[pp] print contents of argfiles, recursively, on error

Useful to debug without having to rerun commands.

Looks like this:

Usage Error: Failed to execute compilation command:
  ++Contents of 'args.txt':
    'arg1.txt' 'arghorashy_hello_c.txt' 'args.txt'
    ++Contents of 'arg1.txt':
      ++Contents of 'arg_c.txt':

    ++Contents of 'arg_hello_c.txt':

Error message:
clang-5.0: error: no such file or directory: 'examples/hello.c'

*** Infer needs a working compilation command to run.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D6872550

fbshipit-source-id: 65cd026
Jules Villard 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 7f6920e0ed
commit 1d80ce37ab

@ -131,3 +131,6 @@ let escape_filename s =
let escape_double_quotes s = escape_map (function '"' -> Some "\\\"" | _ -> None) s
let escape_in_single_quotes s =
Printf.sprintf "'%s'" (escape_map (function '\'' -> Some "'\\''" | _ -> None) s)

@ -34,3 +34,6 @@ val escape_filename : string -> string
val escape_double_quotes : string -> string
(** replaces double-quote with backslash double-quote *)
val escape_in_single_quotes : string -> string
(** put the string inside single quotes and escape the single quotes within that string *)

@ -134,14 +134,36 @@ let option pp fmt = function None -> string fmt "None" | Some x -> F.fprintf fmt
let to_string ~f fmt x = string fmt (f x)
let pp_argfile fmt fname =
F.fprintf fmt " Contents of '%s'@\n" fname ;
In_channel.iter_lines ~f:(F.fprintf fmt " %s@\n") (In_channel.create fname) ;
F.fprintf fmt " /Contents of '%s'@\n" fname
with exn -> F.fprintf fmt " Error reading file '%s':@\n %a@\n" fname Exn.pp exn
let cli_args fmt args =
F.fprintf fmt "'%a'@\n%a" (seq ~sep:"' '" string) args (seq ~sep:"\n" pp_argfile)
(List.filter_map ~f:(String.chop_prefix ~prefix:"@") args)
let pp_args fmt args =
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> " ;
seq ~sep:"" ~print_env:{text with break_lines= true} string fmt
(List.map args ~f:Escape.escape_in_single_quotes) ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]@\n"
let rec pp_argfile_args in_argfiles fmt args =
let at_least_one = ref false in
List.iter args ~f:(fun arg ->
String.chop_prefix ~prefix:"@" arg
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun argfile ->
if not !at_least_one then (
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> " ;
at_least_one := true ) ;
pp_argfile in_argfiles fmt argfile ) ) ;
if !at_least_one then F.fprintf fmt "@]@\n"
and pp_argfile in_argfiles fmt fname =
if not (String.Set.mem in_argfiles fname) then
let in_argfiles' = String.Set.add in_argfiles fname in
match In_channel.read_lines fname with
| args ->
F.fprintf fmt "++Contents of %s:@\n" (Escape.escape_in_single_quotes fname) ;
pp_args fmt args ;
pp_argfile_args in_argfiles' fmt args ;
| exception exn ->
F.fprintf fmt "@\n++Error reading file %s:@\n %a@\n"
(Escape.escape_in_single_quotes fname)
Exn.pp exn
pp_args fmt args ;
pp_argfile_args String.Set.empty fmt args

