[sledge] Change applications and literals to nary

Instead of relying on tuple terms, make function symbol applications
and predicate symbol literals n-ary directly.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24306078

fbshipit-source-id: 2863dceb4
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 09c9a0a1ff
commit 83e9eb464a

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type trm =
| Ancestor of int
| Tuple of trm array
| Project of {ary: int; idx: int; tup: trm}
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let compare_trm x y =
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ let _Record es = Record es
let _Ancestor i = Ancestor i
let _Tuple es = Tuple es
let _Project ary idx tup = Project {ary; idx; tup}
let _Apply f a = Apply (f, a)
let _Apply f es = Apply (f, es)
* Formulas
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ module Fml : sig
| Iff of fml * fml
| Xor of fml * fml
| Cond of {cnd: fml; pos: fml; neg: fml}
| UPosLit of Predsym.t * trm
| UNegLit of Predsym.t * trm
| UPosLit of Predsym.t * trm array
| UNegLit of Predsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val _Tt : fml
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ module Fml : sig
val _Iff : fml -> fml -> fml
val _Xor : fml -> fml -> fml
val _Cond : fml -> fml -> fml -> fml
val _UPosLit : Predsym.t -> trm -> fml
val _UNegLit : Predsym.t -> trm -> fml
val _UPosLit : Predsym.t -> trm array -> fml
val _UNegLit : Predsym.t -> trm array -> fml
end = struct
type fml =
| Tt
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ end = struct
| Iff of fml * fml
| Xor of fml * fml
| Cond of {cnd: fml; pos: fml; neg: fml}
| UPosLit of Predsym.t * trm
| UNegLit of Predsym.t * trm
| UPosLit of Predsym.t * trm array
| UNegLit of Predsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let sort_fml x y = if compare_fml x y <= 0 then (x, y) else (y, x)
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ end = struct
| Q q -> if Q.leq q Q.zero then Tt else Ff
| x -> Le0 x
let _UPosLit p x = UPosLit (p, x)
let _UNegLit p x = UNegLit (p, x)
let _UPosLit p xs = UPosLit (p, xs)
let _UNegLit p xs = UNegLit (p, xs)
let is_negative = function
| Ff | Dq _ | Dq0 _ | Lt0 _ | Le0 _ | Or _ | Xor _ | UNegLit _ -> true
@ -272,8 +272,10 @@ end = struct
| Equal -> if equal_fml n n' then Equal else Unknown
| Unknown -> Unknown
else Unknown
| UPosLit (p, x), UNegLit (p', x') | UNegLit (p, x), UPosLit (p', x') ->
if Predsym.equal p p' && equal_trm x x' then Opposite else Unknown
| UPosLit (p, xs), UNegLit (p', xs') | UNegLit (p, xs), UPosLit (p', xs')
if Predsym.equal p p' && Array.equal equal_trm xs xs' then Opposite
else Unknown
| _ -> if equal_fml p q then Equal else Unknown
let _And p q =
@ -340,8 +342,8 @@ end = struct
| Iff (x, y) -> _Xor x y
| Xor (x, y) -> _Iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> _Cond cnd (_Not pos) (_Not neg)
| UPosLit (p, x) -> _UNegLit p x
| UNegLit (p, x) -> _UPosLit p x
| UPosLit (p, xs) -> _UNegLit p xs
| UNegLit (p, xs) -> _UPosLit p xs
and _Cond cnd pos neg =
match (cnd, pos, neg) with
@ -460,13 +462,14 @@ let rec ppx_t strength fs trm =
| Ancestor i -> pf "(ancestor %i)" i
| Tuple xs -> pf "(%a)" (Array.pp ",@ " (ppx_t strength)) xs
| Project {ary; idx; tup} -> pf "proj(%i,%i)(%a)" ary idx pp tup
| Apply (f, Tuple [||]) -> pf "%a" Funsym.pp f
| Apply (f, [||]) -> pf "%a" Funsym.pp f
| Apply
( ( ( Mul | Div | Rem | BitAnd | BitOr | BitXor | BitShl | BitLshr
| BitAshr ) as f )
, Tuple [|x; y|] ) ->
, [|x; y|] ) ->
pf "(%a@ %a@ %a)" pp x Funsym.pp f pp y
| Apply (f, a) -> pf "%a@ %a" Funsym.pp f pp a
| Apply (f, es) ->
pf "%a(%a)" Funsym.pp f (Array.pp ",@ " (ppx_t strength)) es
pp fs trm
@ -511,8 +514,9 @@ let ppx_f strength fs fml =
| Xor (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ xor %a)" pp x pp y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
pf "@[<hv 1>(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)@]" pp cnd pp pos pp neg
| UPosLit (p, x) -> pf "%a(%a)" Predsym.pp p pp_t x
| UNegLit (p, x) -> pf "@<1>¬%a(%a)" Predsym.pp p pp_t x
