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61 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/math/gradient.h"
#include "drake/math/gradient_util.h"
namespace drake {
namespace math {
/** Computes the normalized vector, optionally with its gradient and second
@param[in] x An N x 1 vector to be normalized. Must not be zero.
@param[out] x_norm The normalized vector (N x 1).
@param[out] dx_norm
If non-null, returned as an N x N matrix,
where dx_norm(i,j) = D x_norm(i)/D x(j).
@param[out] ddx_norm
If non-null, and dx_norm is non-null, returned as an N^2 x N matrix,
where ddx_norm.col(j) = D dx_norm/D x(j), with dx_norm stacked
(D x / D y above means partial derivative of x with respect to y.) */
template <typename Derived>
void NormalizeVector(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& x,
// TODO(#2274) Fix NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references).
typename Derived::PlainObject& x_norm,
typename drake::math::Gradient<Derived, Derived::RowsAtCompileTime,
1>::type* dx_norm = nullptr,
typename drake::math::Gradient<Derived, Derived::RowsAtCompileTime,
2>::type* ddx_norm = nullptr) {
typename Derived::Scalar xdotx = x.squaredNorm();
typename Derived::Scalar norm_x = sqrt(xdotx);
x_norm = x / norm_x;
if (dx_norm) {
dx_norm->setIdentity(x.rows(), x.rows());
(*dx_norm) -= x * x.transpose() / xdotx;
(*dx_norm) /= norm_x;
if (ddx_norm) {
auto dx_norm_transpose = transposeGrad(*dx_norm, x.rows());
auto minus_ddx_norm_times_norm = matGradMultMat(
x_norm, x_norm.transpose(), (*dx_norm), dx_norm_transpose);
auto dnorm_inv = -x.transpose() / (xdotx * norm_x);
(*ddx_norm) = -minus_ddx_norm_times_norm / norm_x;
auto temp = (*dx_norm) * norm_x;
typename Derived::Index n = x.rows();
for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
auto column_as_matrix = (dnorm_inv(0, col) * temp);
for (int row_block = 0; row_block < n; row_block++) {
ddx_norm->block(row_block * n, col, n, 1) +=
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake