[toplevel] do not read inferconfig location from the command line

Try to read .inferconfig in the current directory, then in .., then in ../..,
etc. This can be overriden with the `INFERCONFIG` environment variable.

This removes the need for two-phase parsing, so clean up that code too.

Paths in .inferconfig are interpreted relative to where .inferconfig is located.
This does not apply to other path-sensitive things like regexpes... this is not
a show stopper because regexpes can account for the fact that infer may be
called from different project roots.

Make sure we fail when .inferconfig exists but cannot be read.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D4843142

fbshipit-source-id: 340a63f
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 652cf81dab
commit 724a592c34

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ifneq ($(BUCK),no)
BUILD_SYSTEMS_TESTS += buck-clang-db
ifneq ($(CMAKE),no)
BUILD_SYSTEMS_TESTS += clang_compilation_db cmake
BUILD_SYSTEMS_TESTS += clang_compilation_db cmake inferconfig
ifneq ($(NDKBUILD),no)

@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ let patterns_of_json_with_key (json_key, json) =
| "Java" ->
Ok Config.Java
| l ->
Error ("Inferconfig JSON key " ^ json_key ^ " not supported for language " ^ l) in
Error ("JSON key " ^ json_key ^ " not supported for language " ^ l) in
let rec detect_language = function
| [] ->
Error ("No language found for " ^ json_key ^ " in " ^ Config.inferconfig_file)
Error ("No language found for " ^ json_key)
| ("language", `String s) :: _ ->
language_of_string s
| _:: tl ->
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ let patterns_of_json_with_key (json_key, json) =
and is_source_contains key = List.exists ~f:(String.equal key) ["source_contains"] in
let rec loop = function
| [] ->
Error ("Unknown pattern for " ^ json_key ^ " in " ^ Config.inferconfig_file)
Error ("Unknown pattern for " ^ json_key)
| (key, _) :: _ when is_method_pattern key ->
Ok (Method_pattern (language, default_method_pattern))
| (key, _) :: _ when is_source_contains key ->
@ -280,8 +280,7 @@ let patterns_of_json_with_key (json_key, json) =
error in
let warn_user msg =
F.eprintf "WARNING: in file %s: error parsing option %s@\n%s@."
Config.inferconfig_file json_key msg in
CLOpt.warnf "WARNING: error parsing option %s@\n%s@." json_key msg in
(* Translate all the JSON entries into matching patterns *)
let rec translate accu = function
@ -358,7 +357,8 @@ let is_checker_enabled checker_name =
| false, true -> (* if it is not blacklisted and it is whitelisted then it should be enabled *)
| true, true -> (* if it's both blacklisted and whitelisted then we flag error *)
failwith ("Inconsistent setting in .inferconfig: checker" ^ checker_name ^ " is both blacklisted and whitelisted.")
failwithf "Inconsistent settings: checker %s is both blacklisted and whitelisted."
(* This function loads and list the path that are being filtered by the analyzer. The results *)
(* are of the form: path/to/file.java -> {infer, eradicate} meaning that analysis results will *)

