* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PolyVariantEqual
(** entry points for top-level functionalities such as capture, analysis, and reporting *)
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module L = Logging
module F = Format
(* based on the build_system and options passed to infer, we run in different driver modes *)
type mode =
| Analyze
| BuckClangFlavor of string list
| BuckCompilationDB of BuckMode.clang_compilation_db_deps * string * string list
| BuckGenrule of string
| BuckGenruleMaster of string list
| Clang of Clang.compiler * string * string list
| ClangCompilationDB of [`Escaped of string | `Raw of string] list
| Javac of Javac.compiler * string * string list
| Maven of string * string list
| NdkBuild of string list
| PythonCapture of Config.build_system * string list
| XcodeXcpretty of string * string list
let is_analyze_mode = function Analyze -> true | _ -> false
let pp_mode fmt = function
| Analyze ->
F.fprintf fmt "Analyze driver mode"
| BuckClangFlavor args ->
F.fprintf fmt "BuckClangFlavor driver mode: args = %a" Pp.cli_args args
| BuckGenrule prog ->
F.fprintf fmt "BuckGenRule driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'" prog
| BuckGenruleMaster build_cmd ->
F.fprintf fmt "BuckGenrule driver mode:@\nbuild command = %a" Pp.cli_args build_cmd
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BuckCompilationDB (deps, prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "BuckCompilationDB driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a@\ndeps = %a" prog
Pp.cli_args args BuckMode.pp_clang_compilation_db_deps deps
| ClangCompilationDB _ ->
F.fprintf fmt "ClangCompilationDB driver mode"
| PythonCapture (bs, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "PythonCapture driver mode:@\nbuild system = '%s'@\nargs = %a"
(Config.string_of_build_system bs)
Pp.cli_args args
| XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "XcodeXcpretty driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
| Javac (_, prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Javac driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
| Maven (prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Maven driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
| NdkBuild args ->
F.fprintf fmt "NdkBuild driver mode: args = %a" Pp.cli_args args
| Clang (_, prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Clang driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
(* A clean command for each driver mode to be suggested to the user
in case nothing got captured. *)
let clean_compilation_command mode =
match mode with
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BuckCompilationDB (_, prog, _) | Clang (_, prog, _) ->
Some (prog ^ " clean")
| XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) ->
Some (String.concat ~sep:" " (List.append (prog :: args) ["clean"]))
| _ ->
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
(** Clean up the results dir to select only what's relevant to go in the Buck cache. In particular,
get rid of non-deterministic outputs.*)
let clean_results_dir () =
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
let cache_capture =
Config.genrule_mode || Option.exists Config.buck_mode ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors
if cache_capture then DBWriter.canonicalize () ;
(* make sure we are done with the database *)
ResultsDatabase.db_close () ;
(* In Buck flavors mode we keep all capture data, but in Java mode we keep only the tenv *)
let should_delete_dir =
let dirs_to_delete = ResultsDir.dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture in
List.mem ~equal:String.equal dirs_to_delete
let should_delete_file =
let files_to_delete =
(* we do not need to keep the database in Buck/Java mode *)
(if cache_capture then [] else [ResultsDatabase.database_filename])
@ [ Config.log_file
; (* some versions of sqlite do not clean up after themselves *)
ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-shm"
; ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-wal" ]
let suffixes_to_delete = [".txt"; ".json"] in
fun name ->
(* Keep the JSON report and the JSON costs report *)
~f:(String.equal (Filename.basename name))
[ Config.report_json
; Config.costs_report_json
; Config.test_determinator_output
; Config.export_changed_functions_output ]))
&& ( List.mem ~equal:String.equal files_to_delete (Filename.basename name)
|| List.exists ~f:(Filename.check_suffix name) suffixes_to_delete )
let rec delete_temp_results name =
let rec cleandir dir =
match Unix.readdir_opt dir with
| Some entry ->
if should_delete_dir entry then Utils.rmtree (name ^/ entry)
else if
