[pulse] evaluate all constant expressions

Make term simplification a bit more structured and separate the
"simplification" phase from the "evaluating constant expressions" phase.
Also implement the latter for all possible terms.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D23241334

fbshipit-source-id: 2964aa477
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent bcba7c8475
commit 1d56705cd4

@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ module Q = struct
let is_zero q = Q.equal q Q.zero
let is_not_zero q = not (is_zero q)
let conv_protect f q = try Some (f q) with Division_by_zero | Z.Overflow -> None
let to_int q = conv_protect Q.to_int q
let to_int64 q = conv_protect Q.to_int64 q
let to_bigint q = conv_protect Q.to_bigint q
(** Expressive term structure to be able to express all of SIL, but the main smarts of the formulas
@ -143,6 +151,8 @@ module Term = struct
let zero = Const Q.zero
let of_bool b = if b then one else zero
let of_unop (unop : Unop.t) t =
match unop with Neg -> Minus t | BNot -> BitNot t | LNot -> Not t
@ -309,6 +319,150 @@ module Term = struct
let has_var_notin vars t =
Container.exists t ~iter:iter_variables ~f:(fun v -> not (Var.Set.mem v vars))
(** reduce to a constant when the direct sub-terms are constants *)
let eval_const_shallow t0 =
let map_const t f = match t with Const c -> f c | _ -> t0 in
let map_const2 t1 t2 f = match (t1, t2) with Const c1, Const c2 -> f c1 c2 | _ -> t0 in
let q_map t q_f = map_const t (fun c -> Const (q_f c)) in
let q_map2 t1 t2 q_f = map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> Const (q_f c1 c2)) in
let q_predicate_map t q_f = map_const t (fun c -> q_f c |> of_bool) in
let q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 q_f = map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> q_f c1 c2 |> of_bool) in
let conv2 conv1 conv2 conv_back c1 c2 f =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* i1 = conv1 c1 in
let+ i2 = conv2 c2 in
f i1 i2 |> conv_back
let map_i64_i64 = conv2 Q.to_int64 Q.to_int64 Q.of_int64 in
let map_i64_i = conv2 Q.to_int64 Q.to_int Q.of_int64 in
let map_z_z = conv2 Q.to_bigint Q.to_bigint Q.of_bigint in
let or_undef q_opt = Option.value ~default:Q.undef q_opt in
match t0 with
| Const _ | Var _ ->
| Minus t' ->
q_map t' Q.(mul minus_one)
| Add (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 Q.add
| BitNot t' ->
q_map t' (fun c ->
let open Option.Monad_infix in
Q.to_int64 c >>| Int64.bit_not >>| Q.of_int64 |> or_undef )
| Mult (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 Q.mul
| Div (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 Q.div
| Mod (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> map_z_z c1 c2 Z.( mod ) |> or_undef)
| Not t' ->
q_predicate_map t' Q.is_zero
| And (t1, t2) ->
map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> of_bool (Q.is_not_zero c1 && Q.is_not_zero c2))
| Or (t1, t2) ->
map_const2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 -> of_bool (Q.is_not_zero c1 || Q.is_not_zero c2))
| LessThan (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.lt
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.leq
| Equal (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.equal
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
q_predicate_map2 t1 t2 Q.not_equal
| BitAnd (t1, t2)
| BitOr (t1, t2)
| BitShiftLeft (t1, t2)
| BitShiftRight (t1, t2)
| BitXor (t1, t2) ->
q_map2 t1 t2 (fun c1 c2 ->
match[@warning "-8"] t0 with
| BitAnd _ ->
map_i64_i64 c1 c2 Int64.bit_and |> or_undef
| BitOr _ ->
map_i64_i64 c1 c2 Int64.bit_or |> or_undef
| BitShiftLeft _ ->
map_i64_i c1 c2 Int64.shift_left |> or_undef
| BitShiftRight _ ->
map_i64_i c1 c2 Int64.shift_right |> or_undef
| BitXor _ ->
map_i64_i64 c1 c2 Int64.bit_xor |> or_undef )
let rec simplify_shallow t =
match t with
| Var _ | Const _ ->
| Minus (Minus t) ->
(* [--t = t] *)
| BitNot (BitNot t) ->
(* [~~t = t] *)
| Add (Const c, t) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 + t = t] *)
| Add (t, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t + 0 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, t) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [1 × t = t] *)
| Mult (t, Const c) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [t × 1 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 × t = 0] *)
| Mult (_, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t × 0 = 0] *)
| Div (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 / t = 0] *)
| Div (_, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t / 0 = undefined] *)
Const Q.undef
| Div (t, Const c) ->