@ -16,6 +16,27 @@ module YBU = Yojson.Basic.Util
let (=) = String.equal
let is_env_var_set v =
Option.value (Option.map (Sys.getenv v) ~f:((=) "1")) ~default:false
(** The working directory of the initial invocation of infer, to which paths passed as command line
options are relative. *)
let init_work_dir, is_originator =
match Sys.getenv "INFER_CWD" with
| Some dir ->
(dir, false)
| None ->
let real_cwd = Utils.realpath (Sys.getcwd ()) in
Unix.putenv ~key:"INFER_CWD" ~data:real_cwd;
(real_cwd, true)
let strict_mode = is_env_var_set "INFER_STRICT_MODE"
let warnf =
if strict_mode then failwithf
else if not is_originator then fun fmt -> F.ifprintf F.err_formatter fmt
else F.eprintf
let terminal_width = lazy (
let open Ctypes in
let module T = IOCtl.Types(IOCtl_types) in
@ -47,27 +68,6 @@ let to_arg_spec = function
let to_arg_spec_triple (x, spec, y) = (x, to_arg_spec spec, y)
let to_arg_speclist = List.map ~f:to_arg_spec_triple
let is_env_var_set v =
Option.value (Option.map (Sys.getenv v) ~f:((=) "1")) ~default:false
(** The working directory of the initial invocation of infer, to which paths passed as command line
options are relative. *)
let init_work_dir, is_originator =
match Sys.getenv "INFER_CWD" with
| Some dir ->
(dir, false)
| None ->
let real_cwd = Utils.realpath (Sys.getcwd ()) in
Unix.putenv ~key:"INFER_CWD" ~data:real_cwd;
(real_cwd, true)
let strict_mode = is_env_var_set "INFER_STRICT_MODE"
let warnf =
if strict_mode then failwithf
else if not is_originator then fun fmt -> F.ifprintf F.err_formatter fmt
else F.eprintf
type section =
Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
[@@deriving compare]
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let accept_unknown_args = function
type desc = {
long: string; short: string; meta: string; doc: string; spec: spec;
(** how to go from an option in the json config file to a list of command-line options *)
decode_json: Yojson.Basic.json -> string list ;
decode_json: inferconfig_dir:string -> Yojson.Basic.json -> string list ;
let dashdash long =
@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ let deprecate_desc parse_mode ~long ~short ~deprecated desc =
| String f -> String (warn_then_f f)
| Symbol (symbols, f) -> Symbol (symbols, warn_then_f f)
| Rest _ as spec -> spec in
let deprecated_decode_json j =
let deprecated_decode_json ~inferconfig_dir j =
warnf "WARNING: in .inferconfig: '%s' is deprecated. Use '%s' instead.@." deprecated long;
desc.decode_json j in
desc.decode_json ~inferconfig_dir j in
{ long = ""; short = deprecated; meta = ""; doc = "";
spec = deprecated_spec; decode_json = deprecated_decode_json }
@ -356,9 +356,18 @@ type 'a t =
?parse_mode:parse_mode -> ?meta:string -> Arg.doc ->
let string_json_decoder ~long json = [dashdash long; YBU.to_string json]
let string_json_decoder ~long ~inferconfig_dir:_ json =
[dashdash long; YBU.to_string json]
let path_json_decoder ~long ~inferconfig_dir json =
let abs_path =
let path = YBU.to_string json in
if Filename.is_relative path then inferconfig_dir ^/ path
else path in
[dashdash long; abs_path]
let list_json_decoder json_decoder json = List.concat (YBU.convert_each json_decoder json)
let list_json_decoder json_decoder ~inferconfig_dir json =
List.concat (YBU.convert_each (json_decoder ~inferconfig_dir) json)
let mk_set var value ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let setter () = var := value in
@ -406,13 +415,13 @@ let mk_bool ?(deprecated_no=[]) ?(default=false) ?(f=fun b -> b)
let var =
mk ~long ?short ~deprecated ~default ?parse_mode
~meta doc ~default_to_string ~mk_setter:(fun var _ -> var := f true)
~decode_json:(fun json ->
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json ->
[dashdash (if YBU.to_bool json then long else nolong)])
~mk_spec in
mk ~long:nolong ?short:noshort ~deprecated:deprecated_no ~default:(not default) ?parse_mode
~meta nodoc ~default_to_string ~mk_setter:(fun _ _ -> var := f false)
~decode_json:(fun json ->
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json ->
[dashdash (if YBU.to_bool json then nolong else long)])
~mk_spec );
@ -495,21 +504,21 @@ let mk_path_helper ~setter ~default_to_string
let mk_path ~default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="path") =
~setter:(fun var x -> var := x)
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~decode_json:(path_json_decoder ~long)
~default_to_string:(fun s -> s)
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta
let mk_path_opt ?default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="path") =
~setter:(fun var x -> var := Some x)
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~decode_json:(path_json_decoder ~long)
~default_to_string:(function Some s -> s | None -> "")
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta
let mk_path_list ?(default=[]) ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="path") =
~setter:(fun var x -> var := x :: !var)
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (string_json_decoder ~long))
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (path_json_decoder ~long))
~default_to_string:(String.concat ~sep:", ")
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta
@ -542,7 +551,7 @@ let mk_symbol_seq ?(default=[]) ~symbols ~eq ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?pars
~default_to_string:(fun syms -> String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map ~f:to_string syms))
~mk_setter:(fun var str_seq ->
var := List.map ~f:of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ",") str_seq))
~decode_json:(fun json ->
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json ->
[dashdash long;
String.concat ~sep:"," (YBU.convert_each YBU.to_string json)])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
@ -552,14 +561,14 @@ let mk_set_from_json ~default ~default_to_string ~f
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default ~default_to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var json -> var := f (Yojson.Basic.from_string json))
~decode_json:(fun json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_json ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="json") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default:(`List []) ~default_to_string:Yojson.Basic.to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var json -> var := Yojson.Basic.from_string json)
~decode_json:(fun json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
(** [mk_anon] always return the same ref. Anonymous arguments are only accepted if
@ -569,10 +578,11 @@ let mk_anon () = rev_anon_args
let mk_rest ?(parse_mode=Infer []) doc =
let rest = ref [] in
