* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
(** Operators for the abstract domain. In particular, join and meet. *)
module L = Logging
let ( ++ ) = IntLit.add
let ( -- ) = IntLit.sub
(** {2 Utility functions for ids} *)
let can_rename id = Ident.is_primed id || Ident.is_footprint id
(** {2 Utility functions for sigma} *)
let equal_sigma sigma1 sigma2 =
let rec f sigma1_rest sigma2_rest =
match (sigma1_rest, sigma2_rest) with
| [], [] ->
| [], _ :: _ | _ :: _, [] ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 1" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| hpred1 :: sigma1_rest', hpred2 :: sigma2_rest' ->
if Sil.equal_hpred hpred1 hpred2 then f sigma1_rest' sigma2_rest'
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 2" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let sigma1_sorted = List.sort ~compare:Sil.compare_hpred sigma1 in
let sigma2_sorted = List.sort ~compare:Sil.compare_hpred sigma2 in
f sigma1_sorted sigma2_sorted
let sigma_get_start_lexps_sort sigma =
let exp_compare_neg e1 e2 = -Exp.compare e1 e2 in
let filter e = Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal in
let lexps = Sil.hpred_list_get_lexps filter sigma in
List.sort ~compare:exp_compare_neg lexps
(** {2 Utility functions for side} *)
type side = Lhs | Rhs
let select side e1 e2 = match side with Lhs -> e1 | Rhs -> e2
let opposite side = match side with Lhs -> Rhs | Rhs -> Lhs
let do_side side f e1 e2 = match side with Lhs -> f e1 e2 | Rhs -> f e2 e1
(** {2 Module for maintaining information about noninjectivity during join} *)
module NonInj : sig
val init : unit -> unit
val final : unit -> unit
val add : side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> unit
val check : side -> Exp.t list -> bool
end = struct
(* mappings from primed or footprint var exps to primed or footprint var exps *)
let equiv_tbl1 = Hashtbl.create 32
let equiv_tbl2 = Hashtbl.create 32
(* mappings from primed or footprint var exps to normal var, lvar or const exps *)
let const_tbl1 = Hashtbl.create 32
let const_tbl2 = Hashtbl.create 32
let reset () =
Hashtbl.clear equiv_tbl1 ;
Hashtbl.clear equiv_tbl2 ;
Hashtbl.clear const_tbl1 ;
Hashtbl.clear const_tbl2
let init () = reset ()
let final () = reset ()
let lookup' tbl e default =
match e with
| Exp.Var _ -> (
try Hashtbl.find tbl e with Caml.Not_found -> Hashtbl.replace tbl e default ; default )
| _ ->
assert false
let lookup_equiv' tbl e = lookup' tbl e e
let lookup_const' tbl e = lookup' tbl e Exp.Set.empty
let rec find' tbl e =
let e' = lookup_equiv' tbl e in
match e' with
| Exp.Var _ ->
if Exp.equal e e' then e
let root = find' tbl e' in
Hashtbl.replace tbl e root ; root
| _ ->
assert false
let union' tbl const_tbl e1 e2 =
let r1 = find' tbl e1 in
let r2 = find' tbl e2 in
let new_r, old_r = match Exp.compare r1 r2 with i when i <= 0 -> (r1, r2) | _ -> (r2, r1) in
let new_c = lookup_const' const_tbl new_r in
let old_c = lookup_const' const_tbl old_r in
let res_c = Exp.Set.union new_c old_c in
if Exp.Set.cardinal res_c > 1 then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 3" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ) ;
Hashtbl.replace tbl old_r new_r ;
Hashtbl.replace const_tbl new_r res_c
let replace_const' tbl const_tbl e c =
let r = find' tbl e in
let set = Exp.Set.add c (lookup_const' const_tbl r) in
if Exp.Set.cardinal set > 1 then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 4" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ) ;
Hashtbl.replace const_tbl r set
let add side e e' =
let tbl, const_tbl =
match side with Lhs -> (equiv_tbl1, const_tbl1) | Rhs -> (equiv_tbl2, const_tbl2)
match (e, e') with
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Var id' -> (
match (can_rename id, can_rename id') with
| true, true ->
union' tbl const_tbl e e'
| true, false ->
replace_const' tbl const_tbl e e'
| false, true ->
replace_const' tbl const_tbl e' e
| _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 5" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Const _ | Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar _ ->
if can_rename id then replace_const' tbl const_tbl e e'
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 6" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Const _, Exp.Var id' | Exp.Lvar _, Exp.Var id' ->
if can_rename id' then replace_const' tbl const_tbl e' e
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 7" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| _ ->
if not (Exp.equal e e') then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 8" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ) else ()
let check side es =
let f = function Exp.Var id -> can_rename id | _ -> false in
let vars, nonvars = List.partition_tf ~f es in
let tbl, const_tbl =
match side with Lhs -> (equiv_tbl1, const_tbl1) | Rhs -> (equiv_tbl2, const_tbl2)
if List.length nonvars > 1 then false
match (vars, nonvars) with
| [], _ | [_], [] ->
| v :: vars', _ ->
let r = find' tbl v in
let set = lookup_const' const_tbl r in
List.for_all ~f:(fun v' -> Exp.equal (find' tbl v') r) vars'
&& List.for_all ~f:(fun c -> Exp.Set.mem c set) nonvars
(** {2 Modules for checking whether join or meet loses too much info} *)
module type InfoLossCheckerSig = sig
val init : Prop.sigma -> Prop.sigma -> unit
val final : unit -> unit
val lost_little : side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> bool
val add : side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> unit
module Dangling : sig
val init : Prop.sigma -> Prop.sigma -> unit
val final : unit -> unit
val check : side -> Exp.t -> bool
end = struct
let lexps1 = ref Exp.Set.empty
let lexps2 = ref Exp.Set.empty
let get_lexp_set' sigma =
let lexp_lst = Sil.hpred_list_get_lexps (fun _ -> true) sigma in
List.fold ~f:(fun set e -> Exp.Set.add e set) ~init:Exp.Set.empty lexp_lst
let init sigma1 sigma2 =
lexps1 := get_lexp_set' sigma1 ;
lexps2 := get_lexp_set' sigma2
let final () =
lexps1 := Exp.Set.empty ;
lexps2 := Exp.Set.empty
(* conservatively checks whether e is dangling *)
let check side e =
let lexps = match side with Lhs -> !lexps1 | Rhs -> !lexps2 in
match e with
| Exp.Var id ->
can_rename id && not (Exp.Set.mem e lexps)
| Exp.Const _ ->
not (Exp.Set.mem e lexps)
| Exp.BinOp _ ->
not (Exp.Set.mem e lexps)
| _ ->
module CheckJoinPre : InfoLossCheckerSig = struct
let init sigma1 sigma2 = NonInj.init () ; Dangling.init sigma1 sigma2
let final () = NonInj.final () ; Dangling.final ()
let fail_case side e es =
let side_op = opposite side in
match e with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var id when Ident.is_normal id ->
List.length es >= 1
| Exp.Var _ ->
if Int.equal Config.join_cond 0 then List.exists ~f:(Exp.equal Exp.zero) es
else if Dangling.check side e then (
let r = List.exists ~f:(fun e' -> not (Dangling.check side_op e')) es in
if r then (
L.d_str ".... Dangling Check (dang e:" ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_str ") (? es:" ;
Sil.d_exp_list es ;
L.d_strln ") ...." ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
r )
let r = List.exists ~f:(Dangling.check side_op) es in
if r then (
L.d_str ".... Dangling Check (notdang e:" ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_str ") (? es:" ;
Sil.d_exp_list es ;
L.d_strln ") ...." ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
