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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(* Transformation from llvm to llair *)
open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
open arithmeticTheory pred_setTheory;
open settingsTheory llvmTheory llvm_ssaTheory llairTheory;
new_theory "llvm_to_llair";
numLib.prefer_num ();
(* Record which LLVM instructions the translation is implemented for *)
Definition is_implemented_def:
(is_implemented (Ret _) F)
(is_implemented (Br _ _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Invoke _ _ _ _ _ _) F)
(is_implemented Unreachable F)
(is_implemented (Exit _) T)
(is_implemented (Sub _ _ _ _ _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Extractvalue _ _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Insertvalue _ _ _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Alloca _ _ _) F)
(is_implemented (Load _ _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Store _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Gep _ _ _ _) F)
(is_implemented (Cast _ _ _ _) T)
(is_implemented (Icmp _ _ _ _ _) F)
(is_implemented (Call _ _ _ _) F)
(is_implemented (Cxa_allocate_exn _ _) F)
(is_implemented (Cxa_throw _ _ _) F)
(is_implemented (Cxa_begin_catch _ _) F)
(is_implemented Cxa_end_catch F)
(is_implemented (Cxa_get_exception_ptr _ _) F)
Definition the_def:
(the None x = x)
(the (Some x) _ = x)
Definition find_name_def:
find_name used new suff =
let n = new ++ (toString suff) in
if n used ¬finite used then
find_name used new (suff + 1n)
WF_REL_TAC `measure (λ(u,new,s). card { str | ?n. str = new++toString n str u s n })` >> rw [] >>
qmatch_abbrev_tac `card s1 < card s2` >>
`s2 used` by rw [Abbr `s1`, Abbr `s2`, SUBSET_DEF] >>
`s1 s2` by (rw [Abbr `s1`, Abbr `s2`, SUBSET_DEF] >> qexists_tac `n` >> rw []) >>
`s1 s2`
by (
rw [Abbr `s1`, Abbr `s2`, EXTENSION] >> qexists_tac `new ++ toString suff` >> rw []) >>
Definition gen_name_def:
gen_name used new =
if new used then
find_name used new 0
Definition gen_names_def:
(gen_names used [] = (used, []))
(gen_names used (n::ns) =
let n = gen_name used n in
let (used, names) = gen_names ({n} used) ns in
(used, n::names))
Definition translate_size_def:
(translate_size llvm$W1 = 1)
(translate_size W8 = 8)
(translate_size W32 = 32)
(translate_size W64 = 64)
Definition translate_ty_def:
6 years ago
(translate_ty (FunT t ts) = FunctionT (translate_ty t) (map translate_ty ts))
(translate_ty (IntT s) = IntegerT (translate_size s))
(translate_ty (PtrT t) = PointerT (translate_ty t))
(translate_ty (ArrT n t) = ArrayT (translate_ty t) n)
(translate_ty (StrT ts) = TupleT (map translate_ty ts))
WF_REL_TAC `measure ty_size` >> rw [] >>
Induct_on `ts` >> rw [ty_size_def] >>
res_tac >> decide_tac
Definition translate_glob_var_def:
translate_glob_var gmap (Glob_var g) =
case flookup gmap (Glob_var g) of
| None => Var_name g (PointerT (IntegerT 64))
| Some t => Var_name g (translate_ty (PtrT t))
Definition translate_reg_def:
translate_reg (Reg r) t = Var_name r (translate_ty t)
Definition translate_label_def:
(translate_label f None suffix = Lab_name f None suffix)
(translate_label f (Some (Lab l)) suffix = Lab_name f (Some l) suffix)
Definition translate_const_def:
(translate_const gmap (IntC s i) = Integer i (IntegerT (translate_size s)))
(translate_const gmap (StrC tcs) =
Record (map (λ(ty, c). translate_const gmap c) tcs))
(translate_const gmap (ArrC tcs) =
Record (map (λ(ty, c). translate_const gmap c) tcs))
(translate_const gmap (GlobalC g) = Var (translate_glob_var gmap g) T)
(* TODO *)
(translate_const gmap (GepC _ _ _ _) = ARB)
(translate_const gmap UndefC = Nondet)
WF_REL_TAC `measure (const_size o snd)` >>
Induct_on `tcs` >> rw [] >> rw [const_size_def] >>
first_x_assum drule >> decide_tac
Definition translate_arg_def:
(translate_arg gmap emap (Constant c) = translate_const gmap c)
(translate_arg gmap emap (Variable r) =
case flookup emap r of
6 years ago
(* With the current strategy of threading the emap through the whole
* function, we should never get a None here.