let spec = Rest (fun arg -> rest := arg :: !rest) in
add parse_mode {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec; decode_json = fun _ -> []} ;
add parse_mode {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec;
decode_json = fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> []} ;
let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage ?(parse_all=false) parse_action =
let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~usage ?(parse_all=false) parse_action =
let full_speclist = ref [] in
let curr_usage status =
@ -589,14 +599,10 @@ let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage ?(parse_all=false) par
let unknown opt =
(opt, Unit (fun () -> raise (Arg.Bad ("unknown option '" ^ opt ^ "'"))), "") in
let mk_spec ~long ?(short="") spec doc =
pad_and_xform doc_width left_width { long; short; meta=""; spec; doc;
decode_json=fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad long)} in
if incomplete then
speclist @ [
(unknown "--help") ;
(unknown "-help")
pad_and_xform doc_width left_width {
long; short; meta=""; spec; doc;
decode_json=fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> raise (Arg.Bad long);
} in
speclist @ [
mk_spec ~long:"help" ~short:"h"
(Unit (fun () -> curr_usage 0))
@ -680,8 +686,8 @@ let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage ?(parse_all=false) par
let select_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage ?parse_all action =
let usage = set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage ?parse_all action in
let select_parse_action ~usage ?parse_all action =
let usage = set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~usage ?parse_all action in
unknown_args_action := if accept_unknown_args action then `Add else `Reject;
final_parse_action := action;
@ -690,16 +696,17 @@ let mk_rest_actions ?(parse_mode=Infer []) doc ~usage decode_action =
let rest = ref [] in
let spec = String (fun arg ->
rest := List.rev (Array.to_list (Array.slice !args_to_parse (!arg_being_parsed + 1) 0)) ;
select_parse_action ~incomplete:false ~usage (decode_action arg) |> ignore;
select_parse_action ~usage (decode_action arg) |> ignore;
(* stop accepting new anonymous arguments *)
unknown_args_action := `Skip) in
add parse_mode {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec; decode_json = fun _ -> []} ;
add parse_mode {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec;
decode_json = fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> []} ;
let mk_switch_parse_action
parse_action ~usage ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let switch () =
select_parse_action ~incomplete:false ~usage parse_action |> ignore in
select_parse_action ~usage parse_action |> ignore in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default:() ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun () -> "")
@ -708,7 +715,7 @@ let mk_switch_parse_action
~mk_spec:(fun _ -> Unit switch))
let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
let json = match Utils.read_optional_json_file path with
let json = match Utils.read_json_file path with
| Ok json ->
| Error msg ->
@ -716,6 +723,7 @@ let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
`Assoc [] in
let desc_list = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_parse_tag parse_tag_desc_lists AllInferTags in
let json_config = YBU.to_assoc json in
let inferconfig_dir = Filename.dirname path in
let one_config_item result (key, json_val) =
let {decode_json} =
@ -724,7 +732,7 @@ let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
String.equal key long
|| (* for deprecated options *) String.equal key short)
!desc_list in
decode_json json_val @ result
decode_json ~inferconfig_dir json_val @ result
| Not_found ->
warnf "WARNING: while reading config file %s:@\nUnknown option %s@." path key ;
@ -769,11 +777,11 @@ let extra_env_args = ref []
let extend_env_args args =
extra_env_args := List.rev_append args !extra_env_args
let parse_args ~incomplete ~usage ?parse_all action args =
let parse_args ~usage ?parse_all action args =
let exe_name = Sys.executable_name in
args_to_parse := Array.of_list (exe_name :: args);
arg_being_parsed := 0;
let curr_usage = select_parse_action ~incomplete ~usage ?parse_all action in
let curr_usage = select_parse_action ~usage ?parse_all action in
(* tests if msg indicates an unknown option, as opposed to a known option with bad argument *)
let is_unknown msg = String.is_substring msg ~substring:": unknown option" in
let rec parse_loop () =
@ -781,7 +789,6 @@ let parse_args ~incomplete ~usage ?parse_all action args =
Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse curr_speclist
anon_fun usage
| Arg.Bad _ when incomplete -> parse_loop ()
| Arg.Bad usage_msg ->
if !unknown_args_action <> `Reject && is_unknown usage_msg then (
anon_fun !args_to_parse.(!arg_being_parsed);
@ -795,7 +802,7 @@ let parse_args ~incomplete ~usage ?parse_all action args =
parse_loop ();
let parse ?(incomplete=false) ?config_file ~usage action =
let parse ?config_file ~usage action =
let env_args = decode_env_to_argv (Option.value (Sys.getenv args_env_var) ~default:"") in
let inferconfig_args =
Option.map ~f:decode_inferconfig_to_argv config_file |> Option.value ~default:[] in
@ -814,15 +821,15 @@ let parse ?(incomplete=false) ?config_file ~usage action =
else !args_to_export ^ String.of_char env_var_sep ^ encode_argv_to_env args in
args_to_export := arg_string in
(* read .inferconfig first, then env vars, then command-line options *)
parse_args ~incomplete ~usage ~parse_all:true (Infer Driver) inferconfig_args |> ignore;
parse_args ~usage ~parse_all:true (Infer Driver) inferconfig_args |> ignore;
(* NOTE: do not add the contents of .inferconfig to INFER_ARGS. This helps avoid hitting the
command line size limit. *)
parse_args ~incomplete ~usage ~parse_all:true (Infer Driver) env_args |> ignore;
if not incomplete then add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
parse_args ~usage ~parse_all:true (Infer Driver) env_args |> ignore;
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
let curr_usage =
let cl_args = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with _ :: tl -> tl | [] -> [] in
let curr_usage = parse_args ~incomplete ~usage action cl_args in
if not incomplete then add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
let curr_usage = parse_args ~usage action cl_args in
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
curr_usage in
if not incomplete then Unix.putenv ~key:args_env_var ~data:!args_to_export;
Unix.putenv ~key:args_env_var ~data:!args_to_export;
!final_parse_action, curr_usage