| _ ->
let lost_little side e es =
let side_op = opposite side in
let es = match e with Exp.Const _ -> [] | _ -> es in
if fail_case side e es then false
else match es with [] | [_] -> true | _ -> NonInj.check side_op es
let add = NonInj.add
module CheckJoinPost : InfoLossCheckerSig = struct
let init _ _ = NonInj.init ()
let final () = NonInj.final ()
let fail_case _ e es =
match e with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var id when Ident.is_normal id ->
List.length es >= 1
| Exp.Var _ ->
| _ ->
let lost_little side e es =
let side_op = opposite side in
let es = match e with Exp.Const _ -> [] | _ -> es in
if fail_case side e es then false
else match es with [] | [_] -> true | _ -> NonInj.check side_op es
let add = NonInj.add
module CheckJoin : sig
val init : JoinState.mode -> Prop.sigma -> Prop.sigma -> unit
val final : unit -> unit
val lost_little : side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> bool
val add : side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> unit
end = struct
let mode_ref : JoinState.mode ref = ref JoinState.Post
let init mode sigma1 sigma2 =
mode_ref := mode ;
match mode with
| JoinState.Pre ->
CheckJoinPre.init sigma1 sigma2
| JoinState.Post ->
CheckJoinPost.init sigma1 sigma2
let final () =
match !mode_ref with
| JoinState.Pre ->
CheckJoinPre.final () ;
mode_ref := JoinState.Post
| JoinState.Post ->
CheckJoinPost.final () ;
mode_ref := JoinState.Post
let lost_little side e es =
match !mode_ref with
| JoinState.Pre ->
CheckJoinPre.lost_little side e es
| JoinState.Post ->
CheckJoinPost.lost_little side e es
let add side e1 e2 =
match !mode_ref with
| JoinState.Pre ->
CheckJoinPre.add side e1 e2
| JoinState.Post ->
CheckJoinPost.add side e1 e2
(** {2 Module for worklist} *)
module Todo : sig
exception Empty
type t
val init : unit -> unit
val final : unit -> unit
val reset : (Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> unit
val push : Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t -> unit
val pop : unit -> Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t
val set : t -> unit
val take : unit -> t
end = struct
exception Empty
type t = (Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) list
let tbl = ref []
let init () = tbl := []
let final () = tbl := []
let reset todo = tbl := todo
let push e = tbl := e :: !tbl
let pop () =
match !tbl with
| h :: t ->
tbl := t ;
| _ ->
raise Empty
let set todo = tbl := todo
let take () =
let res = !tbl in
tbl := [] ;
(** {2 Module for introducing fresh variables} *)
module FreshVarExp : sig
val init : unit -> unit
val get_fresh_exp : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
val get_induced_pi : Tenv.t -> unit -> Prop.pi
val final : unit -> unit
val lookup : side -> Exp.t -> (Exp.t * Exp.t) option
end = struct
let t = ref []
let init () = t := []
let final () = t := []
let entry_compare (e1, e2, _) (_, e2', _) =
let n1 = Exp.compare e1 e2 in
if n1 <> 0 then n1 else Exp.compare e2 e2'
let get_fresh_exp e1 e2 =
List.find ~f:(fun (e1', e2', _) -> Exp.equal e1 e1' && Exp.equal e2 e2') !t
|> Option.map ~f:trd3
| Some res ->
| None ->
let e = Exp.get_undefined (JoinState.get_footprint ()) in
t := (e1, e2, e) :: !t ;
let get_induced_atom tenv acc strict_lower upper e =
let ineq_lower = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, strict_lower, e)) in
let ineq_upper = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e, upper)) in
ineq_lower :: ineq_upper :: acc
let minus2_to_2 = List.map ~f:IntLit.of_int [-2; -1; 0; 1; 2]
let get_induced_pi tenv () =
let t_sorted = List.sort ~compare:entry_compare !t in
let add_and_chk_eq e1 e1' n =
match (e1, e1') with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1') ->
IntLit.eq (n1 ++ n) n1'
| _ ->
let add_and_gen_eq e e' n =
let e_plus_n = Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e, Exp.int n) in
Prop.mk_eq tenv e_plus_n e'
let rec f_eqs_entry ((e1, e2, e) as entry) eqs_acc t_seen = function
| [] ->
(eqs_acc, t_seen)
| ((e1', e2', e') as entry') :: t_rest' -> (
List.find ~f:(fun n -> add_and_chk_eq e1 e1' n && add_and_chk_eq e2 e2' n) minus2_to_2
|> Option.map ~f:(fun n ->
let eq = add_and_gen_eq e e' n in
let eqs_acc' = eq :: eqs_acc in
f_eqs_entry entry eqs_acc' t_seen t_rest' )
| Some res ->
| None ->
let t_seen' = entry' :: t_seen in
f_eqs_entry entry eqs_acc t_seen' t_rest' )
let rec f_eqs eqs_acc t_acc = function
| [] ->
(eqs_acc, t_acc)
| entry :: t_rest ->
let eqs_acc', t_rest' = f_eqs_entry entry eqs_acc [] t_rest in
let t_acc' = entry :: t_acc in
f_eqs eqs_acc' t_acc' t_rest'
let eqs, t_minimal = f_eqs [] [] t_sorted in
let f_ineqs acc (e1, e2, e) =
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) ->
let strict_lower1, upper1 =
if IntLit.leq n1 n2 then (n1 -- IntLit.one, n2) else (n2 -- IntLit.one, n1)
let e_strict_lower1 = Exp.int strict_lower1 in
let e_upper1 = Exp.int upper1 in
get_induced_atom tenv acc e_strict_lower1 e_upper1 e
| _ ->
List.fold ~f:f_ineqs ~init:eqs t_minimal
(** {2 Modules for renaming} *)
module Rename : sig
type data_opt = ExtFresh | ExtDefault of Exp.t
val init : unit -> unit
val final : unit -> unit
val reset : unit -> (Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) list
val extend : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> data_opt -> Exp.t
val check : (side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t list -> bool) -> bool
val get_others : side -> Exp.t -> (Exp.t * Exp.t) option
val get_other_atoms : Tenv.t -> side -> Sil.atom -> (Sil.atom * Sil.atom) option
val lookup : side -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
val lookup_list : side -> Exp.t list -> Exp.t list
val lookup_list_todo : side -> Exp.t list -> Exp.t list
val to_subst_proj : side -> unit Ident.HashQueue.t -> Sil.subst
val to_subst_emb : side -> Sil.subst
val get : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t option
val pp : printenv -> Format.formatter -> (Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) list -> unit
end = struct
type t = (Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) list
let tbl : t ref = ref []
let init () = tbl := []
let final () = tbl := []
let reset () =
let f = function
| Exp.Var id, e, _ | e, Exp.Var id, _ ->
Ident.is_footprint id
&& Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:(fun id -> not (Ident.is_primed id))
| _ ->
let t' = List.filter ~f !tbl in
tbl := t' ;
let push v = tbl := v :: !tbl
let check lost_little =
let f side e =
let side_op = opposite side in
let assoc_es =
match e with
| Exp.Const _ ->
| Exp.Lvar _ | Exp.Var _ | Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var _, _) ->
let is_same_e (e1, e2, _) = Exp.equal e (select side e1 e2) in
let assoc = List.filter ~f:is_same_e !tbl in
List.map ~f:(fun (e1, e2, _) -> select side_op e1 e2) assoc
| _ ->
L.d_str "no pattern match in check lost_little e: " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ;
raise Sil.JoinFail
lost_little side e assoc_es
let lhs_es = List.map ~f:(fun (e1, _, _) -> e1) !tbl in
let rhs_es = List.map ~f:(fun (_, e2, _) -> e2) !tbl in
List.for_all ~f:(f Rhs) rhs_es && List.for_all ~f:(f Lhs) lhs_es
let lookup_side' side e =
let f (e1, e2, _) = Exp.equal e (select side e1 e2) in
List.filter ~f !tbl
let lookup_side_induced' side e =
let res = ref [] in