| UPosLit (p, xs) -> pf "%a(%a)" Predsym.pp p (Array.pp ",@ " pp_t) xs
| UNegLit (p, xs) ->
pf "@<1>¬%a(%a)" Predsym.pp p (Array.pp ",@ " pp_t) xs
pp fs fml
@ -545,8 +549,7 @@ let rec fold_vars_t e ~init ~f =
|Mulq (_, x)
|Splat x
|Select {rcd= x}
|Project {ary= _; idx= _; tup= x}
|Apply (_, x) ->
|Project {ary= _; idx= _; tup= x} ->
fold_vars_t ~f x ~init
| Add (x, y)
|Sub (x, y)
@ -556,7 +559,7 @@ let rec fold_vars_t e ~init ~f =
| Extract {seq= x; off= y; len= z} ->
fold_vars_t ~f x
~init:(fold_vars_t ~f y ~init:(fold_vars_t ~f z ~init))
| Concat xs | Record xs | Tuple xs ->
| Concat xs | Record xs | Tuple xs | Apply (_, xs) ->
Array.fold ~f:(fun init -> fold_vars_t ~f ~init) xs ~init
let rec fold_vars_f ~init p ~f =
@ -569,7 +572,8 @@ let rec fold_vars_f ~init p ~f =
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
fold_vars_f ~f cnd
~init:(fold_vars_f ~f pos ~init:(fold_vars_f ~f neg ~init))
| UPosLit (_, x) | UNegLit (_, x) -> fold_vars_t ~f x ~init
| UPosLit (_, xs) | UNegLit (_, xs) ->
Array.fold ~f:(fun init -> fold_vars_t ~f ~init) xs ~init
let rec fold_vars_c ~init ~f = function
| `Ite (cnd, thn, els) ->
@ -621,8 +625,8 @@ let rec map_trms_f ~f b =
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Iff x y
| Xor (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Xor x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| UPosLit (p, x) -> map1 f b (_UPosLit p) x
| UNegLit (p, x) -> map1 f b (_UNegLit p) x
| UPosLit (p, xs) -> mapN f b (_UPosLit p) xs
| UNegLit (p, xs) -> mapN f b (_UNegLit p) xs
(** map_vars *)
@ -643,7 +647,7 @@ let rec map_vars_t ~f e =
| Record xs -> mapN (map_vars_t ~f) e _Record xs
| Tuple xs -> mapN (map_vars_t ~f) e _Tuple xs
| Project {ary; idx; tup} -> map1 (map_vars_t ~f) e (_Project ary idx) tup
| Apply (g, x) -> map1 (map_vars_t ~f) e (_Apply g) x
| Apply (g, xs) -> mapN (map_vars_t ~f) e (_Apply g) xs
let map_vars_f ~f = map_trms_f ~f:(map_vars_t ~f)
@ -858,10 +862,7 @@ module Term = struct
match y with
| Z z -> mulq (Q.of_z z) (`Trm x)
| Q q -> mulq q (`Trm x)
| _ ->
(fun x y -> Apply (Mul, Tuple [|x; y|]))
(`Trm x) (`Trm y) ) )
| _ -> ap2t (fun x y -> Apply (Mul, [|x; y|])) (`Trm x) (`Trm y) ) )
(* sequences *)
@ -888,7 +889,7 @@ module Term = struct
(* uninterpreted *)
let apply sym args = apNt (fun es -> _Apply sym (_Tuple es)) args
let apply sym args = apNt (_Apply sym) args
(** Destruct *)
@ -978,8 +979,8 @@ module Formula = struct
(* uninterpreted *)
let uposlit p e = ap1f (_UPosLit p) e
let uneglit p e = ap1f (_UNegLit p) e
let uposlit p es = apNf (_UPosLit p) es
let uneglit p es = apNf (_UNegLit p) es
(* connectives *)
@ -1012,6 +1013,11 @@ module Formula = struct
(exp -> exp) -> t -> (trm -> trm -> t) -> trm -> trm -> t =
fun f b cons x y -> map2 f b (ap2f cons) (`Trm x) (`Trm y)
let lift_mapN : (exp -> exp) -> t -> (trm array -> t) -> trm array -> t
fun f b cons xs ->
mapN f b (apNf cons) (Array.map ~f:(fun x -> `Trm x) xs)
match b with
| Tt | Ff -> b
| Eq (x, y) -> lift_map2 f b _Eq x y
@ -1027,8 +1033,8 @@ module Formula = struct
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b _Iff x y
| Xor (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b _Xor x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_terms ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| UPosLit (p, x) -> lift_map1 f b (_UPosLit p) x
| UNegLit (p, x) -> lift_map1 f b (_UNegLit p) x
| UPosLit (p, xs) -> lift_mapN f b (_UPosLit p) xs
| UNegLit (p, xs) -> lift_mapN f b (_UNegLit p) xs
let fold_map_vars ~init e ~f =
let s = ref init in
@ -1103,23 +1109,20 @@ let rec t_to_ses : trm -> Ses.Term.t = function
| Record es ->
Ses.Term.record (IArray.of_array (Array.map ~f:t_to_ses es))
| Ancestor i -> Ses.Term.rec_record i
| Apply (Mul, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.mul (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Div, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.div (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Rem, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.rem (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitAnd, Tuple [|x; y|]) ->
