[sql] Cache key blobs

- use a similar key as for specs in the attributes table
- cache blob computations
- this improves memory usage a lot

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D5824177

fbshipit-source-id: c318577
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 40c44b0378
commit b00451d23e

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let should_override_attr attr1 attr2 =
> 0
module Table = struct
type key = Typ.Procname.t * attributes_kind
type key = string
type value = ProcAttributes.t
@ -49,20 +49,44 @@ end
module Store = KeyValue.Make (Table)
let string_of_pkind = function
| ProcUndefined
-> "U"
| ProcObjCAccessor
-> "O"
| ProcDefined
-> "D"
module KeyHashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = Typ.Procname.t * attributes_kind
let equal = [%compare.equal : Typ.Procname.t * attributes_kind]
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let pname_to_key = KeyHashtbl.create 16
let key_of_pname_pkind (pname, pkind as p) =
try KeyHashtbl.find pname_to_key p
with Not_found ->
let key = Typ.Procname.to_filename pname ^ string_of_pkind pkind |> Store.blob_of_key in
KeyHashtbl.replace pname_to_key p key ; key
let load_aux ?(min_kind= ProcUndefined) pname =
List.find_map (most_relevant_down_to_proc_kind_inclusive min_kind) ~f:(fun pkind ->
Store.find (pname, pkind) )
key_of_pname_pkind (pname, pkind) |> Store.find )
let load pname : ProcAttributes.t option = load_aux pname
let store (attr: ProcAttributes.t) =
let pkind = proc_kind_of_attr attr in
let key = (attr.proc_name, pkind) in
if load attr.proc_name |> Option.value_map ~default:true ~f:(should_override_attr attr) then (
if load attr.proc_name |> Option.value_map ~default:true ~f:(should_override_attr attr) then
(* NOTE: We need to do this dance of adding the proc_kind to the key because there's a race condition between the time we load the attributes from the db and the time we write possibly better ones. We could avoid this by making the db schema richer than just key/value and turning the SELECT + REPLACE into an atomic transaction. *)
Store.replace key attr ;
let key = key_of_pname_pkind (attr.proc_name, pkind) in
Store.replace key (Store.blob_of_value attr) ;
least_relevant_up_to_proc_kind_exclusive pkind
|> List.iter ~f:(fun k -> Store.delete (attr.proc_name, k)) )
|> List.iter ~f:(fun k -> key_of_pname_pkind (attr.proc_name, k) |> Store.delete)
let load_defined pname = load_aux ~min_kind:ProcDefined pname

@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ open! IStd
type attributes_kind
module Table :
KeyValue.Table with type key = Typ.Procname.t * attributes_kind and type value = ProcAttributes.t
module Table : KeyValue.Table with type key = string and type value = ProcAttributes.t
module Store : KeyValue.S with module Table = Table

@ -969,13 +969,15 @@ module Procname = struct
(** hash function for procname *)
let hash_pname = Hashtbl.hash
module Hash = Hashtbl.Make (struct
module Hashable = struct
type nonrec t = t
let equal = equal
let hash = hash_pname
module Hash = Hashtbl.Make (Hashable)
module Map = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (struct
type nonrec t = t
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ module Procname = struct
-> QualifiedCppName.empty
(** Convert a proc name to a filename *)
let to_concrete_filename pname =
let to_concrete_filename ?crc_only pname =
(* filenames for clang procs are REVERSED qualifiers with '#' as separator *)
let get_qual_name_str pname =
get_qualifiers pname |> QualifiedCppName.to_rev_list |> String.concat ~sep:"#"
@ -1023,21 +1025,21 @@ module Procname = struct
| _
-> to_unique_id pname
Escape.escape_filename @@ DB.append_crc_cutoff proc_id
Escape.escape_filename @@ DB.append_crc_cutoff ?crc_only proc_id
let to_generic_filename pname =
let to_generic_filename ?crc_only pname =
let proc_id =
get_qualifiers pname |> QualifiedCppName.strip_template_args |> QualifiedCppName.to_rev_list
|> String.concat ~sep:"#"
Escape.escape_filename @@ DB.append_crc_cutoff proc_id
Escape.escape_filename @@ DB.append_crc_cutoff ?crc_only proc_id
let to_filename pname =
let to_filename ?crc_only pname =
match pname with
| (C {is_generic_model} | ObjC_Cpp {is_generic_model}) when Bool.equal is_generic_model true
-> to_generic_filename pname
-> to_generic_filename ?crc_only pname
| _
-> to_concrete_filename pname
-> to_concrete_filename ?crc_only pname
(** given two template arguments, try to generate mapping from generic ones to concrete ones. *)
let get_template_args_mapping generic_procname concrete_procname =