let f v =
match (v, side) with
| (Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1', Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), e2, e'), Lhs
when Exp.equal e e1' ->
let c' = Exp.int (IntLit.neg i) in
let v' =
(e1', Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e2, c'), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e', c'))
res := v' :: !res
| (e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2', Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), e'), Rhs
when Exp.equal e e2' ->
let c' = Exp.int (IntLit.neg i) in
let v' =
(Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e1, c'), e2', Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e', c'))
res := v' :: !res
| _ ->
List.iter ~f !tbl ; List.rev !res
(* Return the triple whose side is [e], if it exists unique *)
let lookup' todo side e : Exp.t =
match e with
| Exp.Var id when can_rename id -> (
let r = lookup_side' side e in
match r with
| [((_, _, id) as t)] ->
if todo then Todo.push t ;
| _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 9" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Var _ | Exp.Const _ | Exp.Lvar _ ->
if todo then Todo.push (e, e, e) ;
| _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 10" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
let lookup side e = lookup' false side e
let lookup_todo side e = lookup' true side e
let lookup_list side l = List.map ~f:(lookup side) l
let lookup_list_todo side l = List.map ~f:(lookup_todo side) l
let to_subst_proj (side : side) vars =
let renaming_restricted =
~f:(function _, _, Exp.Var i -> Ident.HashQueue.mem vars i | _ -> assert false)
let sub_list_side =
~f:(function e1, e2, Exp.Var i -> (i, select side e1 e2) | _ -> assert false)
let sub_list_side_sorted =
List.sort ~compare:(fun (_, e) (_, e') -> Exp.compare e e') sub_list_side
let rec find_duplicates = function
| (_, e) :: ((_, e') :: _ as t) ->
Exp.equal e e' || find_duplicates t
| _ ->
if find_duplicates sub_list_side_sorted then (
L.d_strln "failure reason 11" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Sil.subst_of_list sub_list_side
let to_subst_emb (side : side) =
let renaming_restricted =
let pick_id_case (e1, e2, _) =
match select side e1 e2 with Exp.Var i -> can_rename i | _ -> false
List.filter ~f:pick_id_case !tbl
let sub_list =
let project (e1, e2, e) =
match select side e1 e2 with Exp.Var i -> (i, e) | _ -> assert false
List.map ~f:project renaming_restricted
let sub_list_sorted =
let compare (i, _) (i', _) = Ident.compare i i' in
List.sort ~compare sub_list
let rec find_duplicates = function
| (i, _) :: ((i', _) :: _ as t) ->
Ident.equal i i' || find_duplicates t
| _ ->
if find_duplicates sub_list_sorted then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 12" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Sil.subst_of_list sub_list_sorted
let get_others' f_lookup side e =
let side_op = opposite side in
let r = f_lookup side e in
match r with [] -> None | [(e1, e2, e')] -> Some (e', select side_op e1 e2) | _ -> None
let get_others = get_others' lookup_side'
let get_others_direct_or_induced side e =
let others = get_others side e in
match others with None -> get_others' lookup_side_induced' side e | Some _ -> others
let get_others_deep side = function
| Exp.BinOp (op, e, e') -> (
let others = get_others_direct_or_induced side e in
let others' = get_others_direct_or_induced side e' in
match (others, others') with
| None, _ | _, None ->
| Some (e_res, e_op), Some (e_res', e_op') ->
let e_res'' = Exp.BinOp (op, e_res, e_res') in
let e_op'' = Exp.BinOp (op, e_op, e_op') in
Some (e_res'', e_op'') )
| _ ->
let get_other_atoms tenv side atom_in =
let build_other_atoms construct side e =
if Config.trace_join then ( L.d_str "build_other_atoms: " ; Sil.d_exp e ; L.d_ln () ) ;
let others1 = get_others_direct_or_induced side e in
let others2 = match others1 with None -> get_others_deep side e | Some _ -> others1 in
match others2 with
| None ->
| Some (e_res, e_op) ->
let a_res = construct e_res in
let a_op = construct e_op in
if Config.trace_join then (
L.d_str "build_other_atoms (successful) " ;
Sil.d_atom a_res ;
L.d_str ", " ;
Sil.d_atom a_op ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
Some (a_res, a_op)
let exp_contains_only_normal_ids e = Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal in
let atom_contains_only_normal_ids a =
Sil.atom_free_vars a |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal
let normal_ids_only = atom_contains_only_normal_ids atom_in in
if normal_ids_only then Some (atom_in, atom_in)
match atom_in with
| Sil.Aneq ((Exp.Var id as e), e')
when exp_contains_only_normal_ids e' && not (Ident.is_normal id) ->
(* e' cannot also be a normal id according to the guard so we can consider the two cases
separately (this case and the next) *)
build_other_atoms (fun e0 -> Prop.mk_neq tenv e0 e') side e
| Sil.Aneq (e', (Exp.Var id as e))
when exp_contains_only_normal_ids e' && not (Ident.is_normal id) ->
build_other_atoms (fun e0 -> Prop.mk_neq tenv e0 e') side e
| Sil.Apred (a, (Var id as e) :: es)
when (not (Ident.is_normal id)) && List.for_all ~f:exp_contains_only_normal_ids es ->
build_other_atoms (fun e0 -> Prop.mk_pred tenv a (e0 :: es)) side e
| Sil.Anpred (a, (Var id as e) :: es)
when (not (Ident.is_normal id)) && List.for_all ~f:exp_contains_only_normal_ids es ->
build_other_atoms (fun e0 -> Prop.mk_npred tenv a (e0 :: es)) side e
| Sil.Aeq ((Exp.Var id as e), e')
when exp_contains_only_normal_ids e' && not (Ident.is_normal id) ->
(* e' cannot also be a normal id according to the guard so we can consider the two cases
separately (this case and the next) *)
build_other_atoms (fun e0 -> Prop.mk_eq tenv e0 e') side e
| Sil.Aeq (e', (Exp.Var id as e))
when exp_contains_only_normal_ids e' && not (Ident.is_normal id) ->
build_other_atoms (fun e0 -> Prop.mk_eq tenv e0 e') side e
| Sil.Aeq (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e, e'), Exp.Const (Const.Cint i))
| Sil.Aeq (Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e, e'))
when IntLit.isone i && exp_contains_only_normal_ids e' ->
let construct e0 = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e0, e')) in
build_other_atoms construct side e
| Sil.Aeq (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, e', e), Exp.Const (Const.Cint i))
| Sil.Aeq (Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, e', e))
when IntLit.isone i && exp_contains_only_normal_ids e' ->
let construct e0 = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, e', e0)) in
build_other_atoms construct side e
| Sil.Aeq _ | Aneq _ | Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
type data_opt = ExtFresh | ExtDefault of Exp.t
(* Extend the renaming relation. At least one of e1 and e2
* should be a primed or footprint variable *)
let extend e1 e2 default_op =
List.find ~f:(fun (f1, f2, _) -> Exp.equal e1 f1 && Exp.equal e2 f2) !tbl
|> Option.map ~f:trd3
| Some res ->
| None ->
let some_primed () =
Exp.free_vars e1 |> Sequence.exists ~f:Ident.is_primed
|| Exp.free_vars e2 |> Sequence.exists ~f:Ident.is_primed
let e =
(not (Exp.free_vars e1 |> Sequence.exists ~f:can_rename))
&& not (Exp.free_vars e2 |> Sequence.exists ~f:can_rename)
