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<font style="font-size: 18px;">
Step 1:初始化
<font size="3">
Step 2:根据用户选择的命令执行相应的操作
<font size="3">
Step 2.1:显示菜单
<font size="3">
Step 2.2:选择菜单命令 c
<font size="3">
Step 2.3:if c == 1 then ReadScore
<font size="3">
Step 2.4:if c == 2 then AverSumofEveryStudent
<font size="3">
Step 2.5:if c == 3 then AverSumofEveryCourse
<font size="3">
Step 2.6:if c == 4 then SortbyScore(Descending)
<font size="3">
Step 2.7:if c == 5 then SortbyScore(Ascending)
<font size="3">
Step 2.8:if c == 6 then AsSortbyNum
<font size="3">
Step 2.9:if c == 7 then SortbyName
<font size="3">
Step 2.10:if c == 8 then SearchbyNum
<font size="3">
Step 2.11:if c == 9 then SearchbyName
<font size="3">
Step 2.12:if c == 10 then StatisticAnalysis
<font size="3">
Step 2.13:if c == 11 then PrintScore
<font size="3">
Step 2.14:if c == 12 then WritetoFile
<font size="3">
Step 2.15:if c == 13 then ReadfromFile
<font size="3">
Step 2.16:if c == 0 then exit
<text x="2" y="184" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px">
Step 1:初始化...
<g requiredFeatures=""/>
<a transform="translate(0,-5)" xlink:href="" target="_blank">
<text text-anchor="middle" font-size="10px" x="50%" y="100%">
Text is not SVG - cannot display