@ -78,16 +78,18 @@ let filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ?(replace_options_arg= fun _ s -> s)
? ( blacklisted_flags = [] ) ? ( blacklisted_flags_with_arg = [] ) ? ( post_args = [] ) args =
(* [prev] is the previously seen argument, [res_rev] is the reversed result, [changed] is true if
some change has been performed * )
let rec aux ( prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg , res_rev , changed ) args =
let rec aux in_argfiles ( prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg , res_rev , changed ) args =
match args with
| [] ->
( prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg , res_rev , changed )
| _ :: tl when prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg ->
(* in the unlikely event that a blacklisted flag with arg sits as the last option in some
arg file , we need to remove its argument now * )
aux ( false , res_rev , true ) tl
| at_argfile :: tl when String . is_prefix at_argfile ~ prefix : " @ "
aux in_argfiles ( false , res_rev , true ) tl
| at_argfile :: tl
when String . is_prefix at_argfile ~ prefix : " @ " && not ( String . Set . mem in_argfiles at_argfile )
-> (
let in_argfiles' = String . Set . add in_argfiles at_argfile in
let argfile = String . slice at_argfile 1 ( String . length at_argfile ) in
match In_channel . read_lines argfile with
| lines ->
@ -98,26 +100,28 @@ let filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ?(replace_options_arg= fun _ s -> s)
| > Utils . strip_balanced_once ~ drop : ( function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false )
let last_in_file_is_blacklisted , rev_res_with_file_args , changed_file =
List . map ~ f : strip lines | > aux ( prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg , res_rev , false )
List . map ~ f : strip lines
| > aux in_argfiles' ( prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg , res_rev , false )
if changed_file then aux ( last_in_file_is_blacklisted , rev_res_with_file_args , true ) tl
if changed_file then
aux in_argfiles' ( last_in_file_is_blacklisted , rev_res_with_file_args , true ) tl
(* keep the same argfile if we haven't needed to change anything in it *)
aux ( last_in_file_is_blacklisted , at_argfile :: res_rev , changed ) tl
aux in_argfiles' ( last_in_file_is_blacklisted , at_argfile :: res_rev , changed ) tl
| exception e ->
L . external_warning " Error reading argument file '%s': %s@ \n " at_argfile
( Exn . to_string e ) ;
aux ( false , at_argfile :: res_rev , changed ) tl )
aux in_argfiles' ( false , at_argfile :: res_rev , changed ) tl )
| flag :: tl when List . mem ~ equal : String . equal blacklisted_flags flag ->
aux ( false , res_rev , true ) tl
aux in_argfiles ( false , res_rev , true ) tl
| flag :: tl when List . mem ~ equal : String . equal blacklisted_flags_with_arg flag ->
(* remove the flag and its arg separately in case we are at the end of an argfile *)
aux ( true , res_rev , true ) tl
aux in_argfiles ( true , res_rev , true ) tl
| arg :: tl ->
let arg' = replace_options_arg res_rev arg in
aux ( false , arg' :: res_rev , changed | | not ( phys_equal arg arg' ) ) tl
aux in_argfiles ( false , arg' :: res_rev , changed | | not ( phys_equal arg arg' ) ) tl
match aux ( false , [] , false ) args with _ , res_rev , _ ->
match aux String . Set . empty ( false , [] , false ) args with _ , res_rev , _ ->
(* return non-reversed list *)
List . rev_append res_rev post_args
@ -180,19 +184,25 @@ let mk quoting_style ~prog ~args =
{ exec = prog ; orig_argv = sanitized_args ; argv = sanitized_args ; quoting_style }
let command_to_run cmd =
let mk_cmd normalizer =
let { exec ; argv ; quoting_style } = normalizer cmd in
Printf . sprintf " '%s' %s " exec
( List . map ~ f : ( ClangQuotes . quote quoting_style ) argv | > String . concat ~ sep : " " )
let to_unescaped_args cmd =
let mk_exec_argv normalizer =
let { exec ; argv } = normalizer cmd in
exec :: argv
if can_attach_ast_exporter cmd then mk_ cmd clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer
if can_attach_ast_exporter cmd then mk_ exec_argv clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer
else if String . is_prefix ~ prefix : " clang " ( Filename . basename cmd . exec ) then
(* `clang` supports argument files and the commands can be longer than the maximum length of the
command line , so put arguments in a file * )
mk_ cmd file_arg_cmd_sanitizer
mk_ exec_argv file_arg_cmd_sanitizer
else (* other commands such as `ld` do not support argument files *)
mk_cmd ( fun x -> x )
mk_exec_argv ( fun x -> x )
let pp f cmd = to_unescaped_args cmd | > Pp . cli_args f
let command_to_run cmd =
to_unescaped_args cmd | > List . map ~ f : ( ClangQuotes . quote cmd . quoting_style )
| > String . concat ~ sep : " "
let with_plugin_args args =