@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ module Invalidation = PulseInvalidation
module AbstractAddress : sig
module AbstractAddress : sig
type t = private int [ @@ deriving compare ]
type t = private int [ @@ deriving compare ]
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val mk_fresh : unit -> t
val mk_fresh : unit -> t
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
@ -25,8 +23,6 @@ module AbstractAddress : sig
end = struct
end = struct
type t = int [ @@ deriving compare ]
type t = int [ @@ deriving compare ]
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
let next_fresh = ref 1
let next_fresh = ref 1
let mk_fresh () =
let mk_fresh () =
@ -39,6 +35,17 @@ end = struct
let init () = next_fresh := 1
let init () = next_fresh := 1
(* * Set of abstract addresses in memory. *)
module AbstractAddressSet : sig
include module type of AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( AbstractAddress )
val mk_fresh : unit -> t
end = struct
include AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( AbstractAddress )
let mk_fresh () = singleton ( AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () )
(* {3 Heap domain } *)
(* {3 Heap domain } *)
module Attribute = struct
module Attribute = struct
@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ module Attributes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Attribute)
module Memory : sig
module Memory : sig
module Edges : module type of PrettyPrintable . MakePPMap ( AccessExpression . Access )
module Edges : module type of PrettyPrintable . MakePPMap ( AccessExpression . Access )
type edges = AbstractAddress . t Edges . t
type edges = AbstractAddress Set . t Edges . t
type cell = edges * Attributes . t
type cell = edges * Attributes . t
@ -75,13 +82,13 @@ module Memory : sig
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
val add_edge : AbstractAddress . t -> AccessExpression . Access . t -> AbstractAddress . t -> t -> t
val add_edge : AbstractAddress . t -> AccessExpression . Access . t -> AbstractAddress Set . t -> t -> t
val add_edge_and_back_edge :
val add_edge_and_back_edge :
AbstractAddress . t -> AccessExpression . Access . t -> AbstractAddress . t -> t -> t
AbstractAddress . t -> AccessExpression . Access . t -> AbstractAddress Set . t -> t -> t
val find_edge_opt :
val find_edge_opt :
AbstractAddress . t -> AccessExpression . Access . t -> t -> AbstractAddress . t option
AbstractAddress . t -> AccessExpression . Access . t -> t -> AbstractAddress Set . t option
val add_attributes : AbstractAddress . t -> Attributes . t -> t -> t
val add_attributes : AbstractAddress . t -> Attributes . t -> t -> t
@ -90,13 +97,13 @@ module Memory : sig
val get_invalidation : AbstractAddress . t -> t -> Invalidation . t option
val get_invalidation : AbstractAddress . t -> t -> Invalidation . t option
(* * None denotes a valid location *)
(* * None denotes a valid location *)
val std_vector_reserve : AbstractAddress . t -> t -> t
val std_vector_reserve : AbstractAddress Set . t -> t -> t
val is_std_vector_reserved : AbstractAddress . t -> t -> bool
val is_std_vector_reserved : AbstractAddress Set . t -> t -> bool
end = struct
end = struct
module Edges = PrettyPrintable . MakePPMap ( AccessExpression . Access )
module Edges = PrettyPrintable . MakePPMap ( AccessExpression . Access )
type edges = AbstractAddress . t Edges . t
type edges = AbstractAddress Set . t Edges . t
type cell = edges * Attributes . t
type cell = edges * Attributes . t
@ -105,7 +112,7 @@ end = struct
type t = cell Graph . t
type t = cell Graph . t
let pp =
let pp =
Graph . pp ~ pp_value : ( Pp . pair ~ fst : ( Edges . pp ~ pp_value : AbstractAddress . pp ) ~ snd : Attributes . pp )
Graph . pp ~ pp_value : ( Pp . pair ~ fst : ( Edges . pp ~ pp_value : AbstractAddress Set . pp ) ~ snd : Attributes . pp )
(* {3 Helper functions to traverse the two maps at once } *)
(* {3 Helper functions to traverse the two maps at once } *)
@ -123,15 +130,19 @@ end = struct
