@ -23,41 +23,11 @@ let add_flavors_to_buck_arguments buck_mode ~filter_kind ~extra_flavors original
{command; rev_not_targets; targets}
{command; rev_not_targets; targets}
let capture_buck_args =
let capture_buck_args () =
let clang_path =
["--show-output"; "-j"; Int.to_string Config.jobs]
List.fold ["clang"; "install"; "bin"; "clang"] ~init:Config.fcp_dir ~f:Filename.concat
@ (if Config.keep_going then ["--keep-going"] else [])
@ (match Config.load_average with Some l -> ["-L"; Float.to_string l] | None -> [])
@ Buck.config ClangFlavors @ List.rev Config.buck_build_args
[ "--show-output"
; "--config"
; "client.id=infer.clang"
; "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.infer_bin=%s" Config.bin_dir
; "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_compiler=%s" clang_path
; "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_plugin=%s" Config.clang_plugin_path
; "--config"
; "*//cxx.pch_enabled=false"
; "--config"
; (* Infer doesn't support C++ modules yet (T35656509) *)
; "--config"
; "*//cxx.modules=false" ]
( ( match Config.xcode_developer_dir with
| Some d ->
["--config"; Printf.sprintf "apple.xcode_developer_dir=%s" d]
| None ->
[] )
@ (if Config.keep_going then ["--keep-going"] else [])
@ ["-j"; Int.to_string Config.jobs]
@ (match Config.load_average with Some l -> ["-L"; Float.to_string l] | None -> [])
@ List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args
( if not (List.is_empty Config.buck_blacklist) then
[ "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.blacklist_regex=(%s)"
(String.concat ~sep:")|(" Config.buck_blacklist) ]
else [] ) )
let run_buck_build prog buck_build_args =
let run_buck_build prog buck_build_args =
@ -121,7 +91,7 @@ let merge_deps_files depsfiles =
let clang_flavor_capture ~prog ~buck_build_cmd =
let clang_flavor_capture ~prog ~buck_build_cmd =
if Config.keep_going && not Config.continue_capture then
if Config.keep_going && not Config.continue_capture then
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args:["clean"] ;
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args:["clean"] ;
let depsfiles = run_buck_build prog (buck_build_cmd @ capture_buck_args) in
let depsfiles = run_buck_build prog (buck_build_cmd @ capture_buck_args ()) in
let deplines = merge_deps_files depsfiles in
let deplines = merge_deps_files depsfiles in
let infer_out_depsfile = ResultsDir.get_path BuckDependencies in
let infer_out_depsfile = ResultsDir.get_path BuckDependencies in
Utils.with_file_out infer_out_depsfile ~f:(fun out_chan ->
Utils.with_file_out infer_out_depsfile ~f:(fun out_chan ->