(* [t / c = (1/c)·t] *)
simplify_shallow (Mult (Const (Q.inv c), t))
| Div (Minus t1, Minus t2) ->
(* [(-t1) / (-t2) = t1 / t2] *)
simplify_shallow (Div (t1, t2))
| Div (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
(* [t / t = 1] *)
| Mod (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 % t = 0] *)
| Mod (_, Const q) when Q.is_one q ->
(* [t % 1 = 0] *)
| Mod (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
(* [t % t = 0] *)
| BitAnd (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 || is_zero t2 ->
| BitXor (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
| (BitShiftLeft (t1, _) | BitShiftRight (t1, _)) when is_zero t1 ->
| (BitShiftLeft (t1, t2) | BitShiftRight (t1, t2)) when is_zero t2 ->
| And (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 || is_zero t2 ->
(* [false ∧ t = t ∧ false = false] *) zero
| And (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t1 ->
(* [true ∧ t = t] *) t2
| And (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t2 ->
(* [t ∧ true = t] *) t1
| Or (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t1 || is_non_zero_const t2 ->
(* [true t = t true = true] *) one
| Or (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 ->
(* [false t = t] *) t2
| Or (t1, t2) when is_zero t2 ->
(* [t false = t] *) t1
| _ ->
(** Basically boolean terms, used to build the part of a formula that is not equalities between
@ -394,80 +548,11 @@ module Atom = struct
to_term atom
(* Many simplifications are still TODO *)
let rec eval_term t =
let open Term in
let t_norm_subterms = map_direct_subterms ~f:eval_term t in
match t_norm_subterms with
| Var _ | Const _ ->
| Minus (Minus t) ->
(* [--t = t] *)
| Minus (Const c) ->
(* [-c = -1*c] *)
Const (Q.(mul minus_one) c)
| BitNot (BitNot t) ->
(* [~~t = t] *)
| Not (Const c) ->
if Q.is_zero c then (* [!0 = 1] *)
one else (* [!<non-zero> = 0] *)
| Add (Const c1, Const c2) ->
(* constants *)
Const (Q.add c1 c2)
| Add (Const c, t) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 + t = t] *)
| Add (t, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t + 0 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, t) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [1 × t = t] *)
| Mult (t, Const c) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [t × 1 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 × t = 0] *)
| Mult (_, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t × 0 = 0] *)
| Div (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 / t = 0] *)
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [t / 1 = t] *)
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_minus_one c ->
(* [t / (-1) = -t] *)
eval_term (Minus t)
| Div (Minus t1, Minus t2) ->
(* [(-t1) / (-t2) = t1 / t2] *)
eval_term (Div (t1, t2))
| Mod (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 % t = 0] *)
| Mod (_, Const q) when Q.is_one q ->
(* [t % 1 = 0] *)
| Mod (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
(* [t % t = 0] *)
| And (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 || is_zero t2 ->
(* [false ∧ t = t ∧ false = false] *) zero
| And (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t1 ->
(* [true ∧ t = t] *) t2
| And (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t2 ->
(* [t ∧ true = t] *) t1
| Or (t1, t2) when is_non_zero_const t1 || is_non_zero_const t2 ->
(* [true t = t true = true] *) one
| Or (t1, t2) when is_zero t1 ->
(* [false t = t] *) t2
| Or (t1, t2) when is_zero t2 ->
(* [t false = t] *) t1
let t =
Term.map_direct_subterms ~f:eval_term t |> Term.simplify_shallow |> Term.eval_const_shallow
match (t : Term.t) with
(* terms that are atoms can be simplified in [eval_atom] *)
| LessEqual (t1, t2) ->
eval_atom (LessEqual (t1, t2) : atom) |> term_of_eval_result
@ -478,7 +563,7 @@ module Atom = struct
| NotEqual (t1, t2) ->
eval_atom (NotEqual (t1, t2) : atom) |> term_of_eval_result
| _ ->
(** This assumes that the terms in the atom have been normalized/evaluated already.

@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ let%test_module "non-linear simplifications" =
( module struct
let%expect_test "zero propagation" =
simplify ~keep:[w_var] (((i 0 / (x * z)) & v) * v mod y = w) ;
[%expect {|w=v10 && true (no linear) && {w = v9 mod y}{v8 = 0&v}{v9 = v8×v}|}]
[%expect {|w=v10 && w = 0 && true (no atoms)|}]
let%expect_test "constant propagation: bitshift" =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (of_binop Shiftlt (of_binop Shiftrt (i 0b111) (i 2)) (i 2) = x) ;
[%expect {|x=v7 && true (no linear) && {x = v6<<2}{v6 = 7>>2}|}]
[%expect {|x=v7 && x = 4 && true (no atoms)|}]
end )