(* * [Dereference] edges induce a [TakeAddress] back edge and vice-versa, because
(* * [Dereference] edges induce a [TakeAddress] back edge and vice-versa, because
[ * ( & x ) = & ( * x ) = x ] . * )
[ * ( & x ) = & ( * x ) = x ] . * )
let add_edge_and_back_edge addr_src ( access : AccessExpression . Access . t ) addr _end memory =
let add_edge_and_back_edge addr_src ( access : AccessExpression . Access . t ) addr s _end memory =
let memory = add_edge addr_src access addr _end memory in
let memory = add_edge addr_src access addr s _end memory in
match access with
match access with
| ArrayAccess _ | FieldAccess _ ->
| ArrayAccess _ | FieldAccess _ ->
| TakeAddress ->
| TakeAddress ->
add_edge addr_end Dereference addr_src memory
AbstractAddressSet . fold
( fun addr_end -> add_edge addr_end Dereference ( AbstractAddressSet . singleton addr_src ) )
addrs_end memory
| Dereference ->
| Dereference ->
add_edge addr_end TakeAddress addr_src memory
AbstractAddressSet . fold
( fun addr_end -> add_edge addr_end TakeAddress ( AbstractAddressSet . singleton addr_src ) )
addrs_end memory
let find_edge_opt addr access memory =
let find_edge_opt addr access memory =
@ -174,12 +185,19 @@ end = struct
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( function Attribute . Invalid invalidation -> Some invalidation | _ -> None )
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( function Attribute . Invalid invalidation -> Some invalidation | _ -> None )
let std_vector_reserve address memory = add_attribute address Attribute . StdVectorReserve memory
let std_vector_reserve addresses memory =
AbstractAddressSet . fold
( fun address -> add_attribute address Attribute . StdVectorReserve )
addresses memory
let is_std_vector_reserved address memory =
let is_std_vector_reserved addresses memory =
AbstractAddressSet . exists
( fun address ->
Graph . find_opt address memory | > Option . map ~ f : snd
Graph . find_opt address memory | > Option . map ~ f : snd
| > Option . value_map ~ default : false ~ f : ( fun attributes ->
| > Option . value_map ~ default : false ~ f : ( fun attributes ->
Attributes . mem Attribute . StdVectorReserve attributes )
Attributes . mem Attribute . StdVectorReserve attributes ) )
(* {3 Monomorphic {!PPMap} interface as needed } *)
(* {3 Monomorphic {!PPMap} interface as needed } *)
@ -199,20 +217,7 @@ end
own . It so happens that the join on abstract states uses the join of stacks provided by this
own . It so happens that the join on abstract states uses the join of stacks provided by this
functor followed by normalization wrt the unification found between abstract locations so it's
functor followed by normalization wrt the unification found between abstract locations so it's
convenient to define stacks as elements of this domain . * )
convenient to define stacks as elements of this domain . * )
module Stack =
module Stack = AbstractDomain . Map ( Var ) ( AbstractAddressSet )
AbstractDomain . Map
( Var )
( struct
type t = AbstractAddress . t
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs = AbstractAddress . equal lhs rhs
let join l1 l2 = min l1 l2
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters : _ = join prev next
let pp = AbstractAddress . pp
end )
(* * the domain *)
(* * the domain *)
type astate = { heap : Memory . t ; stack : Stack . t }
type astate = { heap : Memory . t ; stack : Stack . t }
@ -237,10 +242,11 @@ module Domain : AbstractDomain.S with type t = astate = struct
( Option . map ~ f : fst cell , Option . value_map ~ default : Attributes . empty ~ f : snd cell )
( Option . map ~ f : fst cell , Option . value_map ~ default : Attributes . empty ~ f : snd cell )
Memory . Edges . for_all
Memory . Edges . for_all
( fun access_lhs addr_dst ->
( fun access_lhs lhs_ addr_dst ->
Option . bind edges_rhs_opt ~ f : ( fun edges_rhs ->
Option . bind edges_rhs_opt ~ f : ( fun edges_rhs ->
Memory . Edges . find_opt access_lhs edges_rhs )
Memory . Edges . find_opt access_lhs edges_rhs )
| > Option . map ~ f : ( AbstractAddress . equal addr_dst )