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
open! IStd
(** Print to stderr in case of error, fails in strict mode *)
val warnf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** a section is a part of infer that can be affected by an infer option *)
type section =
Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
@ -164,13 +167,10 @@ val extend_env_args : string list -> unit
specified in the environment variable, which themselves supersede those passed via the config
If [incomplete] is set, unknown options are ignored, and [args_env_var] is not set.
WARNING: An argument will be interpreted as many times as it appears in all of the config file,
the environment variable, and the command line. The [args_env_var] is set to the set of options
parsed in [args_env_var] and on the command line. *)
val parse : ?incomplete:bool -> ?config_file:string ->
usage:Arg.usage_msg -> parse_action -> parse_action * (int -> 'a)
val parse : ?config_file:string -> usage:Arg.usage_msg -> parse_action -> parse_action * (int -> 'a)
(** [is_env_var_set var] is true if $[var]=1 *)
val is_env_var_set : string -> bool

@ -163,9 +163,6 @@ let incremental_procs = true
(** Our Python script does its own argument parsing and will fail with this error on failure *)
let infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code = 22
(** Name of the infer configuration file *)
let inferconfig_file = ".inferconfig"
let ivar_attributes = "ivar_attributes"
let lint_dotty_dir_name = "lint_dotty"
@ -375,34 +372,6 @@ let exe_usage = match current_exe with
(** Command Line options *)
(* Declare the phase 1 options *)
let inferconfig_home =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"inferconfig-home"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer all_sections) ~meta:"dir" "Path to the .inferconfig file"
and project_root =
CLOpt.mk_path ~deprecated:["project_root"; "-project_root"; "pr"] ~long:"project-root" ~short:'C'
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Analysis;Clang;Driver;Print])
~meta:"dir" "Specify the root directory of the project"
(* Parse the phase 1 options, ignoring the rest *)
let _ : CLOpt.parse_action * (int -> 'a) = CLOpt.parse ~incomplete:true startup_action ~usage:""
(* Define the values that depend on phase 1 options *)
let inferconfig_home = !inferconfig_home
and project_root = !project_root
let inferconfig_path =
match inferconfig_home with
| Some dir -> dir ^/ inferconfig_file
| None -> project_root ^/ inferconfig_file
(* Proceed to declare and parse the remaining options *)
(* HOWTO define a new command line and config file option.
1. Add an entry in the following let...and...and... binding. See the documentation in
@ -1171,6 +1140,12 @@ and progress_bar =
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Driver])
"Show a progress bar"
and project_root =
CLOpt.mk_path ~deprecated:["project_root"; "-project_root"; "pr"] ~long:"project-root" ~short:'C'
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Analysis;Clang;Driver;Print])
~meta:"dir" "Specify the root directory of the project"
and quandary_sources =
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"quandary-sources"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Quandary])
@ -1570,9 +1545,37 @@ let post_parsing_initialization () =
| Some (Capture | Compile | Infer | Linters) | None -> ()
let inferconfig_env_var = "INFERCONFIG"
(** Name of the infer configuration file *)
let inferconfig_file = ".inferconfig"
let inferconfig_path () =
let rec find dir =
match Sys.file_exists ~follow_symlinks:false (dir ^/ inferconfig_file) with
| `Yes ->
Some dir
| `No | `Unknown ->
let parent = Filename.dirname dir in
let is_root = String.equal dir parent in
if is_root then None
else find parent in
match Sys.getenv "INFERCONFIG" with
| Some env_path ->
(* make sure the path makes sense in children infer processes *)
Some (
if Filename.is_relative env_path then
Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root:CLOpt.init_work_dir env_path
| None ->
find (Sys.getcwd ())
|> Option.map ~f:(fun dir -> dir ^/ inferconfig_file)
let parse_action, parse_args_and_return_usage_exit =
let parse_action, usage_exit =
CLOpt.parse ~config_file:inferconfig_path ~usage:exe_usage startup_action in
let config_file = inferconfig_path () in
let parse_action, usage_exit = CLOpt.parse ?config_file ~usage:exe_usage startup_action in
post_parsing_initialization () ;
parse_action, usage_exit
@ -1708,6 +1711,7 @@ and print_using_diff = !print_using_diff
and procedures_per_process = !procedures_per_process
and procs_csv = !procs_csv
and procs_xml = !procs_xml
and project_root = !project_root
and quandary = !quandary
and quandary_sources = !quandary_sources
and quandary_sinks = !quandary_sinks

