[buck] move config flags to Buck module

Summary: Centralise buck-config management.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D21600336

fbshipit-source-id: 5c7d7e2f1
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 8c82072cb0
commit 863b4160fc

@ -209,11 +209,37 @@ let infer_enabled_label = "infer_enabled"
(** for genrule_master_mode, this is the target name suffix for the capture genrules *)
let genrule_suffix = "_infer"
let buck_config buck_mode =
if BuckMode.is_java_genrule_master buck_mode then
["infer.version=" ^ Version.versionString; "infer.mode=capture"]
|> List.fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc f -> "--config" :: f :: acc)
else []
let config buck_mode =
let clang_path =
List.fold ["clang"; "install"; "bin"; "clang"] ~init:Config.fcp_dir ~f:Filename.concat
let args =
match (buck_mode : BuckMode.t) with
| JavaGenruleMaster ->
["infer.version=" ^ Version.versionString; "infer.mode=capture"]
| ClangFlavors ->
[ "client.id=infer.clang"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.infer_bin=%s" Config.bin_dir
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_compiler=%s" clang_path
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_plugin=%s" Config.clang_plugin_path
; "*//cxx.pch_enabled=false"
; (* Infer doesn't support C++ modules yet (T35656509) *)
; "*//cxx.modules=false" ]
@ ( match Config.xcode_developer_dir with
| Some d ->
[Printf.sprintf "apple.xcode_developer_dir=%s" d]
| None ->
[] )
if List.is_empty Config.buck_blacklist then []
[ Printf.sprintf "*//infer.blacklist_regex=(%s)"
(String.concat ~sep:")|(" Config.buck_blacklist) ]
| ClangCompilationDB _ ->
List.fold args ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc f -> "--config" :: f :: acc)
let resolve_pattern_targets (buck_mode : BuckMode.t) ~filter_kind targets =
@ -229,7 +255,7 @@ let resolve_pattern_targets (buck_mode : BuckMode.t) ~filter_kind targets =
|> ( if BuckMode.is_java_genrule_master buck_mode then
Query.label_filter ~label:infer_enabled_label
else Fn.id )
|> Query.exec ~buck_config:(buck_config buck_mode)
|> Query.exec ~buck_config:(config buck_mode)
if BuckMode.is_java_genrule_master buck_mode then List.rev_map ~f:(fun s -> s ^ genrule_suffix)
else Fn.id

@ -29,13 +29,18 @@ val wrap_buck_call :
quick identification; [cmd] is a list of strings making up the shell command to execute; the
return value is the standard output of the command split on newlines. *)
val buck_config : BuckMode.t -> string list
val config : BuckMode.t -> string list
(** return list of string parameters of the form
["--config" :: param_a :: "--config" :: param_b :: ...] describing the buck config flags for the
given Buck mode. *)
val parse_command_and_targets :
-> filter_kind:[< `Yes | `No | `Auto]
-> string list
-> string * string list * string list
(** parses given buck command, using the buck configuration returned by [config] above and returns a
triple [(buck_command, non_target_params, target_params)] *)
val store_args_in_file : string list -> string list
(** Given a list of arguments, stores them in a file if needed and returns the new command line *)

@ -23,41 +23,11 @@ let add_flavors_to_buck_arguments buck_mode ~filter_kind ~extra_flavors original
{command; rev_not_targets; targets}
let capture_buck_args =
let clang_path =
List.fold ["clang"; "install"; "bin"; "clang"] ~init:Config.fcp_dir ~f:Filename.concat
[ "--show-output"
; "--config"
; "client.id=infer.clang"
; "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.infer_bin=%s" Config.bin_dir
; "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_compiler=%s" clang_path
; "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_plugin=%s" Config.clang_plugin_path
; "--config"
; "*//cxx.pch_enabled=false"
; "--config"
; (* Infer doesn't support C++ modules yet (T35656509) *)
; "--config"
; "*//cxx.modules=false" ]
( ( match Config.xcode_developer_dir with
| Some d ->
["--config"; Printf.sprintf "apple.xcode_developer_dir=%s" d]
| None ->
[] )
@ (if Config.keep_going then ["--keep-going"] else [])
@ ["-j"; Int.to_string Config.jobs]
@ (match Config.load_average with Some l -> ["-L"; Float.to_string l] | None -> [])
@ List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args
( if not (List.is_empty Config.buck_blacklist) then
[ "--config"
; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.blacklist_regex=(%s)"
(String.concat ~sep:")|(" Config.buck_blacklist) ]
else [] ) )
let capture_buck_args () =
["--show-output"; "-j"; Int.to_string Config.jobs]
@ (if Config.keep_going then ["--keep-going"] else [])
@ (match Config.load_average with Some l -> ["-L"; Float.to_string l] | None -> [])
@ Buck.config ClangFlavors @ List.rev Config.buck_build_args
let run_buck_build prog buck_build_args =
@ -121,7 +91,7 @@ let merge_deps_files depsfiles =
let clang_flavor_capture ~prog ~buck_build_cmd =
if Config.keep_going && not Config.continue_capture then
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args:["clean"] ;
let depsfiles = run_buck_build prog (buck_build_cmd @ capture_buck_args) in
let depsfiles = run_buck_build prog (buck_build_cmd @ capture_buck_args ()) in
let deplines = merge_deps_files depsfiles in
let infer_out_depsfile = ResultsDir.get_path BuckDependencies in
Utils.with_file_out infer_out_depsfile ~f:(fun out_chan ->

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let capture build_cmd =
let updated_buck_cmd =
(* make buck tell us where in buck-out are the capture directories for merging *)
(prog :: command :: "--build-report" :: build_report_file :: Buck.buck_config JavaGenruleMaster)
(prog :: command :: "--build-report" :: build_report_file :: Buck.config JavaGenruleMaster)
@ List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args_no_inline (Buck.store_args_in_file all_args)
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