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun rhs_addr_dst ->
AbstractAddressSet . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs_addr_dst ~ rhs : rhs_addr_dst )
| > Option . value ~ default : false )
| > Option . value ~ default : false )
&& Attributes . ( < = ) ~ lhs : attrs_lhs ~ rhs : attrs_rhs )
&& Attributes . ( < = ) ~ lhs : attrs_lhs ~ rhs : attrs_rhs )
@ -269,29 +275,43 @@ module Domain : AbstractDomain.S with type t = astate = struct
(* * just to get the correct type coercion *)
(* * just to get the correct type coercion *)
let to_canonical_address subst addr = ( AddressUF . find subst addr :> AbstractAddress . t )
let to_canonical_address subst addr = ( AddressUF . find subst addr :> AbstractAddress . t )
let to_canonical_address_set subst addrs =
AbstractAddressSet . map ( to_canonical_address subst ) addrs
type nonrec t = { subst : AddressUF . t ; astate : t }
type nonrec t = { subst : AddressUF . t ; astate : t }
let max_size_of_abstract_address_set = 5
(* * adds [ ( src_addr, access, dst_addr ) ] to [union_heap] and record potential new equality that
(* * adds [ ( src_addr, access, dst_addr ) ] to [union_heap] and record potential new equality that
results from it in [ subst ] * )
results from it in [ subst ] * )
let union_one_edge subst src_addr access dst_addr union_heap =
let union_one_edge subst src_addr access dst_addr union_heap =
let src_addr = to_canonical_address subst src_addr in
let src_addr = to_canonical_address subst src_addr in
let dst_addr = to_canonical_address subst dst_addr in
let dst_addr = to_canonical_address _set subst dst_addr in
( Memory . find_edge_opt src_addr access union_heap , ( access : AccessExpression . Access . t ) )
( Memory . find_edge_opt src_addr access union_heap , ( access : AccessExpression . Access . t ) )
| Some dst_addr' , _ when AbstractAddress . equal dst_addr dst_addr' ->
| Some dst_addr' , _ when phys_ equal dst_addr dst_addr' ->
(* same edge *)
(* same edge *)
( union_heap , ` No_new_equality )
( union_heap , ` No_new_equality )
| _ , ArrayAccess _ ->
| _ , ArrayAccess _ ->
(* do not trust array accesses for now, replace the destination of the edge by a fresh location *)
(* do not trust array accesses for now, replace the destination of the edge by a fresh location *)
( Memory . add_edge src_addr access ( AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () ) union_heap
( Memory . add_edge src_addr access ( AbstractAddress Set . mk_fresh () ) union_heap
, ` No_new_equality )
, ` No_new_equality )
| None , _ ->
| None , _ ->
( Memory . add_edge src_addr access dst_addr union_heap , ` No_new_equality )
( Memory . add_edge src_addr access dst_addr union_heap , ` No_new_equality )
| Some dst_addr' , _ ->
| Some dst_addr' , _ ->
(* new equality [dst_addr = dst_addr'] found *)
let addr_join = AbstractAddressSet . join dst_addr dst_addr' in
ignore ( AddressUF . union subst dst_addr dst_addr' ) ;
if AbstractAddressSet . cardinal addr_join > max_size_of_abstract_address_set then (
( union_heap , ` New_equality )
let min_addr = AbstractAddressSet . min_elt addr_join in
AbstractAddressSet . iter
( fun addr -> ignore ( AddressUF . union subst min_addr addr ) )
addr_join ;
( Memory . add_edge src_addr access
( AbstractAddressSet . singleton ( to_canonical_address subst min_addr ) )
, ` New_equality ) )
else ( Memory . add_edge src_addr access addr_join union_heap , ` No_new_equality )
module Addresses = Caml . Set . Make ( AbstractAddress )
module Addresses = Caml . Set . Make ( AbstractAddress )
@ -303,7 +323,7 @@ module Domain : AbstractDomain.S with type t = astate = struct
let visit_edge access addr_dst ( visited , union_heap ) =
let visit_edge access addr_dst ( visited , union_heap ) =
union_one_edge subst addr access addr_dst union_heap
union_one_edge subst addr access addr_dst union_heap
| > fst
| > fst
| > visit_address subst visited heap addr_dst
| > visit_address _set subst visited heap addr_dst
Memory . find_opt addr heap
Memory . find_opt addr heap
