~f next (i + 1)
let rec aux_unchanged ~equal arr ~f i =
let rec aux_unchanged arr ~f current i =
if i >= Array.length arr then arr
let e = Array.unsafe_get arr i in
let e' = f e in
if equal e e' then aux_unchanged ~equal arr ~f (i + 1)
let next, e' = f current e in
if phys_equal e e' then aux_unchanged arr ~f next (i + 1)
let arr = Array.copy arr in
Array.unsafe_set arr i e' ;
aux_changed arr ~f (i + 1)
aux_changed arr ~f next (i + 1)
fun ~equal (NotReversed instrs as t) ~f ->
let instrs' = aux_unchanged ~equal instrs ~f 0 in
fun (NotReversed instrs as t) ~f ~init ->
let instrs' = aux_unchanged instrs ~f init 0 in
if phys_equal instrs instrs' then t else NotReversed instrs'
let concat_map_changed ~equal (NotReversed instrs as t) ~f =
let map (NotReversed _instrs as t) ~f =
let f () e = ((), f e) in
map_and_fold t ~f ~init:()
let concat_map (NotReversed instrs as t) ~f =
let instrs' = Array.concat_map ~f instrs in
Int.equal (Array.length instrs) (Array.length instrs')
&& Array.for_all2_exn ~f:equal instrs instrs'
&& Array.for_all2_exn ~f:phys_equal instrs instrs'
then t
else NotReversed instrs'

@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ val of_rev_list : Sil.instr list -> not_reversed_t
val filter_map : not_reversed_t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr option) -> not_reversed_t
val map_changed :
equal:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr -> bool)
-> not_reversed_t
-> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr)
-> not_reversed_t
val concat_map_changed :
equal:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr -> bool)
-> not_reversed_t
-> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr array)
-> not_reversed_t
val map : not_reversed_t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr) -> not_reversed_t
(** replace every instruction [instr] with [f instr]. Preserve physical equality. **)
val map_and_fold :
not_reversed_t -> f:('a -> Sil.instr -> 'a * Sil.instr) -> init:'a -> not_reversed_t
(** replace every instruction [instr] with [snd (f context instr)]. The context is computed by
folding [f] on [init] and previous instructions (before [instr]) in the collection. Preserve
physical equality. **)
val concat_map : not_reversed_t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr array) -> not_reversed_t
(** replace every instruction [instr] with the list [f instr]. Preserve physical equality. **)
val reverse_order : not_reversed_t -> reversed t

@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ module Node = struct
(** Map and replace the instructions to be executed *)
let replace_instrs node ~f =
let instrs' = Instrs.map_changed ~equal:phys_equal node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
let instrs' = node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
if phys_equal instrs' node.instrs then false
else (
node.instrs <- instrs' ;
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ module Node = struct
(** Like [replace_instrs], but 1 instr gets replaced by 0, 1, or more instructions. *)
let replace_instrs_by node ~f =
let instrs' = Instrs.concat_map_changed ~equal:phys_equal node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
let instrs' = Instrs.concat_map node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
if phys_equal instrs' node.instrs then false
else (
node.instrs <- instrs' ;