@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ module Procname : sig
| ObjCInternalMethod
(** Hash tables with proc names as keys. *)
module Hashable : Caml.Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = t
module Hash : Caml.Hashtbl.S with type key = t
@ -479,8 +480,8 @@ module Procname : sig
val to_unique_id : t -> string
(** Convert a proc name into a unique identifier. *)
val to_filename : t -> string
(** Convert a proc name to a filename. *)
val to_filename : ?crc_only:bool -> t -> string
(** Convert a proc name to a filename or only to its crc. *)
val get_qualifiers : t -> QualifiedCppName.t
(** get qualifiers of C/objc/C++ method/function *)

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let cutoff_length = 100
let crc_token = '.'
let append_crc_cutoff ?(key= "") name =
let append_crc_cutoff ?(key= "") ?(crc_only= false) name =
let name_up_to_cutoff =
if String.length name <= cutoff_length then name else String.sub name ~pos:0 ~len:cutoff_length
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let append_crc_cutoff ?(key= "") name =
let name_for_crc = name ^ key in
Utils.string_crc_hex32 name_for_crc
name_up_to_cutoff ^ Char.to_string crc_token ^ crc_str
if crc_only then crc_str else name_up_to_cutoff ^ Char.to_string crc_token ^ crc_str
(* Lengh of .crc part: 32 characters of digest, plus 1 character of crc_token *)
let dot_crc_len = 1 + 32

@ -76,10 +76,11 @@ module Results_dir : sig
(** create a file at the given path, creating any missing directories *)
val append_crc_cutoff : ?key:string -> string -> string
val append_crc_cutoff : ?key:string -> ?crc_only:bool -> string -> string
(** Append a crc to the string, using string_crc_hex32.
Cut the string if it exceeds the cutoff limit.
Use an optional key to compute the crc. *)
Use an optional key to compute the crc.
Return only the crc if [crc_only] is true. *)
val string_crc_has_extension : ext:string -> string -> bool
(** Remove the crc from the string, and check if it has the given extension *)

@ -17,33 +17,53 @@ module type Table = sig
val table : string
module type Blob = sig
module type BlobInternal = sig
module Table : Table
val blob_of_key : Table.key -> Sqlite3.Data.t
type key_blob = Sqlite3.Data.t
val blob_of_value : Table.value -> Sqlite3.Data.t
type value_blob = Sqlite3.Data.t
val key_of_blob : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Table.key option
val blob_of_key : Table.key -> key_blob
val value_of_blob : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Table.value option
val blob_of_value : Table.value -> value_blob
val value_of_blob : value_blob -> Table.value option
module type S = sig
include Blob
module Table : Table
type key_blob
type value_blob
val blob_of_key : Table.key -> key_blob
val blob_of_value : Table.value -> value_blob
external key_blob_of_data : Sqlite3.Data.t -> key_blob = "%identity"
val replace : Table.key -> Table.value -> unit
external value_blob_of_data : Sqlite3.Data.t -> value_blob = "%identity"
val find : Table.key -> Table.value option
val value_of_blob : value_blob -> Table.value option
val delete : Table.key -> unit
val replace : key_blob -> value_blob -> unit
val find : key_blob -> Table.value option
val delete : key_blob -> unit
(* The functor is mostly here to provide a modicum of type safety around blobing/unblobing *)
module Make (Table : Table) : S with module Table = Table = struct
module Unsafe : Blob with module Table = Table = struct
module Unsafe : BlobInternal with module Table = Table = struct
module Table = Table
type key_blob = Sqlite3.Data.t
type value_blob = Sqlite3.Data.t
let blob x = Sqlite3.Data.BLOB (Marshal.to_string x [])
let unblob = function
@ -58,14 +78,16 @@ module Make (Table : Table) : S with module Table = Table = struct
let blob_of_value = blob
let key_of_blob = unblob
let value_of_blob = unblob
(* cannot mix, e.g., blob_key and blob_value now *)
include Unsafe
external key_blob_of_data : Sqlite3.Data.t -> key_blob = "%identity"
external value_blob_of_data : Sqlite3.Data.t -> value_blob = "%identity"
let register_statement stmt_fmt =
let k stmt0 =
let stmt_ref = ref None in
@ -91,28 +113,25 @@ module Make (Table : Table) : S with module Table = Table = struct
let get_replace_statement =
register_statement "REPLACE INTO %s(key, value) VALUES(:k, :v)" Table.table
let replace key value =
let replace key_blob value_blob =
let replace_stmt = get_replace_statement () in
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind key" ;
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 2 (blob_of_value value)
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 1 key_blob |> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind key" ;
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 2 value_blob
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind value" ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~finalize:false ~log:"KeyValue.replace" replace_stmt
let get_select_statement = register_statement "SELECT value FROM %s WHERE key = :k" Table.table
let find key =
let find key_blob =
let select_stmt = get_select_statement () in
Sqlite3.bind select_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"insert bind key" ;
Sqlite3.bind select_stmt 1 key_blob |> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"insert bind key" ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_result_step ~finalize:false ~log:"KeyValue.find" select_stmt
|> Option.bind ~f:value_of_blob
let get_delete_statement = register_statement "DELETE FROM %s WHERE key = :k" Table.table
let delete key =
let delete key_blob =
let delete_stmt = get_delete_statement () in
Sqlite3.bind delete_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"delete bind key" ;
Sqlite3.bind delete_stmt 1 key_blob |> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"delete bind key" ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~finalize:false ~log:"KeyValue.delete" delete_stmt