( String.equal entry Filename.current_dir_name
|| String.equal entry Filename.parent_dir_name )
then delete_temp_results (name ^/ entry) ;
cleandir dir (* next entry *)
| None ->
Unix.closedir dir
match Unix.opendir name with
| dir ->
cleandir dir
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOTDIR, _, _) ->
if should_delete_file name then Unix.unlink name ;
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->
delete_temp_results Config.results_dir
let reset_duplicates_file () =
let start = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.duplicates_filename in
let delete () = Unix.unlink start in
let create () =
Unix.close (Unix.openfile ~perm:0o0666 ~mode:[Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_WRONLY] start)
if Sys.file_exists start = `Yes then delete () ;
create ()
let command_error_handling ~always_die ~prog ~args = function
| Ok _ ->
| Error _ as status ->
let log =
if (not always_die) && Config.keep_going then
(* Log error and proceed past the failure when keep going mode is on *)
else L.die InternalError
log "%a:@\n %s" Pp.cli_args (prog :: args) (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status)
let run_command ~prog ~args ?(cleanup = command_error_handling ~always_die:false ~prog ~args) () =
Unix.waitpid (Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: args) ())
|> fun status ->
cleanup status ;
ok_exn (Unix.Exit_or_signal.or_error status)
let check_xcpretty () =
match Unix.system "xcpretty --version" with
| Ok () ->
| Error _ ->
xcpretty not found in the path. Please consider installing xcpretty for a more robust \
integration with xcodebuild. Otherwise use the option --no-xcpretty.@\n\
let capture_with_compilation_database db_files =
let root = Config.project_root in
Config.clang_compilation_dbs :=
List.map db_files ~f:(function
| `Escaped fname ->
`Escaped (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root fname)
| `Raw fname ->
`Raw (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root fname) ) ;
let compilation_database = CompilationDatabase.from_json_files !Config.clang_compilation_dbs in
CaptureCompilationDatabase.capture_files_in_database compilation_database
let buck_capture build_cmd =
let prog_build_cmd_opt =
let prog, buck_args = (List.hd_exn build_cmd, List.tl_exn build_cmd) in
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
match Config.buck_mode with
| Some ClangFlavors ->
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
(* let children infer processes know that they are inside Buck *)
let infer_args_with_buck =
~sep:(String.of_char CLOpt.env_var_sep)
(Option.to_list (Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var) @ ["--buck"])
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
Unix.putenv ~key:CLOpt.args_env_var ~data:infer_args_with_buck ;
let {Buck.command; rev_not_targets; targets} =
Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_arguments ClangFlavors ~filter_kind:`Auto ~extra_flavors:[]
if List.is_empty targets then None
let all_args = List.rev_append rev_not_targets targets in
let updated_buck_cmd =
:: List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args_no_inline (Buck.store_args_in_file all_args)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
Logging.(debug Capture Quiet)
"Processed buck command '%a'@\n" (Pp.seq F.pp_print_string) updated_buck_cmd ;
Some (prog, updated_buck_cmd)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| _ ->
Some (prog, build_cmd)
Option.iter prog_build_cmd_opt ~f:(fun (prog, buck_build_cmd) ->
L.progress "Capturing in buck mode...@." ;
if Option.exists ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors Config.buck_mode then (
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
RunState.set_merge_capture true ; RunState.store () ) ;
Buck.clang_flavor_capture ~prog ~buck_build_cmd )
let python_capture build_system build_cmd =
L.progress "Capturing in %s mode...@." (Config.string_of_build_system build_system) ;
let infer_py = Config.lib_dir ^/ "python" ^/ "infer.py" in
let args =
List.rev_append Config.anon_args
( (if not Config.continue_capture then [] else ["--continue"])
@ ( match Config.force_integration with
| None ->
| Some tool ->
["--force-integration"; Config.string_of_build_system tool] )
@ (match Config.java_jar_compiler with None -> [] | Some p -> ["--java-jar-compiler"; p])
@ (if not Config.debug_mode then [] else ["--debug"])
@ (if Config.filtering then [] else ["--no-filtering"])
@ "-j" :: string_of_int Config.jobs
:: (match Config.load_average with None -> [] | Some l -> ["-l"; string_of_float l])
@ (if not Config.pmd_xml then [] else ["--pmd-xml"])
@ ["--project-root"; Config.project_root]