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then e1 else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 13" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
match default_op with
| ExtDefault e ->
| ExtFresh ->
let kind =
if JoinState.get_footprint () && not (some_primed ()) then Ident.kfootprint
else Ident.kprimed
Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh kind)
let entry = (e1, e2, e) in
push entry ; Todo.push entry ; e
(** {2 Functions for constructing fresh sil data types} *)
let extend_side' kind side e =
match Rename.get_others side e with
| None ->
let e_op = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh kind) in
let e_new = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh kind) in
let e1, e2 = match side with Lhs -> (e, e_op) | Rhs -> (e_op, e) in
Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e_new)
| Some (e', _) ->
let rec exp_construct_fresh side e =
match e with
| Exp.Var id ->
if Ident.is_normal id then (
Todo.push (e, e, e) ;
e )
else if Ident.is_footprint id then extend_side' Ident.kfootprint side e
else extend_side' Ident.kprimed side e
| Exp.Const _ ->
| Exp.Cast (t, e1) ->
let e1' = exp_construct_fresh side e1 in
Exp.Cast (t, e1')
| Exp.UnOp (unop, e1, topt) ->
let e1' = exp_construct_fresh side e1 in
Exp.UnOp (unop, e1', topt)
| Exp.BinOp (binop, e1, e2) ->
let e1' = exp_construct_fresh side e1 in
let e2' = exp_construct_fresh side e2 in
Exp.BinOp (binop, e1', e2')
| Exp.Exn _ ->
| Exp.Closure _ ->
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Lfield (e1, fld, typ) ->
let e1' = exp_construct_fresh side e1 in
Exp.Lfield (e1', fld, typ)
| Exp.Lindex (e1, e2) ->
let e1' = exp_construct_fresh side e1 in
let e2' = exp_construct_fresh side e2 in
Exp.Lindex (e1', e2')
| Exp.Sizeof {dynamic_length= None} ->
| Exp.Sizeof ({dynamic_length= Some len} as sizeof) ->
Exp.Sizeof {sizeof with dynamic_length= Some (exp_construct_fresh side len)}
let strexp_construct_fresh side =
let f (e, inst_opt) = (exp_construct_fresh side e, inst_opt) in
Sil.strexp_expmap f
let hpred_construct_fresh side =
let f (e, inst_opt) = (exp_construct_fresh side e, inst_opt) in
Sil.hpred_expmap f
(** {2 Join and Meet for Ids} *)
let ident_same_kind_primed_footprint id1 id2 =
(Ident.is_primed id1 && Ident.is_primed id2) || (Ident.is_footprint id1 && Ident.is_footprint id2)
let ident_partial_join (id1 : Ident.t) (id2 : Ident.t) =
match (Ident.is_normal id1, Ident.is_normal id2) with
| true, true ->
if Ident.equal id1 id2 then Exp.Var id1
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 14" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| true, _ | _, true ->
Rename.extend (Exp.Var id1) (Exp.Var id2) Rename.ExtFresh
| _ ->
if not (ident_same_kind_primed_footprint id1 id2) then (
L.d_strln "failure reason 15" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let e1 = Exp.Var id1 in
let e2 = Exp.Var id2 in
Rename.extend e1 e2 Rename.ExtFresh
let ident_partial_meet (id1 : Ident.t) (id2 : Ident.t) =
match (Ident.is_normal id1, Ident.is_normal id2) with
| true, true ->
if Ident.equal id1 id2 then Exp.Var id1
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 16" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| true, _ ->
let e1, e2 = (Exp.Var id1, Exp.Var id2) in
Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e1)
| _, true ->
let e1, e2 = (Exp.Var id1, Exp.Var id2) in
Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e2)
| _ ->
if Ident.is_primed id1 && Ident.is_primed id2 then
Rename.extend (Exp.Var id1) (Exp.Var id2) Rename.ExtFresh
else if Ident.is_footprint id1 && Ident.equal id1 id2 then
let e = Exp.Var id1 in
Rename.extend e e (Rename.ExtDefault e)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 17" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
(** {2 Join and Meet for Exps} *)
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let option_partial_join partial_join o1 o2 =
match (o1, o2) with None, _ -> o2 | _, None -> o1 | Some x1, Some x2 -> partial_join x1 x2
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let const_partial_join c1 c2 =
let is_int = function Const.Cint _ -> true | _ -> false in
if Const.equal c1 c2 then Exp.Const c1
else if Const.kind_equal c1 c2 && not (is_int c1) then (
L.d_strln "failure reason 18" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else if !BiabductionConfig.abs_val >= 2 then
FreshVarExp.get_fresh_exp (Exp.Const c1) (Exp.Const c2)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 19" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let rec exp_partial_join (e1 : Exp.t) (e2 : Exp.t) : Exp.t =
(* L.d_str "exp_partial_join "; Sil.d_exp e1; L.d_str " "; Sil.d_exp e2; L.d_ln (); *)
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Var id1, Exp.Var id2 ->
ident_partial_join id1 id2
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Const _ | Exp.Const _, Exp.Var id ->
if Ident.is_normal id then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 20" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Rename.extend e1 e2 Rename.ExtFresh
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
const_partial_join c1 c2
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar _ | Exp.Lvar _, Exp.Var id ->
if Ident.is_normal id then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 21" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Rename.extend e1 e2 Rename.ExtFresh
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var id1, Exp.Const _), Exp.Var id2
| Exp.Var id1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var id2, Exp.Const _)
when ident_same_kind_primed_footprint id1 id2 ->
Rename.extend e1 e2 Rename.ExtFresh
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var id1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint c1)), Exp.Const (Const.Cint c2)
when can_rename id1 ->
let c2' = c2 -- c1 in
let e_res = Rename.extend (Exp.Var id1) (Exp.int c2') Rename.ExtFresh in
Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e_res, Exp.int c1)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint c1), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var id2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint c2))
when can_rename id2 ->
let c1' = c1 -- c2 in
let e_res = Rename.extend (Exp.int c1') (Exp.Var id2) Rename.ExtFresh in
Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e_res, Exp.int c2)
| Exp.Cast (t1, e1), Exp.Cast (t2, e2) ->
if not (Typ.equal t1 t2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 22" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let e1'' = exp_partial_join e1 e2 in
Exp.Cast (t1, e1'')
| Exp.UnOp (unop1, e1, topt1), Exp.UnOp (unop2, e2, _) ->
if not (Unop.equal unop1 unop2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 23" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Exp.UnOp (unop1, exp_partial_join e1 e2, topt1) (* should be topt1 = topt2 *)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, e1, e1'), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, e2, e2') ->
let e1'' = exp_partial_join e1 e2 in
let e2'' =
match (e1', e2') with
| Exp.Const _, Exp.Const _ ->
exp_partial_join e1' e2'
| _ ->
FreshVarExp.get_fresh_exp e1 e2
Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, e1'', e2'')
| Exp.BinOp (binop1, e1, e1'), Exp.BinOp (binop2, e2, e2') ->