@ -22,23 +22,27 @@ end
module type S = sig
module Table : Table
val blob_of_key : Table.key -> Sqlite3.Data.t
type key_blob
type value_blob
val blob_of_key : Table.key -> key_blob
(** turn a key into a [Sqlite3.Data.BLOB] *)
val blob_of_value : Table.value -> Sqlite3.Data.t
val blob_of_value : Table.value -> value_blob
(** turn a value into a [Sqlite3.Data.BLOB] *)
val key_of_blob : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Table.key option
(** turn a [Sqlite3.Data.BLOB] (or [Sqlite3.Data.NULL]) back into a key *)
external key_blob_of_data : Sqlite3.Data.t -> key_blob = "%identity"
external value_blob_of_data : Sqlite3.Data.t -> value_blob = "%identity"
val value_of_blob : Sqlite3.Data.t -> Table.value option
(** turn a [Sqlite3.Data.BLOB] (or [Sqlite3.Data.NULL]) back into a value *)
val value_of_blob : value_blob -> Table.value option
val replace : Table.key -> Table.value -> unit
val replace : key_blob -> value_blob -> unit
val find : Table.key -> Table.value option
val find : key_blob -> Table.value option
val delete : Table.key -> unit
val delete : key_blob -> unit
module Make (Table : Table) : S with module Table = Table

@ -9,26 +9,29 @@
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let all_attributes ~into ~db_name =
let select_stmt =
let merge_attributes_table ~into ~db_name ~db_file =
(* no need to wrap this in a single transaction (to batch writes) because we open the table with
synchronous=OFF *)
(* do not go through Attributes so as not to deserialize and reserialize objects pointlessly, and
so as not to fill the cache with all the attributes (especially since this function will be
called before forking all the analysis processes. *)
let copy_stmt =
Sqlite3.prepare into
(Printf.sprintf "SELECT value FROM %s.%s" db_name ResultsDir.attributes_table)
(Printf.sprintf "REPLACE INTO %s SELECT * FROM %s.%s" ResultsDir.attributes_table db_name
List.filter_map ~f:(Option.bind ~f:Attributes.Store.value_of_blob)
(SqliteUtils.sqlite_result_rev_list_step ~log:"select" select_stmt)
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~log:(Printf.sprintf "copying contents of database '%s'" db_file)
let merge_attributes_table ~into ~db_name =
let rows = all_attributes ~into ~db_name in
(* no need to wrap this in a single transaction because we open the table with synchronous=OFF *)
List.iter rows ~f:Attributes.store
let merge ~into db =
let merge ~into db_file =
let db_name = "db" in
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~fatal:true ~log:"attaching db"
(Sqlite3.exec into (Printf.sprintf "ATTACH '%s' AS %s" db db_name)) ;
let do_merge () = merge_attributes_table ~into ~db_name in
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~fatal:true
~log:(Printf.sprintf "attaching database '%s'" db_file)
(Sqlite3.exec into (Printf.sprintf "ATTACH '%s' AS %s" db_file db_name)) ;
let do_merge () = merge_attributes_table ~into ~db_name ~db_file in
Utils.without_gc ~f:do_merge ;
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~fatal:true ~log:"detaching db"
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~fatal:true
~log:(Printf.sprintf "detaching database '%s'" db_file)
(Sqlite3.exec into (Printf.sprintf "DETACH %s" db_name)) ;