@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ val global_tenv_filename : string
val idempotent_getters : bool
val incremental_procs : bool
val infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code : int
val inferconfig_file : string
val initial_analysis_time : float
val ivar_attributes : string
val lib_dir : string

@ -192,13 +192,11 @@ let dir_is_empty path =
let string_crc_hex32 s = Digest.to_hex (Digest.string s)
let read_optional_json_file path =
if Sys.file_exists path = `Yes then
let read_json_file path =
Ok (Yojson.Basic.from_file path)
with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg ->
Error msg
else Ok (`Assoc [])
let do_finally f g =
let res = try f () with exc -> g () |> ignore; raise exc in

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ val directory_iter : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** Returns true if a given directory is empty. The directory is assumed to exist. *)
val dir_is_empty : string -> bool
val read_optional_json_file : string -> (Yojson.Basic.json, string) Result.t
val read_json_file : string -> (Yojson.Basic.json, string) Result.t
val with_file_in : string -> f:(In_channel.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_file_out : string -> f:(Out_channel.t -> 'a) -> 'a

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $(OBJECTS): $(SOURCES)
infer-out/report.json: $(JAVA_DEPS) $(SOURCES)
$(QUIET)$(call silent_on_success,Testing ant integration,\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --project-root $(TESTS_DIR) --inferconfig-home . -- $(ANT))
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --project-root $(TESTS_DIR) -- $(ANT))
$(ANT) clean

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
# of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
TESTS_DIR = ../..
CMAKE_DIR = $(CURDIR)/../codetoanalyze/clang_compilation_database
CMAKE_BUILD_DIR = $(CURDIR)/_build_infer
ANALYZER = infer
INFER_OPTIONS = --report-custom-error --developer-mode --project-root $(CMAKE_DIR) --no-failures-allowed
SOURCES = $(CMAKE_DIR)/hello.cpp
OBJECTS = $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR)/compile_commands.json
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
include $(TESTS_DIR)/infer.make
$(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR)/compile_commands.json: $(SOURCES) $(CMAKE_DIR)/CMakeLists.txt $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR)
$(call silent_on_success,Running cmake to generate Makefiles,\
infer-out/report.json: $(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR)/compile_commands.json $(CLANG_DEPS) $(SOURCES)
# test that config/infer.conf is read and paths inside it are interpreted relative to its
# location
$(QUIET)$(call silent_on_success,Testing Clang compilation database with index integration,\
INFERCONFIG=config/infer.conf $(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) $(INFER_OPTIONS) -o $(@D) \
--compilation-database $<)

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"changed-files-index": "index.txt"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
hello.cpp, test0, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test0()]
hello.cpp, test1, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test1(),start of procedure deref1()]
lib3.h, test, 1, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test(),start of procedure deref3()]

@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ $(OBJECTS): $(SOURCES)
infer-out/report.json: $(JAVA_DEPS) $(SOURCES)
$(QUIET)$(call silent_on_success,Testing infer/java$(ANALYZER_STRING) in $(TEST_REL_DIR),\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --inferconfig-home . --project-root $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(INFER_OPTIONS) -- \
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --project-root $(PROJECT_ROOT) $(INFER_OPTIONS) -- \