if not (Binop.equal binop1 binop2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 24" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let e1'' = exp_partial_join e1 e2 in
let e2'' = exp_partial_join e1' e2' in
Exp.BinOp (binop1, e1'', e2'')
| Exp.Lvar pvar1, Exp.Lvar pvar2 ->
if not (Pvar.equal pvar1 pvar2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 25" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else e1
| Exp.Lfield (e1, f1, t1), Exp.Lfield (e2, f2, _) ->
if not (Typ.Fieldname.equal f1 f2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 26" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Exp.Lfield (exp_partial_join e1 e2, f1, t1) (* should be t1 = t2 *)
| Exp.Lindex (e1, e1'), Exp.Lindex (e2, e2') ->
let e1'' = exp_partial_join e1 e2 in
let e2'' = exp_partial_join e1' e2' in
Exp.Lindex (e1'', e2'')
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; nbytes= nbytes1; dynamic_length= len1; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; nbytes= nbytes2; dynamic_length= len2; subtype= st2} ) ->
(* forget the static sizes if they differ *)
let nbytes_join i1 i2 = if Int.equal i1 i2 then Some i1 else None in
{ typ= typ_partial_join t1 t2
; nbytes= option_partial_join nbytes_join nbytes1 nbytes2
; dynamic_length= dynamic_length_partial_join len1 len2
; subtype= Subtype.join st1 st2 }
| _ ->
L.d_str "exp_partial_join no match " ;
Sil.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str " " ;
Sil.d_exp e2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
raise Sil.JoinFail
and length_partial_join len1 len2 =
match (len1, len2) with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const c1), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2, Exp.Const c2) ->
let e' = exp_partial_join e1 e2 in
let c' = exp_partial_join (Exp.Const c1) (Exp.Const c2) in
Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e', c')
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, _, _), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, _, _) ->
Rename.extend len1 len2 Rename.ExtFresh
| Exp.Var id1, Exp.Var id2 when Ident.equal id1 id2 ->
| _ ->
exp_partial_join len1 len2
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
and static_length_partial_join l1 l2 =
option_partial_join (fun len1 len2 -> if IntLit.eq len1 len2 then Some len1 else None) l1 l2
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
and dynamic_length_partial_join l1 l2 =
option_partial_join (fun len1 len2 -> Some (length_partial_join len1 len2)) l1 l2
and typ_partial_join (t1 : Typ.t) (t2 : Typ.t) =
match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
| Typ.Tptr (t1, pk1), Typ.Tptr (t2, pk2)
when Typ.equal_ptr_kind pk1 pk2 && Typ.equal_quals t1.quals t2.quals ->
Typ.mk ~default:t1 (Tptr (typ_partial_join t1 t2, pk1))
(* quals are the same for t1 and t2 *)
| ( Typ.Tarray {elt= typ1; length= len1; stride= stride1}
, Typ.Tarray {elt= typ2; length= len2; stride= stride2} )
when Typ.equal_quals typ1.quals typ2.quals ->
let elt = typ_partial_join typ1 typ2 in
let length = static_length_partial_join len1 len2 in
let stride = static_length_partial_join stride1 stride2 in
Typ.mk_array ~default:t1 elt ?length ?stride
(* quals are the same for t1 and t2 *)
| _ when Typ.equal t1 t2 ->
t1 (* common case *)
| _ ->
L.d_str "typ_partial_join no match " ;
Typ.d_full t1 ;
L.d_str " " ;
Typ.d_full t2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
raise Sil.JoinFail
let rec exp_partial_meet (e1 : Exp.t) (e2 : Exp.t) : Exp.t =
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Var id1, Exp.Var id2 ->
ident_partial_meet id1 id2
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Const _ ->
if not (Ident.is_normal id) then Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e2)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 27" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Const _, Exp.Var id ->
if not (Ident.is_normal id) then Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e1)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 28" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
if Const.equal c1 c2 then e1 else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 29" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Cast (t1, e1), Exp.Cast (t2, e2) ->
if not (Typ.equal t1 t2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 30" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let e1'' = exp_partial_meet e1 e2 in
Exp.Cast (t1, e1'')
| Exp.UnOp (unop1, e1, topt1), Exp.UnOp (unop2, e2, _) ->
if not (Unop.equal unop1 unop2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 31" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Exp.UnOp (unop1, exp_partial_meet e1 e2, topt1) (* should be topt1 = topt2 *)
| Exp.BinOp (binop1, e1, e1'), Exp.BinOp (binop2, e2, e2') ->
if not (Binop.equal binop1 binop2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 32" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let e1'' = exp_partial_meet e1 e2 in
let e2'' = exp_partial_meet e1' e2' in
Exp.BinOp (binop1, e1'', e2'')
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar _ ->
if not (Ident.is_normal id) then Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e2)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 33" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Lvar _, Exp.Var id ->
if not (Ident.is_normal id) then Rename.extend e1 e2 (Rename.ExtDefault e1)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 34" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| Exp.Lvar pvar1, Exp.Lvar pvar2 ->
if not (Pvar.equal pvar1 pvar2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 35" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else e1
| Exp.Lfield (e1, f1, t1), Exp.Lfield (e2, f2, _) ->
if not (Typ.Fieldname.equal f1 f2) then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 36" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
else Exp.Lfield (exp_partial_meet e1 e2, f1, t1) (* should be t1 = t2 *)
| Exp.Lindex (e1, e1'), Exp.Lindex (e2, e2') ->
let e1'' = exp_partial_meet e1 e2 in
let e2'' = exp_partial_meet e1' e2' in
Exp.Lindex (e1'', e2'')
| _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 37" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
let exp_list_partial_join = List.map2_exn ~f:exp_partial_join
let exp_list_partial_meet = List.map2_exn ~f:exp_partial_meet
(** {2 Join and Meet for Strexp} *)
let rec strexp_partial_join mode (strexp1 : Sil.strexp) (strexp2 : Sil.strexp) : Sil.strexp =
let rec f_fld_se_list inst mode acc fld_se_list1 fld_se_list2 =
match (fld_se_list1, fld_se_list2) with
| [], [] ->
Sil.Estruct (List.rev acc, inst)
| [], _ | _, [] -> (
match mode with
| JoinState.Pre ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 42" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| JoinState.Post ->
Sil.Estruct (List.rev acc, inst) )
| (fld1, se1) :: fld_se_list1', (fld2, se2) :: fld_se_list2' -> (
let comparison = Typ.Fieldname.compare fld1 fld2 in
if Int.equal comparison 0 then
let strexp' = strexp_partial_join mode se1 se2 in
let fld_se_list_new = (fld1, strexp') :: acc in
f_fld_se_list inst mode fld_se_list_new fld_se_list1' fld_se_list2'
match mode with
| JoinState.Pre ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 43" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| JoinState.Post ->
if comparison < 0 then f_fld_se_list inst mode acc fld_se_list1' fld_se_list2