| None => Var (translate_reg r (IntT W64)) F
| Some e => e)
Definition translate_updatevalue_def:
(translate_updatevalue gmap a v [] = v)
(translate_updatevalue gmap a v (c::cs) =
let c' = translate_const gmap c in
Update a c' (translate_updatevalue gmap (Select a c') v cs))
(* TODO *)
Definition translate_instr_to_exp_def:
(translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap (llvm$Sub _ _ _ ty a1 a2) =
llair$Sub (translate_ty ty) (translate_arg gmap emap a1) (translate_arg gmap emap a2))
(translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap (Extractvalue _ (t, a) cs) =
foldl (λe c. Select e (translate_const gmap c)) (translate_arg gmap emap a) cs)
(translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap (Insertvalue _ (t1, a1) (t2, a2) cs) =
translate_updatevalue gmap (translate_arg gmap emap a1) (translate_arg gmap emap a2) cs)
(translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap (Cast _ cop (t1, a1) t) =
(if cop = Zext then Unsigned else Signed)
(sizeof_bits (translate_ty (if cop = Trunc then t else t1)))
(translate_arg gmap emap a1)
(translate_ty t))
(* This translation of insertvalue to update and select is quadratic in the
* number of indices, but we haven't observed clang-generated code with multiple
* indices.
* Insertvalue a v [c1; c2; c3] becomes
* Up a c1 (Up (Sel a c1) c2 (Up (Sel (Sel a c1) c2) c3 v))
* We could store each of the selections and get a linear size list of
* instructions instead of a single expression.
* Examples:
* EVAL ``translate_instr_to_exp fempty (Extractvalue r (t,a) [c1; c2; c3; c4; c5])``
translate_instr_to_exp fempty (Extractvalue r (t,a) [c1; c2; c3; c4; c5]) =
(Select (Select (translate_arg fempty a) (translate_const c1))
(translate_const c2)) (translate_const c3))
(translate_const c4)) (translate_const c5): thm
* EVAL ``translate_instr_to_exp fempty (Insertvalue r (t,a) (t,v) [c1; c2; c3; c4; c5])``
translate_instr_to_exp fempty (Insertvalue r (t,a) (t,v) [c1; c2; c3; c4; c5]) =
Update (translate_arg fempty a) (translate_const c1)
(Update (Select (translate_arg fempty a) (translate_const c1))
(translate_const c2)
(Select (Select (translate_arg fempty a) (translate_const c1))
(translate_const c2)) (translate_const c3)
(Select (translate_arg fempty a) (translate_const c1))
(translate_const c2)) (translate_const c3))
(translate_const c4)
(Select (translate_arg fempty a)
(translate_const c1)) (translate_const c2))
(translate_const c3)) (translate_const c4))
(translate_const c5) (translate_arg fempty v))))): thm
* *)
(* TODO: Finish *)
Definition translate_instr_to_inst_def:
(translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap (llvm$Store (t1, a1) (t2, a2)) =
llair$Store (translate_arg gmap emap a2) (translate_arg gmap emap a1) (sizeof t1))
(translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap (Load r t (t1, a1)) =
Load (translate_reg r t) (translate_arg gmap emap a1) (sizeof t))
Definition dest_label_def:
dest_label (Lab s) = s
(* TODO: Finish *)
Definition translate_instr_to_term_def:
(* When we branch to a new block, use the label of the move block that