| > Option . fold ~ init : ( visited , union_heap ) ~ f : ( fun ( visited , union_heap ) ( edges , attrs ) ->
| > Option . fold ~ init : ( visited , union_heap ) ~ f : ( fun ( visited , union_heap ) ( edges , attrs ) ->
@ -311,12 +331,19 @@ module Domain : AbstractDomain.S with type t = astate = struct
Memory . Edges . fold visit_edge edges ( visited , union_heap ) )
Memory . Edges . fold visit_edge edges ( visited , union_heap ) )
and visit_address_set subst visited heap addrs union_heap =
AbstractAddressSet . fold
( fun addr ( visited , union_heap ) -> visit_address subst visited heap addr union_heap )
addrs ( visited , union_heap )
let visit_stack subst heap stack union_heap =
let visit_stack subst heap stack union_heap =
(* start graph exploration *)
(* start graph exploration *)
let visited = Addresses . empty in
let visited = Addresses . empty in
let _ , union_heap =
let _ , union_heap =
Stack . fold
Stack . fold
( fun _ var addr ( visited , union_heap ) -> visit_address subst visited heap addr union_heap )
( fun _ var addr ( visited , union_heap ) ->
visit_address_set subst visited heap addr union_heap )
stack ( visited , union_heap )
stack ( visited , union_heap )
@ -330,9 +357,14 @@ module Domain : AbstractDomain.S with type t = astate = struct
( fun _ var addr1_opt addr2_opt ->
( fun _ var addr1_opt addr2_opt ->
Option . both addr1_opt addr2_opt
Option . both addr1_opt addr2_opt
| > Option . iter ~ f : ( fun ( addr1 , addr2 ) ->
| > Option . iter ~ f : ( fun ( addr1 , addr2 ) ->
(* stack1 says [_var = addr1] and stack2 says [_var = addr2]: unify the
let addr_join = AbstractAddressSet . join addr1 addr2 in
addresses since they are equal to the same variable * )
if AbstractAddressSet . cardinal addr_join > max_size_of_abstract_address_set
ignore ( AddressUF . union subst addr1 addr2 ) ) ;
let min_addr = AbstractAddressSet . min_elt addr_join in
AbstractAddressSet . iter
( fun addr -> ignore ( AddressUF . union subst min_addr addr ) )
else () ) ;
(* empty result map *)
(* empty result map *)
None )
None )
stack1 stack2 )
stack1 stack2 )
@ -375,7 +407,7 @@ module Domain : AbstractDomain.S with type t = astate = struct
AddressUnionSet . pp set )
AddressUnionSet . pp set )
L . d_printfln " Join unified addresses:@ \n @[<v2> %a@] " pp_union_find_classes state . subst ;
L . d_printfln " Join unified addresses:@ \n @[<v2> %a@] " pp_union_find_classes state . subst ;
let stack = Stack . map ( to_canonical_address state . subst ) state . astate . stack in
let stack = Stack . map ( to_canonical_address _set state . subst ) state . astate . stack in
{ heap ; stack } )
{ heap ; stack } )
else normalize { state with astate = { state . astate with heap } }
else normalize { state with astate = { state . astate with heap } }
@ -493,6 +525,12 @@ module Operations = struct
Ok astate
Ok astate
let check_addr_access_set actor addresses astate =
AbstractAddressSet . fold
( fun addr result -> result > > = check_addr_access actor addr )
addresses ( Ok astate )
(* * Walk the heap starting from [addr] and following [path]. Stop either at the element before last
(* * Walk the heap starting from [addr] and following [path]. Stop either at the element before last
and return [ new_addr ] if [ overwrite_last ] is [ Some new_addr ] , or go until the end of the path if it
and return [ new_addr ] if [ overwrite_last ] is [ Some new_addr ] , or go until the end of the path if it
is [ None ] . Create more addresses into the heap as needed to follow the [ path ] . Check that each
is [ None ] . Create more addresses into the heap as needed to follow the [ path ] . Check that each
@ -500,7 +538,7 @@ module Operations = struct
let rec walk actor ~ on_last addr path astate =
let rec walk actor ~ on_last addr path astate =
match ( path , on_last ) with
match ( path , on_last ) with
| [] , ` Access ->
| [] , ` Access ->
Ok ( astate , addr )
Ok ( astate , AbstractAddressSet . singleton addr )
| [] , ` Overwrite _ ->
| [] , ` Overwrite _ ->
L . die InternalError " Cannot overwrite last address in empty path "