else if comparison > 0 then f_fld_se_list inst mode acc fld_se_list1 fld_se_list2'
else assert false )
(* This case should not happen. *)
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let rec f_idx_se_list inst len idx_se_list_acc idx_se_list1 idx_se_list2 =
match (idx_se_list1, idx_se_list2) with
| [], [] ->
Sil.Earray (len, List.rev idx_se_list_acc, inst)
| [], _ | _, [] -> (
match mode with
| JoinState.Pre ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 44" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| JoinState.Post ->
Sil.Earray (len, List.rev idx_se_list_acc, inst) )
| (idx1, se1) :: idx_se_list1', (idx2, se2) :: idx_se_list2' ->
let idx = exp_partial_join idx1 idx2 in
let strexp' = strexp_partial_join mode se1 se2 in
let idx_se_list_new = (idx, strexp') :: idx_se_list_acc in
f_idx_se_list inst len idx_se_list_new idx_se_list1' idx_se_list2'
match (strexp1, strexp2) with
| Sil.Eexp (e1, inst1), Sil.Eexp (e2, inst2) ->
Sil.Eexp (exp_partial_join e1 e2, Sil.inst_partial_join inst1 inst2)
| Sil.Estruct (fld_se_list1, inst1), Sil.Estruct (fld_se_list2, inst2) ->
let inst = Sil.inst_partial_join inst1 inst2 in
f_fld_se_list inst mode [] fld_se_list1 fld_se_list2
| Sil.Earray (len1, idx_se_list1, inst1), Sil.Earray (len2, idx_se_list2, inst2) ->
let len = length_partial_join len1 len2 in
let inst = Sil.inst_partial_join inst1 inst2 in
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
f_idx_se_list inst len [] idx_se_list1 idx_se_list2
| _ ->
L.d_strln "no match in strexp_partial_join" ;
raise Sil.JoinFail
let rec strexp_partial_meet (strexp1 : Sil.strexp) (strexp2 : Sil.strexp) : Sil.strexp =
let construct side rev_list ref_list =
let construct_offset_se (off, se) = (off, strexp_construct_fresh side se) in
let acc = List.map ~f:construct_offset_se ref_list in
List.rev_append rev_list acc
let rec f_fld_se_list inst acc fld_se_list1 fld_se_list2 =
match (fld_se_list1, fld_se_list2) with
| [], [] ->
Sil.Estruct (List.rev acc, inst)
| [], _ ->
Sil.Estruct (construct Rhs acc fld_se_list2, inst)
| _, [] ->
Sil.Estruct (construct Lhs acc fld_se_list1, inst)
| (fld1, se1) :: fld_se_list1', (fld2, se2) :: fld_se_list2' ->
let comparison = Typ.Fieldname.compare fld1 fld2 in
if comparison < 0 then
let se' = strexp_construct_fresh Lhs se1 in
let acc_new = (fld1, se') :: acc in
f_fld_se_list inst acc_new fld_se_list1' fld_se_list2
else if comparison > 0 then
let se' = strexp_construct_fresh Rhs se2 in
let acc_new = (fld2, se') :: acc in
f_fld_se_list inst acc_new fld_se_list1 fld_se_list2'
let strexp' = strexp_partial_meet se1 se2 in
let acc_new = (fld1, strexp') :: acc in
f_fld_se_list inst acc_new fld_se_list1' fld_se_list2'
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let rec f_idx_se_list inst len acc idx_se_list1 idx_se_list2 =
match (idx_se_list1, idx_se_list2) with
| [], [] ->
Sil.Earray (len, List.rev acc, inst)
| [], _ ->
Sil.Earray (len, construct Rhs acc idx_se_list2, inst)
| _, [] ->
Sil.Earray (len, construct Lhs acc idx_se_list1, inst)
| (idx1, se1) :: idx_se_list1', (idx2, se2) :: idx_se_list2' ->
let idx = exp_partial_meet idx1 idx2 in
let se' = strexp_partial_meet se1 se2 in
let acc_new = (idx, se') :: acc in
f_idx_se_list inst len acc_new idx_se_list1' idx_se_list2'
match (strexp1, strexp2) with
| Sil.Eexp (e1, inst1), Sil.Eexp (e2, inst2) ->
Sil.Eexp (exp_partial_meet e1 e2, Sil.inst_partial_meet inst1 inst2)
| Sil.Estruct (fld_se_list1, inst1), Sil.Estruct (fld_se_list2, inst2) ->
let inst = Sil.inst_partial_meet inst1 inst2 in
f_fld_se_list inst [] fld_se_list1 fld_se_list2
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
| Sil.Earray (len1, idx_se_list1, inst1), Sil.Earray (len2, idx_se_list2, inst2)
when Exp.equal len1 len2 ->
let inst = Sil.inst_partial_meet inst1 inst2 in
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
f_idx_se_list inst len1 [] idx_se_list1 idx_se_list2
| _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 52" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
(** {2 Join and Meet for kind, hpara, hpara_dll} *)
let kind_join k1 k2 =
match (k1, k2) with
| Sil.Lseg_PE, _ ->
| _, Sil.Lseg_PE ->
| Sil.Lseg_NE, Sil.Lseg_NE ->
let kind_meet k1 k2 =
match (k1, k2) with
| Sil.Lseg_NE, _ ->
| _, Sil.Lseg_NE ->
| Sil.Lseg_PE, Sil.Lseg_PE ->
let hpara_partial_join tenv (hpara1 : Sil.hpara) (hpara2 : Sil.hpara) : Sil.hpara =
if Match.hpara_match_with_impl tenv true hpara2 hpara1 then hpara1
else if Match.hpara_match_with_impl tenv true hpara1 hpara2 then hpara2
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 53" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let hpara_partial_meet tenv (hpara1 : Sil.hpara) (hpara2 : Sil.hpara) : Sil.hpara =
if Match.hpara_match_with_impl tenv true hpara2 hpara1 then hpara2
else if Match.hpara_match_with_impl tenv true hpara1 hpara2 then hpara1
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 54" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let hpara_dll_partial_join tenv (hpara1 : Sil.hpara_dll) (hpara2 : Sil.hpara_dll) : Sil.hpara_dll =
if Match.hpara_dll_match_with_impl tenv true hpara2 hpara1 then hpara1
else if Match.hpara_dll_match_with_impl tenv true hpara1 hpara2 then hpara2
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 55" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let hpara_dll_partial_meet tenv (hpara1 : Sil.hpara_dll) (hpara2 : Sil.hpara_dll) : Sil.hpara_dll =
if Match.hpara_dll_match_with_impl tenv true hpara2 hpara1 then hpara2
else if Match.hpara_dll_match_with_impl tenv true hpara1 hpara2 then hpara1
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 56" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
(** {2 Join and Meet for hpred} *)
let hpred_partial_join tenv mode (todo : Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) (hpred1 : Sil.hpred)
(hpred2 : Sil.hpred) : Sil.hpred =
let e1, e2, e = todo in
match (hpred1, hpred2) with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, se1, te1), Sil.Hpointsto (_, se2, te2) ->
let te = exp_partial_join te1 te2 in
Prop.mk_ptsto tenv e (strexp_partial_join mode se1 se2) te
| Sil.Hlseg (k1, hpara1, _, next1, shared1), Sil.Hlseg (k2, hpara2, _, next2, shared2) ->
let hpara' = hpara_partial_join tenv hpara1 hpara2 in
let next' = exp_partial_join next1 next2 in
let shared' = exp_list_partial_join shared1 shared2 in
Prop.mk_lseg tenv (kind_join k1 k2) hpara' e next' shared'
| ( Sil.Hdllseg (k1, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, shared1)
, Sil.Hdllseg (k2, para2, iF2, oB2, oF2, iB2, shared2) ) ->
let fwd1 = Exp.equal e1 iF1 in
let fwd2 = Exp.equal e2 iF2 in
let hpara' = hpara_dll_partial_join tenv para1 para2 in
let iF', iB' =
if fwd1 && fwd2 then (e, exp_partial_join iB1 iB2)
else if (not fwd1) && not fwd2 then (exp_partial_join iF1 iF2, e)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 57" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let oF' = exp_partial_join oF1 oF2 in
let oB' = exp_partial_join oB1 oB2 in
let shared' = exp_list_partial_join shared1 shared2 in
Prop.mk_dllseg tenv (kind_join k1 k2) hpara' iF' oB' oF' iB' shared'
| _ ->
assert false
let hpred_partial_meet tenv (todo : Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t) (hpred1 : Sil.hpred)
(hpred2 : Sil.hpred) : Sil.hpred =