* corresponds to the Phi instructions for that control-flow edge *)
(translate_instr_to_term lab gmap emap (Br a l1 l2) =
let (f,l) = case lab of Lab_name f l _ => (f, l) | Mov_name f l _ => (f, l) in
Switch (translate_arg gmap emap a)
[(0, Mov_name f l (dest_label l2))]
(Mov_name f l (dest_label l1)))
(translate_instr_to_term l gmap emap (Exit a) =
Exit (translate_arg gmap emap a))
Definition dest_fn_def:
dest_fn (Fn f) = f
Definition translate_call_def:
translate_call gmap emap ret exret (llvm$Call r ty fname args) =
llair$Call (translate_reg r ty)
(dest_fn fname)
(map (λ(t,a). translate_arg gmap emap a) args)
(translate_ty ty) ret exret
instr_class =
| Exp reg ty
| Non_exp
| Term
| Call
Definition classify_instr_def:
(classify_instr (Call _ _ _ _) = Call)
(classify_instr (Ret _) = Term)
(classify_instr (Br _ _ _) = Term)
(classify_instr (Invoke _ _ _ _ _ _) = Call)
(classify_instr Unreachable = Term)
(classify_instr (Exit _) = Term)
(classify_instr (Load _ _ _) = Non_exp)
(classify_instr (Store _ _) = Non_exp)
(classify_instr (Cxa_throw _ _ _) = Term)
(classify_instr Cxa_end_catch = Non_exp)
(classify_instr (Cxa_begin_catch _ _) = Non_exp)
(classify_instr (Sub r _ _ t _ _) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Extractvalue r (t, _) idx) =
Exp r (THE (extract_type t (map cidx_to_num idx))))
(classify_instr (Insertvalue r (t, _) _ idx) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Alloca r t _) = Exp r (PtrT t))
(classify_instr (Gep r t _ idx) =
Exp r (PtrT (THE (extract_type t (map idx_to_num idx)))))
(classify_instr (Cast r _ _ t) = Exp r t)
(classify_instr (Icmp r _ _ _ _) = Exp r (IntT W1))
(* TODO *)
(classify_instr (Cxa_allocate_exn r _) = Exp r ARB)
(classify_instr (Cxa_get_exception_ptr r _) = Exp r ARB)
Definition extend_emap_non_exp_def:
(extend_emap_non_exp emap (Load r t _) = emap |+ (r, Var (translate_reg r t) F))
(extend_emap_non_exp emap (Call r t _ _) = emap |+ (r, Var (translate_reg r t) F))
(extend_emap_non_exp emap (Invoke r t _ _ _ _) = emap |+ (r, Var (translate_reg r t) F))
(extend_emap_non_exp emap (Cxa_begin_catch r _) = emap |+ (r, Var (translate_reg r ARB) F))
(extend_emap_non_exp emap _ = emap)
(* Given a non-empty list of blocks, add an inst to the first one *)
Definition add_to_first_block_def:
(add_to_first_block i [] = [])
(add_to_first_block i ((l,b)::bs) = (l, b with cmnd := i::b.cmnd) :: bs)
Definition inc_label_def:
(inc_label (Lab_name f l i) = Lab_name f l (i + 1))
(inc_label (Mov_name f _ l) = Lab_name f (Some l) 0)
(* Translate a list of instructions into an block. f is the name of the function
* that the instructions are in, reg_to_keep is the set of variables that we
* want to keep assignments to (e.g., because of sharing in the expression
6 years ago
* structure.
* emap is a mapping of registers to expressions that compute the
* value that should have been in the expression.
* This tries to build large expressions, and omits intermediate assignments
* wherever possible.
* For example:
* r2 = sub r0 r1
* r3 = sub r2 r1
* r4 = sub r3 r0
* becomes
* r4 = sub (sub (sub r0 r1) r1) r0
* if r4 is the only register listed as needing to be kept.