Ses.Term.and_ (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitOr, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.or_ (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitXor, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.dq (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitShl, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.shl (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitLshr, Tuple [|x; y|]) ->
Ses.Term.lshr (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitAshr, Tuple [|x; y|]) ->
Ses.Term.ashr (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Signed n, Tuple [|x|]) -> Ses.Term.signed n (t_to_ses x)
| Apply (Unsigned n, Tuple [|x|]) -> Ses.Term.unsigned n (t_to_ses x)
| Apply (sym, Tuple xs) ->
| Apply (Mul, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.mul (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Div, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.div (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Rem, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.rem (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitAnd, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.and_ (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitOr, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.or_ (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitXor, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.dq (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitShl, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.shl (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitLshr, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.lshr (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitAshr, [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.ashr (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Signed n, [|x|]) -> Ses.Term.signed n (t_to_ses x)
| Apply (Unsigned n, [|x|]) -> Ses.Term.unsigned n (t_to_ses x)
| Apply (sym, xs) ->
Ses.Term.apply sym (IArray.of_array (Array.map ~f:t_to_ses xs))
| (Apply _ | Tuple _ | Project _) as t ->
| (Tuple _ | Project _) as t ->
fail "cannot translate to Ses: %a" pp_t t ()
let rec f_to_ses : fml -> Ses.Term.t = function
@ -1140,12 +1143,10 @@ let rec f_to_ses : fml -> Ses.Term.t = function
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
Ses.Term.conditional ~cnd:(f_to_ses cnd) ~thn:(f_to_ses pos)
~els:(f_to_ses neg)
| UPosLit (sym, Tuple args) ->
| UPosLit (sym, args) ->
Ses.Term.poslit sym (IArray.of_array (Array.map ~f:t_to_ses args))
| UNegLit (sym, Tuple args) ->
| UNegLit (sym, args) ->
Ses.Term.neglit sym (IArray.of_array (Array.map ~f:t_to_ses args))
| (UPosLit _ | UNegLit _) as f ->
fail "cannot translate to Ses: %a" pp_f f ()
let rec to_ses : exp -> Ses.Term.t = function
| `Ite (cnd, thn, els) ->
@ -1167,13 +1168,13 @@ let vs_of_ses : Ses.Var.Set.t -> Var.Set.t =
Ses.Var.Set.fold vs ~init:Var.Set.empty ~f:(fun vs v ->
Var.Set.add vs (v_of_ses v) )
let uap0 f = `Trm (Apply (f, Tuple [||]))
let uap1 f = ap1t (fun x -> Apply (f, Tuple [|x|]))
let uap2 f = ap2t (fun x y -> Apply (f, Tuple [|x; y|]))
let upos2 p = ap2f (fun x y -> _UPosLit p (Tuple [|x; y|]))
let uneg2 p = ap2f (fun x y -> _UNegLit p (Tuple [|x; y|]))
let uposN p = apNf (fun xs -> _UPosLit p (Tuple xs))
let unegN p = apNf (fun xs -> _UNegLit p (Tuple xs))
let uap0 f = `Trm (Apply (f, [||]))
let uap1 f = ap1t (fun x -> Apply (f, [|x|]))
let uap2 f = ap2t (fun x y -> Apply (f, [|x; y|]))
let upos2 p = ap2f (fun x y -> _UPosLit p [|x; y|])
let uneg2 p = ap2f (fun x y -> _UNegLit p [|x; y|])
let uposN p = apNf (_UPosLit p)
let unegN p = apNf (_UNegLit p)
let rec uap_tt f a = uap1 f (of_ses a)
and uap_ttt f a b = uap2 f (of_ses a) (of_ses b)

@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ and Formula : sig
val le : Term.t -> Term.t -> t
(* uninterpreted *)
val uposlit : Ses.Predsym.t -> Term.t -> t
val uneglit : Ses.Predsym.t -> Term.t -> t
val uposlit : Ses.Predsym.t -> Term.t array -> t
val uneglit : Ses.Predsym.t -> Term.t array -> t
(* connectives *)
val not_ : t -> t