@ (if not Config.quiet then [] else ["--quiet"])
@ "--out" :: Config.results_dir
(match Config.xcode_developer_dir with None -> [] | Some d -> ["--xcode-developer-dir"; d])
@ (if not Config.buck_merge_all_deps then [] else ["--buck-merge-all-deps"])
@ ("--" :: build_cmd) )
run_command ~prog:infer_py ~args
| Error (`Exit_non_zero exit_code)
when Int.equal exit_code Config.infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code ->
(* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
Config.print_usage_exit ()
| status ->
command_error_handling ~always_die:true ~prog:infer_py ~args status )
let capture ~changed_files = function
| Analyze ->
| BuckClangFlavor build_cmd ->
buck_capture build_cmd
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BuckCompilationDB (deps, prog, args) ->
L.progress "Capturing using Buck's compilation database...@." ;
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
let json_cdb =
CaptureCompilationDatabase.get_compilation_database_files_buck deps ~prog ~args
capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files json_cdb
| BuckGenrule path ->
L.progress "Capturing for Buck genrule compatibility...@." ;
JMain.from_arguments path
| BuckGenruleMaster build_cmd ->
L.progress "Capturing for BuckGenruleMaster integration...@." ;
BuckGenrule.capture build_cmd
| Clang (compiler, prog, args) ->
if CLOpt.is_originator then L.progress "Capturing in make/cc mode...@." ;
Clang.capture compiler ~prog ~args
| ClangCompilationDB db_files ->
L.progress "Capturing using compilation database...@." ;
capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files db_files
| Javac (compiler, prog, args) ->
if CLOpt.is_originator then L.progress "Capturing in javac mode...@." ;
Javac.capture compiler ~prog ~args
| Maven (prog, args) ->
L.progress "Capturing in maven mode...@." ;
Maven.capture ~prog ~args
| NdkBuild build_cmd ->
NdkBuild.capture ~build_cmd
| PythonCapture (build_system, build_cmd) ->
python_capture build_system build_cmd
| XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) ->
L.progress "Capturing using xcodebuild and xcpretty...@." ;
check_xcpretty () ;
let json_cdb =
CaptureCompilationDatabase.get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild ~prog ~args
capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files json_cdb
(* shadowed for tracing *)
let capture ~changed_files mode =
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"capture" ())) ;
capture ~changed_files mode ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
let capture ~changed_files mode =
ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "capture" (fun () -> capture ~changed_files mode)
let execute_analyze ~changed_files =
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"analyze" ())) ;
InferAnalyze.main ~changed_files ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
let report ?(suppress_console = false) () =
let report_json = Config.(results_dir ^/ report_json) in
InferPrint.main ~report_json:(Some report_json) ;
(* Post-process the report according to the user config. By default, calls report.py to create a
human-readable report.
Do not bother calling the report hook when called from within Buck. *)
match (Config.buck_cache_mode, Config.report_hook) with
| true, _ | false, None ->
| false, Some prog ->
let if_true key opt args = if not opt then args else key :: args in
let bugs_txt = Option.value ~default:(Config.results_dir ^/ "bugs.txt") Config.issues_txt in
let args =
if_true "--pmd-xml" Config.pmd_xml
@@ if_true "--quiet"
(Config.quiet || suppress_console)
[ "--issues-json"
; report_json
; "--issues-txt"
; bugs_txt
; "--project-root"
; Config.project_root
; "--results-dir"
; Config.results_dir ]
if is_error (Unix.waitpid (Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: args) ())) then
"** Error running the reporting script:@\n** %s %s@\n** See error above@." prog
(String.concat ~sep:" " args)
(* shadowed for tracing *)
let report ?suppress_console () =
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"report" ())) ;
report ?suppress_console () ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
let error_nothing_to_analyze mode =
let clean_command_opt = clean_compilation_command mode in
let nothing_to_compile_msg = "Nothing to compile." in
let please_run_capture_msg =
match mode with Analyze -> " Have you run `infer capture`?" | _ -> ""
( match clean_command_opt with
| Some clean_command ->
L.user_warning "%s%s Try running `%s` first.@." nothing_to_compile_msg please_run_capture_msg
| None ->
L.user_warning "%s%s Try cleaning the build first.@." nothing_to_compile_msg
please_run_capture_msg ) ;
L.progress "There was nothing to analyze.@."