@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ let run_and_validate_clang_frontend ast_source =
let run_clang clang_command read =
let exit_with_error exit_code =
L.external_error "Error: the following clang command did not run successfully:@\n %s@\n%!"
clang_command ;
L.external_error "Error: the following clang command did not run successfully:@\n %a@."
ClangCommand.pp clang_command ;
L.exit exit_code
(* NOTE: exceptions will propagate through without exiting here *)
match Utils.with_process_in clang_command read with
match Utils.with_process_in (ClangCommand.command_to_run clang_command) read with
| res, Ok () ->
| _, Error `Exit_non_zero n ->
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ let run_clang clang_command read =
exit_with_error 1
let run_plugin_and_frontend source_path frontend clang_args =
let clang_command = ClangCommand.command_to_run (ClangCommand.with_plugin_args clang_args) in
let run_plugin_and_frontend source_path frontend clang_cmd =
let clang_plugin_cmd = ClangCommand.with_plugin_args clang_cmd in
( if debug_mode then
(* -cc1 clang commands always set -o explicitly *)
let basename = source_path ^ ".ast" in
@ -126,12 +126,14 @@ let run_plugin_and_frontend source_path frontend clang_args =
let debug_script_out = Out_channel.create frontend_script_fname in
let debug_script_fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel debug_script_out in
let biniou_fname = Printf.sprintf "%s.biniou" basename in
Format.fprintf debug_script_fmt "%s \\@\n > %s@\n" clang_command biniou_fname ;
Format.fprintf debug_script_fmt "%s \\@\n > %s@\n"
(ClangCommand.command_to_run clang_plugin_cmd)
biniou_fname ;
Format.fprintf debug_script_fmt
"bdump -x -d \"%s/clang_ast.dict\" -w '!!DUMMY!!' %s \\@\n > %s.bdump" Config.etc_dir
biniou_fname basename ;
Out_channel.close debug_script_out ) ;
run_clang clang_command frontend
run_clang clang_plugin_cmd frontend
let cc1_capture clang_cmd =
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ let cc1_capture clang_cmd =
then (
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "@\n Skip the analysis of source file %s@\n@\n" source_path ;
(* We still need to run clang, but we don't have to attach the plugin. *)
run_clang (ClangCommand.command_to_run clang_cmd) Utils.consume_in )
run_clang clang_cmd Utils.consume_in )
else if Config.skip_analysis_in_path_skips_compilation
&& CLocation.is_file_blacklisted source_path
then (
@ -173,10 +175,10 @@ let capture clang_cmd =
(* when running with buck's compilation-database, skip commands where frontend cannot be
attached, as they may cause unnecessary compilation errors *)
else (
(* Non-compilation (eg, linking) command. Run the command as-is. It will not get captured
further since `clang -### ...` will only output commands that invoke binaries using their
absolute paths. *)
let command_to_run = ClangCommand.command_to_run clang_cmd in
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Running non-cc command without capture: %s@\n" command_to_run ;
run_clang command_to_run Utils.echo_in
L.(debug Capture Medium)
"Running non-cc command without capture: %a@\n" ClangCommand.pp clang_cmd ;
run_clang clang_cmd Utils.echo_in )

