@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ type if_kind =
| Ik_switch;
/** Stack operation for symbolic execution on propsets */
type stackop =
| Push /* copy the curreny propset to the stack */
| Swap /* swap the current propset and the top of the stack */
| Pop /* pop the stack and combine with the current propset */;
/** An instruction. */
type instr =
/** Load a value from the heap into an identifier.
@ -65,9 +58,10 @@ type instr =
| Nullify of Pvar.t Location.t
| Abstract of Location.t /** apply abstraction */
| Remove_temps of (list Ident.t) Location.t /** remove temporaries */
| Stackop of stackop Location.t /** operation on the stack of propsets */
| Declare_locals of (list (Pvar.t, Typ.t)) Location.t /** declare local variables */;
let skip_instr = Remove_temps [] Location.dummy;
/** Check if an instruction is auxiliary, or if it comes from source instructions. */
let instr_is_auxiliary =
@ -79,7 +73,6 @@ let instr_is_auxiliary =
| Nullify _
| Abstract _
| Remove_temps _
| Stackop _
| Declare_locals _ => true;
@ -658,7 +651,6 @@ let instr_get_loc =
| Nullify _ loc
| Abstract loc
| Remove_temps _ loc
| Stackop _ loc
| Declare_locals _ loc => loc;
@ -672,7 +664,6 @@ let instr_get_exps =
| Nullify pvar _ => [Exp.Lvar pvar]
| Abstract _ => []
| Remove_temps temps _ => IList.map (fun id => Exp.Var id) temps
| Stackop _ => []
| Declare_locals _ => [];
@ -706,14 +697,6 @@ let pp_instr pe0 f instr => {
| Abstract loc => F.fprintf f "APPLY_ABSTRACTION; %a" Location.pp loc
| Remove_temps temps loc =>
F.fprintf f "REMOVE_TEMPS(%a); %a" (Ident.pp_list pe) temps Location.pp loc
| Stackop stackop loc =>
let s =
switch stackop {
| Push => "Push"
| Swap => "Swap"
| Pop => "Pop"
F.fprintf f "STACKOP.%s; %a" s Location.pp loc
| Declare_locals ptl loc =>
let pp_typ fmt (pvar, _) => F.fprintf fmt "%a" (Pvar.pp pe) pvar;
F.fprintf f "DECLARE_LOCALS(%a); %a" (pp_comma_seq pp_typ) ptl Location.pp loc
@ -2191,8 +2174,7 @@ let instr_sub_ids sub_id_binders::sub_id_binders (f: Ident.t => Exp.t) instr =>
| Nullify _
| Abstract _
| Declare_locals _
| Stackop _ => instr
| Declare_locals _ => instr
@ -2313,15 +2295,6 @@ let instr_compare instr1 instr2 =>
| (Remove_temps _, _) => (-1)
| (_, Remove_temps _) => 1
| (Stackop stackop1 loc1, Stackop stackop2 loc2) =>
let n = Pervasives.compare stackop1 stackop2;
if (n != 0) {
} else {
Location.compare loc1 loc2
| (Stackop _, _) => (-1)
| (_, Stackop _) => 1
| (Declare_locals ptl1 loc1, Declare_locals ptl2 loc2) =>
let pt_compare (pv1, t1) (pv2, t2) => {
let n = Pvar.compare pv1 pv2;
@ -2541,7 +2514,6 @@ let instr_compare_structural instr1 instr2 exp_map => {
| (Abstract _, Abstract _) => (0, exp_map)
| (Remove_temps temps1 _, Remove_temps temps2 _) =>
id_list_compare_structural temps1 temps2 exp_map
| (Stackop stackop1 _, Stackop stackop2 _) => (Pervasives.compare stackop1 stackop2, exp_map)
| (Declare_locals ptl1 _, Declare_locals ptl2 _) =>
let n = Pervasives.compare (IList.length ptl1) (IList.length ptl2);
if (n != 0) {