let analyze_and_report ?suppress_console_report ~changed_files mode =
let should_analyze, should_report =
match (Config.command, mode) with
| _, BuckClangFlavor _ when not (Option.exists ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors Config.buck_mode) ->
(* In Buck mode when compilation db is not used, analysis is invoked from capture if buck flavors are not used *)
(false, false)
| _ when Config.infer_is_clang || Config.infer_is_javac ->
(* Called from another integration to do capture only. *)
(false, false)
| (Capture | Compile | Explore | Report | ReportDiff), _ ->
(false, false)
| (Analyze | Run), _ ->
(true, true)
let should_analyze = should_analyze && Config.capture in
let should_merge =
match mode with
| _ when Config.merge ->
(* [--merge] overrides other behaviors *)
| BuckClangFlavor _
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
when Option.exists ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors Config.buck_mode
&& InferCommand.equal Run Config.command ->
(* if doing capture + analysis of buck with flavors, we always need to merge targets before the analysis phase *)
| Analyze | BuckGenruleMaster _ ->
RunState.get_merge_capture ()
| _ ->
if should_merge then (
if Config.export_changed_functions then MergeCapture.merge_changed_functions () ;
MergeCapture.merge_captured_targets () ;
RunState.set_merge_capture false ;
RunState.store () ) ;
if should_analyze then
if SourceFiles.is_empty () && Config.capture then error_nothing_to_analyze mode
else (
execute_analyze ~changed_files ;
if Config.starvation_whole_program then Starvation.whole_program_analysis () ) ;
if should_report && Config.report then report ?suppress_console:suppress_console_report ()
let analyze_and_report ?suppress_console_report ~changed_files mode =
ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "analyze_and_report" (fun () ->
analyze_and_report ?suppress_console_report ~changed_files mode )
(** as the Config.fail_on_bug flag mandates, exit with error when an issue is reported *)
let fail_on_issue_epilogue () =
let issues_json =
DB.Results_dir.(path_to_filename Abs_root [Config.report_json]) |> DB.filename_to_string
match Utils.read_file issues_json with
| Ok lines ->
let issues = Jsonbug_j.report_of_string @@ String.concat ~sep:"" lines in
if not (List.is_empty issues) then L.exit Config.fail_on_issue_exit_code
| Error error ->
L.internal_error "Failed to read report file '%s': %s@." issues_json error ;
let assert_supported_mode required_analyzer requested_mode_string =
let analyzer_enabled =
match required_analyzer with
| `Clang ->
| `Java ->
| `Xcode ->
Version.clang_enabled && Version.xcode_enabled
if not analyzer_enabled then
let analyzer_string =
match required_analyzer with
| `Clang ->
| `Java ->
| `Xcode ->
"clang and xcode"
L.(die UserError)
"Unsupported build mode: %s@\n\
Infer was built with %s analyzers disabled.@ Please rebuild infer with %s enabled.@."
requested_mode_string analyzer_string analyzer_string
let error_no_buck_mode_specified () =
L.die UserError
"`buck` command detected on the command line but no Buck integration has been selected. Please \
specify `--buck-clang`, `--buck-java`, or `--buck-compilation-database`. See `infer capture \
--help` for more information."