@ -78,16 +78,18 @@ let filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ?(replace_options_arg= fun _ s -> s)
?(blacklisted_flags= []) ?(blacklisted_flags_with_arg= []) ?(post_args= []) args =
(* [prev] is the previously seen argument, [res_rev] is the reversed result, [changed] is true if
some change has been performed *)
let rec aux (prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, changed) args =
let rec aux in_argfiles (prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, changed) args =
match args with
| [] ->
(prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, changed)
| _ :: tl when prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg ->
(* in the unlikely event that a blacklisted flag with arg sits as the last option in some
arg file, we need to remove its argument now *)
aux (false, res_rev, true) tl
| at_argfile :: tl when String.is_prefix at_argfile ~prefix:"@"
aux in_argfiles (false, res_rev, true) tl
| at_argfile :: tl
when String.is_prefix at_argfile ~prefix:"@" && not (String.Set.mem in_argfiles at_argfile)
-> (
let in_argfiles' = String.Set.add in_argfiles at_argfile in
let argfile = String.slice at_argfile 1 (String.length at_argfile) in
match In_channel.read_lines argfile with
| lines ->
@ -98,26 +100,28 @@ let filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ?(replace_options_arg= fun _ s -> s)
|> Utils.strip_balanced_once ~drop:(function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false)
let last_in_file_is_blacklisted, rev_res_with_file_args, changed_file =
List.map ~f:strip lines |> aux (prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, false)
List.map ~f:strip lines
|> aux in_argfiles' (prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, false)
if changed_file then aux (last_in_file_is_blacklisted, rev_res_with_file_args, true) tl
if changed_file then
aux in_argfiles' (last_in_file_is_blacklisted, rev_res_with_file_args, true) tl
(* keep the same argfile if we haven't needed to change anything in it *)
aux (last_in_file_is_blacklisted, at_argfile :: res_rev, changed) tl
aux in_argfiles' (last_in_file_is_blacklisted, at_argfile :: res_rev, changed) tl
| exception e ->
L.external_warning "Error reading argument file '%s': %s@\n" at_argfile
(Exn.to_string e) ;
aux (false, at_argfile :: res_rev, changed) tl )
aux in_argfiles' (false, at_argfile :: res_rev, changed) tl )
| flag :: tl when List.mem ~equal:String.equal blacklisted_flags flag ->
aux (false, res_rev, true) tl
aux in_argfiles (false, res_rev, true) tl
| flag :: tl when List.mem ~equal:String.equal blacklisted_flags_with_arg flag ->
(* remove the flag and its arg separately in case we are at the end of an argfile *)
aux (true, res_rev, true) tl
aux in_argfiles (true, res_rev, true) tl
| arg :: tl ->
let arg' = replace_options_arg res_rev arg in
aux (false, arg' :: res_rev, changed || not (phys_equal arg arg')) tl
aux in_argfiles (false, arg' :: res_rev, changed || not (phys_equal arg arg')) tl
match aux (false, [], false) args with _, res_rev, _ ->
match aux String.Set.empty (false, [], false) args with _, res_rev, _ ->
(* return non-reversed list *)
List.rev_append res_rev post_args
@ -180,19 +184,25 @@ let mk quoting_style ~prog ~args =
{exec= prog; orig_argv= sanitized_args; argv= sanitized_args; quoting_style}
let command_to_run cmd =
let mk_cmd normalizer =
let {exec; argv; quoting_style} = normalizer cmd in
Printf.sprintf "'%s' %s" exec
(List.map ~f:(ClangQuotes.quote quoting_style) argv |> String.concat ~sep:" ")
let to_unescaped_args cmd =
let mk_exec_argv normalizer =
let {exec; argv} = normalizer cmd in
exec :: argv
if can_attach_ast_exporter cmd then mk_cmd clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer
if can_attach_ast_exporter cmd then mk_exec_argv clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer
else if String.is_prefix ~prefix:"clang" (Filename.basename cmd.exec) then
(* `clang` supports argument files and the commands can be longer than the maximum length of the
command line, so put arguments in a file *)
mk_cmd file_arg_cmd_sanitizer
mk_exec_argv file_arg_cmd_sanitizer
else (* other commands such as `ld` do not support argument files *)
mk_cmd (fun x -> x)
mk_exec_argv (fun x -> x)
let pp f cmd = to_unescaped_args cmd |> Pp.cli_args f
let command_to_run cmd =
to_unescaped_args cmd |> List.map ~f:(ClangQuotes.quote cmd.quoting_style)
|> String.concat ~sep:" "
let with_plugin_args args =

@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ val prepend_arg : string -> t -> t
val append_args : string list -> t -> t
val get_orig_argv : t -> string list
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

@ -26,14 +26,13 @@ let quote style =
| EscapedDoubleQuotes ->
fun s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
| SingleQuotes ->
let map = function '\'' -> Some "\\'" | '\\' -> Some "\\\\" | _ -> None in
fun s -> "'" ^ Escape.escape_map map s ^ "'"
fun s -> Escape.escape_in_single_quotes s
let mk_arg_file prefix style args =
let file = Filename.temp_file prefix ".txt" in
let write_args outc =
Out_channel.output_string outc (List.map ~f:(quote style) args |> String.concat ~sep:" ")
List.map ~f:(quote style) args |> String.concat ~sep:" " |> Out_channel.output_string outc
Utils.with_file_out file ~f:write_args |> ignore ;
L.(debug Capture Medium) "Clang options stored in file %s@\n" file ;