Definition translate_instrs_def:
(translate_instrs l gmap emap reg_to_keep [] = ([], emap))
(translate_instrs l gmap emap reg_to_keep (i :: is) =
case classify_instr i of
| Exp r t =>
let x = translate_reg r t in
let e = translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap i in
if r reg_to_keep then
let (bs, emap') = translate_instrs l gmap (emap |+ (r, Var x F)) reg_to_keep is in
(add_to_first_block (Move [(x, e)]) bs, emap')
translate_instrs l gmap (emap |+ (r, e)) reg_to_keep is
| Non_exp =>
let (bs, emap') = translate_instrs l gmap (extend_emap_non_exp emap i) reg_to_keep is in
(add_to_first_block (translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap i) bs, emap')
| Term =>
<| cmnd := []; term := translate_instr_to_term l gmap emap i |>)],
| Call =>
let (bs, emap') = translate_instrs (inc_label l) gmap (extend_emap_non_exp emap i) reg_to_keep is in
(* TODO: exceptional return address *)
<| cmnd := []; term := translate_call gmap emap (inc_label l) ARB i |>) :: bs,
(* Given a label and phi node, get the assignment for that incoming label. *)
Definition build_move_for_lab_def:
build_move_for_lab gmap emap l (Phi r t largs) =
case alookup largs l of
| Some a => (translate_reg r t, translate_arg gmap emap a)
(* This shouldn't be able happen in a well-formed program *)
| None => (translate_reg r t, Nondet)
(* Given a list of phis and a label, get the move block corresponding to
* entering the block targeted by l_to from block l_from *)
Definition generate_move_block_def:
generate_move_block f gmap emap phis l_from l_to =
<| cmnd := [Move (map (build_move_for_lab gmap emap l_from) phis)];
term := Iswitch (Integer 0 (IntegerT 1)) [translate_label f (Some l_to) 0] |>
(* Translate the LHS and args in the phis of a header, but leave the labels
* identifying the from-blocks alone for processing later *)
Definition translate_header_def:
(translate_header f from_ls l_to gmap emap Entry = [])
(translate_header f from_ls (Some l_to) gmap emap (Head phis _) =
map (λl_from.
(Mov_name f (option_map dest_label l_from) (dest_label l_to),
generate_move_block f gmap emap phis l_from l_to))
Definition header_to_emap_upd_def:
(header_to_emap_upd Entry = [])
(header_to_emap_upd (Head phis _) =
map (λx. case x of Phi r t largs => (r, Var (translate_reg r t) F)) phis)
Definition translate_block_def:
translate_block f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges (l, b) =
let emap2 = emap |++ header_to_emap_upd b.h in
let (bs, emap3) = translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) 0) gmap emap2 regs_to_keep b.body in
(translate_header f (THE (alookup edges l)) l gmap emap b.h ++ bs, emap3)
Definition translate_param_def:
translate_param (t, r) = translate_reg r t
Definition get_from_ls_def:
(get_from_ls to_l [] = [])
(get_from_ls to_l ((from_l, b) :: bs) =
if to_l set (map Some (instr_to_labs (last b.body))) then
from_l :: get_from_ls to_l bs
get_from_ls to_l bs)
Definition get_regs_to_keep_def:
get_regs_to_keep d = ARB
Definition translate_blocks_def:
(translate_blocks f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges [] = [])
(translate_blocks f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges (bl::blocks) =
let (b,emap') = translate_block f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges bl in
let bs = translate_blocks f gmap emap' regs_to_keep edges blocks in
b ++ bs)
Definition translate_def_def:
translate_def f d gmap =
let regs_to_keep = get_regs_to_keep d in
let edges = map (λ(l, b). (l, get_from_ls l d.blocks)) d.blocks in
(* We thread a mapping from register names to expressions through. This
* works assuming that the blocks are in a good ordering, which must exist
* because the LLVM is in SSA form, and so each definition must dominate all
* uses.
* *)
<| params := map translate_param d.params;
(* TODO: calculate these from the produced llair, and not the llvm *)
locals := ARB;
entry := Lab_name f None 0;
cfg := translate_blocks f gmap fempty regs_to_keep edges d.blocks;
freturn := ARB;
fthrow := ARB |>
Definition get_gmap_def:
get_gmap p = ARB
6 years ago
Definition translate_prog_def:
translate_prog p =
let gmap = get_gmap p in
<| glob_init := ARB;
functions := map (\(fname, d). (dest_fn fname, translate_def (dest_fn fname) d gmap)) p |>
6 years ago
export_theory ();