L . die InternalError " Cannot overwrite last address in empty path "
| [ a ] , ` Overwrite new_addr ->
| [ a ] , ` Overwrite new_addr ->
@ -513,12 +551,23 @@ module Operations = struct
> > = fun astate ->
> > = fun astate ->
match Memory . find_edge_opt addr a astate . heap with
match Memory . find_edge_opt addr a astate . heap with
| None ->
| None ->
let addr' = AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () in
let addr' = AbstractAddress Set . mk_fresh () in
let heap = Memory . add_edge_and_back_edge addr a addr' astate . heap in
let heap = Memory . add_edge_and_back_edge addr a addr' astate . heap in
let astate = { astate with heap } in
let astate = { astate with heap } in
walk actor ~ on_last addr' path astate
walk _set actor ~ on_last addr' path astate
| Some addr' ->
| Some addr' ->
walk actor ~ on_last addr' path astate )
walk_set actor ~ on_last addr' path astate )
and walk_set actor ~ on_last addrs path astate =
AbstractAddressSet . fold
( fun addr result ->
> > = fun ( astate , addr1 ) ->
walk actor ~ on_last addr path astate
> > = fun ( astate , addr2 ) -> Ok ( astate , AbstractAddressSet . join addr1 addr2 ) )
( Ok ( astate , AbstractAddressSet . empty ) )
let write_var var addr astate =
let write_var var addr astate =
@ -542,12 +591,12 @@ module Operations = struct
| Some addr ->
| Some addr ->
( astate , addr )
( astate , addr )
| None ->
| None ->
let addr = AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () in
let addr = AbstractAddress Set . mk_fresh () in
let stack = Stack . add access_var addr astate . stack in
let stack = Stack . add access_var addr astate . stack in
( { astate with stack } , addr )
( { astate with stack } , addr )
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
walk actor ~ on_last base_addr access_list astate
walk _set actor ~ on_last base_addr access_list astate
(* * Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
(* * Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
@ -571,8 +620,10 @@ module Operations = struct
{ astate with heap = Memory . invalidate address actor astate . heap }
{ astate with heap = Memory . invalidate address actor astate . heap }
let mark_invalid_set actor = AbstractAddressSet . fold ( mark_invalid actor )
let havoc_var var astate =
let havoc_var var astate =
{ astate with stack = Stack . add var ( AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () ) astate . stack }
{ astate with stack = Stack . add var ( AbstractAddress Set . mk_fresh () ) astate . stack }
let havoc location ( access_expr : AccessExpression . t ) astate =
let havoc location ( access_expr : AccessExpression . t ) astate =
@ -581,7 +632,7 @@ module Operations = struct
havoc_var access_var astate | > Result . return
havoc_var access_var astate | > Result . return
| _ ->
| _ ->
~ on_last : ( ` Overwrite ( AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () ) )
~ on_last : ( ` Overwrite ( AbstractAddress Set . mk_fresh () ) )
astate access_expr location
astate access_expr location
> > | fst
> > | fst
@ -590,7 +641,7 @@ module Operations = struct
materialize_address astate access_expr location
materialize_address astate access_expr location
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
check_addr_access actor addr astate > > | fun astate -> ( astate , addr )
check_addr_access _set actor addr astate > > | fun astate -> ( astate , addr )
let read_all location access_exprs astate =
let read_all location access_exprs astate =
@ -605,7 +656,7 @@ module Operations = struct
let invalidate cause location access_expr astate =
let invalidate cause location access_expr astate =
materialize_address astate access_expr location
materialize_address astate access_expr location
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
check_addr_access { access_expr ; location } addr astate > > | mark_invalid cause addr
check_addr_access _set { access_expr ; location } addr astate > > | mark_invalid _set cause addr
let remove_vars vars astate =
let remove_vars vars astate =