let e1, e2, e = todo in
match (hpred1, hpred2) with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, se1, te1), Sil.Hpointsto (_, se2, te2) when Exp.equal te1 te2 ->
Prop.mk_ptsto tenv e (strexp_partial_meet se1 se2) te1
| Sil.Hpointsto _, _ | _, Sil.Hpointsto _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 58" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| Sil.Hlseg (k1, hpara1, _, next1, shared1), Sil.Hlseg (k2, hpara2, _, next2, shared2) ->
let hpara' = hpara_partial_meet tenv hpara1 hpara2 in
let next' = exp_partial_meet next1 next2 in
let shared' = exp_list_partial_meet shared1 shared2 in
Prop.mk_lseg tenv (kind_meet k1 k2) hpara' e next' shared'
| ( Sil.Hdllseg (k1, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, shared1)
, Sil.Hdllseg (k2, para2, iF2, oB2, oF2, iB2, shared2) ) ->
let fwd1 = Exp.equal e1 iF1 in
let fwd2 = Exp.equal e2 iF2 in
let hpara' = hpara_dll_partial_meet tenv para1 para2 in
let iF', iB' =
if fwd1 && fwd2 then (e, exp_partial_meet iB1 iB2)
else if (not fwd1) && not fwd2 then (exp_partial_meet iF1 iF2, e)
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 59" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let oF' = exp_partial_meet oF1 oF2 in
let oB' = exp_partial_meet oB1 oB2 in
let shared' = exp_list_partial_meet shared1 shared2 in
Prop.mk_dllseg tenv (kind_meet k1 k2) hpara' iF' oB' oF' iB' shared'
| _ ->
assert false
(** {2 Join and Meet for Sigma} *)
let find_hpred_by_address tenv (e : Exp.t) (sigma : Prop.sigma) : Sil.hpred option * Prop.sigma =
let is_root_for_e e' =
match Prover.is_root tenv Prop.prop_emp e' e with None -> false | Some _ -> true
let contains_e = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (e', _, _) ->
is_root_for_e e'
| Sil.Hlseg (_, _, e', _, _) ->
is_root_for_e e'
| Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) ->
is_root_for_e iF || is_root_for_e iB
let rec f sigma_acc = function
| [] ->
(None, sigma)
| hpred :: sigma ->
if contains_e hpred then (Some hpred, List.rev_append sigma_acc sigma)
else f (hpred :: sigma_acc) sigma
f [] sigma
let same_pred (hpred1 : Sil.hpred) (hpred2 : Sil.hpred) : bool =
match (hpred1, hpred2) with
| Sil.Hpointsto _, Sil.Hpointsto _ ->
| Sil.Hlseg _, Sil.Hlseg _ ->
| Sil.Hdllseg _, Sil.Hdllseg _ ->
| _ ->
(* check that applying renaming to the lhs / rhs of [sigma_new]
* gives [sigma] and that the renaming is injective *)
let sigma_renaming_check (lhs : side) (sigma : Prop.sigma) (sigma_new : Prop.sigma) =
(* apply the lhs / rhs of the renaming to sigma,
* and check that the renaming of primed vars is injective *)
let fav_sigma = Prop.sigma_free_vars sigma_new |> Ident.hashqueue_of_sequence in
let sub = Rename.to_subst_proj lhs fav_sigma in
let sigma' = Prop.sigma_sub sub sigma_new in
equal_sigma sigma sigma'
let sigma_renaming_check_lhs = sigma_renaming_check Lhs
let sigma_renaming_check_rhs = sigma_renaming_check Rhs
let rec sigma_partial_join' tenv mode (sigma_acc : Prop.sigma) (sigma1_in : Prop.sigma)
(sigma2_in : Prop.sigma) : Prop.sigma * Prop.sigma * Prop.sigma =
let lookup_and_expand side e e' =
match (Rename.get_others side e, side) with
| None, _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 60" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| Some (e_res, e_op), Lhs ->
(e_res, exp_partial_join e' e_op)
| Some (e_res, e_op), Rhs ->
(e_res, exp_partial_join e_op e')
let join_list_and_non side root' hlseg e opposite =
match hlseg with
| Sil.Hlseg (_, hpara, root, next, shared) ->
let next' = do_side side exp_partial_join next opposite in
let shared' = Rename.lookup_list side shared in
CheckJoin.add side root next ;
Sil.Hlseg (Sil.Lseg_PE, hpara, root', next', shared')
| Sil.Hdllseg (_, hpara, iF, oB, oF, iB, shared) when Exp.equal iF e ->
let oF' = do_side side exp_partial_join oF opposite in
let shared' = Rename.lookup_list side shared in
let oB', iB' = lookup_and_expand side oB iB in
let oB' = Rename.lookup side oB in
let iB' = Rename.lookup side iB in
CheckJoin.add side iF oF ;
CheckJoin.add side oB iB ;
Sil.Hdllseg (Sil.Lseg_PE, hpara, root', oB', oF', iB', shared')
| Sil.Hdllseg (_, hpara, iF, oB, oF, iB, shared) when Exp.equal iB e ->
let oB' = do_side side exp_partial_join oB opposite in
let shared' = Rename.lookup_list side shared in
let oF', iF' = lookup_and_expand side oF iF in
let oF' = Rename.lookup side oF in
let iF' = Rename.lookup side iF in
CheckJoin.add side iF oF ;
CheckJoin.add side oB iB ;
Sil.Hdllseg (Sil.Lseg_PE, hpara, iF', oB', oF', root', shared')
| _ ->
assert false
let update_list side lseg root' =
match lseg with
| Sil.Hlseg (k, hpara, _, next, shared) ->
let next' = Rename.lookup side next and shared' = Rename.lookup_list_todo side shared in
Sil.Hlseg (k, hpara, root', next', shared')
| _ ->
assert false
let update_dllseg side dllseg iF iB =
match dllseg with
| Sil.Hdllseg (k, hpara, _, oB, oF, _, shared) ->
let oB' = Rename.lookup side oB
and oF' = Rename.lookup side oF
and shared' = Rename.lookup_list_todo side shared in
Sil.Hdllseg (k, hpara, iF, oB', oF', iB, shared')
| _ ->
assert false
(* Drop the part of 'other' sigma corresponding to 'target' sigma if possible.
'side' describes that target is Lhs or Rhs.
'todo' describes the start point. *)
let cut_sigma side todo (target : Prop.sigma) (other : Prop.sigma) =
let list_is_empty l = if l <> [] then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 61" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ) in
let x = Todo.take () in
Todo.push todo ;
let res =
match side with
| Lhs ->
let res, target', other' = sigma_partial_join' tenv mode [] target other in
list_is_empty target' ;
sigma_renaming_check_lhs target res ;
| Rhs ->
let res, other', target' = sigma_partial_join' tenv mode [] other target in
list_is_empty target' ;
sigma_renaming_check_rhs target res ;
Todo.set x ; res
let cut_lseg side todo lseg sigma =
match lseg with
| Sil.Hlseg (_, hpara, root, next, shared) ->
let _, sigma_lseg = Sil.hpara_instantiate hpara root next shared in
cut_sigma side todo sigma_lseg sigma
| _ ->
assert false
let cut_dllseg side todo root lseg sigma =
match lseg with
| Sil.Hdllseg (_, hpara, _, oB, oF, _, shared) ->
let _, sigma_dllseg = Sil.hpara_dll_instantiate hpara root oB oF shared in
cut_sigma side todo sigma_dllseg sigma
| _ ->
assert false
let todo_curr = Todo.pop () in
let e1, e2, e = todo_curr in
if Config.trace_join then (
L.d_strln ".... sigma_partial_join' ...." ;
L.d_str "TODO: " ;
Sil.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Sil.d_exp e2 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "SIGMA1 =" ;
Prop.d_sigma sigma1_in ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "SIGMA2 =" ;
Prop.d_sigma sigma2_in ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
let hpred_opt1, sigma1 = find_hpred_by_address tenv e1 sigma1_in in
let hpred_opt2, sigma2 = find_hpred_by_address tenv e2 sigma2_in in
match (hpred_opt1, hpred_opt2) with
| None, None ->
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc sigma1 sigma2
| Some (Sil.Hlseg (k, _, _, _, _) as lseg), None
| Some (Sil.Hdllseg (k, _, _, _, _, _, _) as lseg), None ->
if (not Config.nelseg) || Sil.equal_lseg_kind k Sil.Lseg_PE then
let sigma_acc' = join_list_and_non Lhs e lseg e1 e2 :: sigma_acc in