let assert_supported_build_system build_system =
match (build_system : Config.build_system) with
| BAnt | BGradle | BJava | BJavac | BMvn ->
Config.string_of_build_system build_system |> assert_supported_mode `Java
| BClang | BMake | BNdk ->
Config.string_of_build_system build_system |> assert_supported_mode `Clang
| BXcode ->
Config.string_of_build_system build_system |> assert_supported_mode `Xcode
| BBuck ->
let analyzer, build_string =
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
match Config.buck_mode with
| None ->
error_no_buck_mode_specified ()
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| Some ClangFlavors ->
(`Clang, "buck with flavors")
| Some (ClangCompilationDB _) ->
(`Clang, "buck compilation database")
| Some JavaGenruleMaster ->
(`Java, Config.string_of_build_system build_system)
assert_supported_mode analyzer build_string
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
let mode_of_build_command build_cmd (buck_mode : BuckMode.t option) =
match build_cmd with
| [] ->
if not (List.is_empty !Config.clang_compilation_dbs) then (
assert_supported_mode `Clang "clang compilation database" ;
ClangCompilationDB !Config.clang_compilation_dbs )
else Analyze
| prog :: args -> (
let build_system =
match Config.force_integration with
| Some build_system when CLOpt.is_originator ->
| _ ->
Config.build_system_of_exe_name (Filename.basename prog)
assert_supported_build_system build_system ;
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
match ((build_system : Config.build_system), buck_mode) with
| BBuck, None ->
error_no_buck_mode_specified ()
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BBuck, Some (ClangCompilationDB deps) ->
BuckCompilationDB (deps, prog, List.append args (List.rev Config.buck_build_args))
| BBuck, Some ClangFlavors when Config.is_checker_enabled Linters ->
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
"WARNING: the linters require --buck-compilation-database to be set.@ Alternatively, \
set --no-linters to disable them and this warning.@." ;
BuckClangFlavor build_cmd
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BBuck, Some JavaGenruleMaster ->
BuckGenruleMaster build_cmd
| BClang, _ ->
Clang (Clang.Clang, prog, args)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BMake, _ ->
Clang (Clang.Make, prog, args)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BJava, _ ->
Javac (Javac.Java, prog, args)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BJavac, _ ->
Javac (Javac.Javac, prog, args)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BMvn, _ ->
Maven (prog, args)
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
| BXcode, _ when Config.xcpretty ->
XcodeXcpretty (prog, args)
| BBuck, Some ClangFlavors ->
BuckClangFlavor build_cmd
| BNdk, _ ->
NdkBuild build_cmd
| ((BAnt | BGradle | BXcode) as build_system), _ ->
PythonCapture (build_system, build_cmd) )
let mode_from_command_line =
( match Config.generated_classes with
| _ when Config.infer_is_clang ->
let prog, args =
match Array.to_list (Sys.get_argv ()) with
| prog :: args ->
(prog, args)
| [] ->
assert false
(* Sys.argv is never empty *)
Clang (Clang.Clang, prog, args)
| _ when Config.infer_is_javac ->
let build_args =
match Array.to_list (Sys.get_argv ()) with _ :: args -> args | [] -> []
Javac (Javac.Javac, "javac", build_args)
| Some path ->
assert_supported_mode `Java "Buck genrule" ;
BuckGenrule path
| None ->
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
mode_of_build_command (List.rev Config.rest) Config.buck_mode )
let run_prologue mode =
if CLOpt.is_originator then L.environment_info "%a@\n" Config.pp_version () ;
if Config.debug_mode then L.environment_info "Driver mode:@\n%a@." pp_mode mode ;
if CLOpt.is_originator then (
if Config.dump_duplicate_symbols then reset_duplicates_file () ;
(* disable the Buck daemon as changes in the Buck or infer config may be missed otherwise *)
Unix.putenv ~key:"NO_BUCKD" ~data:"1" ) ;
let run_prologue mode =
ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run_prologue" (fun () -> run_prologue mode)
let run_epilogue () =
if CLOpt.is_originator then (
if Config.fail_on_bug then fail_on_issue_epilogue () ;
() ) ;
if Config.buck_cache_mode then clean_results_dir () ;
let run_epilogue () = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run_epilogue" run_epilogue
let read_config_changed_files () =
match Config.changed_files_index with
| None ->
| Some index -> (
match Utils.read_file index with
| Ok lines ->
Some (SourceFile.changed_sources_from_changed_files lines)
| Error error ->
L.external_error "Error reading the changed files index '%s': %s@." index error ;
None )