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 62" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| None, Some (Sil.Hlseg (k, _, _, _, _) as lseg)
| None, Some (Sil.Hdllseg (k, _, _, _, _, _, _) as lseg) ->
if (not Config.nelseg) || Sil.equal_lseg_kind k Sil.Lseg_PE then
let sigma_acc' = join_list_and_non Rhs e lseg e2 e1 :: sigma_acc in
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2
else ( L.d_strln "failure reason 63" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
| None, _ | _, None ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 64" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
| Some hpred1, Some hpred2 when same_pred hpred1 hpred2 ->
let hpred_res1 = hpred_partial_join tenv mode todo_curr hpred1 hpred2 in
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode (hpred_res1 :: sigma_acc) sigma1 sigma2
| Some (Sil.Hlseg _ as lseg), Some hpred2 ->
let sigma2' = cut_lseg Lhs todo_curr lseg (hpred2 :: sigma2) in
let sigma_acc' = update_list Lhs lseg e :: sigma_acc in
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2'
| Some hpred1, Some (Sil.Hlseg _ as lseg) ->
let sigma1' = cut_lseg Rhs todo_curr lseg (hpred1 :: sigma1) in
let sigma_acc' = update_list Rhs lseg e :: sigma_acc in
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1' sigma2
| Some (Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, iF1, _, _, iB1, _) as dllseg), Some hpred2 when Exp.equal e1 iF1 ->
let iB_res = exp_partial_join iB1 e2 in
let sigma2' = cut_dllseg Lhs todo_curr iF1 dllseg (hpred2 :: sigma2) in
let sigma_acc' = update_dllseg Lhs dllseg e iB_res :: sigma_acc in
CheckJoin.add Lhs iF1 iB1 ;
(* add equality iF1=iB1 *)
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2'
| Some (Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, iF1, _, _, iB1, _) as dllseg), Some hpred2
(* when Exp.equal e1 iB1 *) ->
let iF_res = exp_partial_join iF1 e2 in
let sigma2' = cut_dllseg Lhs todo_curr iB1 dllseg (hpred2 :: sigma2) in
let sigma_acc' = update_dllseg Lhs dllseg iF_res e :: sigma_acc in
CheckJoin.add Lhs iF1 iB1 ;
(* add equality iF1=iB1 *)
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2'
| Some hpred1, Some (Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, iF2, _, _, iB2, _) as dllseg) when Exp.equal e2 iF2 ->
let iB_res = exp_partial_join e1 iB2 in
let sigma1' = cut_dllseg Rhs todo_curr iF2 dllseg (hpred1 :: sigma1) in
let sigma_acc' = update_dllseg Rhs dllseg e iB_res :: sigma_acc in
CheckJoin.add Rhs iF2 iB2 ;
(* add equality iF2=iB2 *)
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1' sigma2
| Some hpred1, Some (Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, iF2, _, _, iB2, _) as dllseg) ->
let iF_res = exp_partial_join e1 iF2 in
let sigma1' = cut_dllseg Rhs todo_curr iB2 dllseg (hpred1 :: sigma1) in
let sigma_acc' = update_dllseg Rhs dllseg iF_res e :: sigma_acc in
CheckJoin.add Rhs iF2 iB2 ;
(* add equality iF2=iB2 *)
sigma_partial_join' tenv mode sigma_acc' sigma1' sigma2
| Some (Sil.Hpointsto _), Some (Sil.Hpointsto _) ->
assert false
(* Should be handled by a guarded case *)
with Todo.Empty -> (
match (sigma1_in, sigma2_in) with
| _ :: _, _ :: _ ->
L.d_strln "todo is empty, but the sigmas are not" ;
raise Sil.JoinFail
| _ ->
(sigma_acc, sigma1_in, sigma2_in) )
let sigma_partial_join tenv mode (sigma1 : Prop.sigma) (sigma2 : Prop.sigma) :
Prop.sigma * Prop.sigma * Prop.sigma =
CheckJoin.init mode sigma1 sigma2 ;
let lost_little = CheckJoin.lost_little in
let s1, s2, s3 = sigma_partial_join' tenv mode [] sigma1 sigma2 in
~f:(fun () ->
if Rename.check lost_little then (s1, s2, s3)
else ( L.d_strln "failed Rename.check" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ) )
let rec sigma_partial_meet' tenv (sigma_acc : Prop.sigma) (sigma1_in : Prop.sigma)
(sigma2_in : Prop.sigma) : Prop.sigma =
let todo_curr = Todo.pop () in
let e1, e2, e = todo_curr in
L.d_strln ".... sigma_partial_meet' ...." ;
L.d_str "TODO: " ;
Sil.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Sil.d_exp e2 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "PROP1=" ;
Prop.d_sigma sigma1_in ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "PROP2=" ;
Prop.d_sigma sigma2_in ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
let hpred_opt1, sigma1 = find_hpred_by_address tenv e1 sigma1_in in
let hpred_opt2, sigma2 = find_hpred_by_address tenv e2 sigma2_in in
match (hpred_opt1, hpred_opt2) with
| None, None ->
sigma_partial_meet' tenv sigma_acc sigma1 sigma2
| Some hpred, None ->
let hpred' = hpred_construct_fresh Lhs hpred in
let sigma_acc' = hpred' :: sigma_acc in
sigma_partial_meet' tenv sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2
| None, Some hpred ->
let hpred' = hpred_construct_fresh Rhs hpred in
let sigma_acc' = hpred' :: sigma_acc in
sigma_partial_meet' tenv sigma_acc' sigma1 sigma2
| Some hpred1, Some hpred2 when same_pred hpred1 hpred2 ->
let hpred' = hpred_partial_meet tenv todo_curr hpred1 hpred2 in
sigma_partial_meet' tenv (hpred' :: sigma_acc) sigma1 sigma2
| Some _, Some _ ->
L.d_strln "failure reason 65" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
with Todo.Empty -> (
match (sigma1_in, sigma2_in) with
| [], [] ->
| _, _ ->
L.d_strln "todo is empty, but the sigmas are not" ;
raise Sil.JoinFail )
let sigma_partial_meet tenv (sigma1 : Prop.sigma) (sigma2 : Prop.sigma) : Prop.sigma =
sigma_partial_meet' tenv [] sigma1 sigma2
let widening_top =
(* nearly max_int but not so close to overflow *)
IntLit.of_int64 Int64.max_value -- IntLit.of_int 1000
let widening_bottom =
(* nearly min_int but not so close to underflow *)
IntLit.of_int64 Int64.min_value ++ IntLit.of_int 1000
(** {2 Join and Meet for Pi} *)
let pi_partial_join tenv mode (ep1 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2 : Prop.exposed Prop.t)
(pi1 : Prop.pi) (pi2 : Prop.pi) : Prop.pi =
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let get_array_len prop =
(* find some array length in the prop, to be used as heuritic for upper bound in widening *)
let len_list = ref [] in
let do_hpred = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Earray (Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), _, _), _) ->
if IntLit.geq n IntLit.one then len_list := n :: !len_list
| _ ->
List.iter ~f:do_hpred prop.Prop.sigma ;
let bounds =
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let bounds1 = get_array_len ep1 in
let bounds2 = get_array_len ep2 in
let bounds_sorted = List.sort ~compare:IntLit.compare_value (bounds1 @ bounds2) in
List.rev (List.remove_consecutive_duplicates ~equal:IntLit.eq bounds_sorted)
let widening_atom a =
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(* widening heuristic for upper bound: take the length of some array, -2 and -1 *)
match (Prop.atom_exp_le_const a, bounds) with
| Some (e, n), len :: _ ->
let first_try = IntLit.sub len IntLit.one in
let second_try = IntLit.sub len IntLit.two in
let bound =
if IntLit.leq n first_try then if IntLit.leq n second_try then second_try else first_try
else widening_top
let a' = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e, Exp.int bound)) in
Some a'
| Some (e, _), [] ->
let bound = widening_top in
let a' = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e, Exp.int bound)) in
Some a'
| _ -> (
match Prop.atom_const_lt_exp a with
| None ->
| Some (n, e) ->
let bound =
if IntLit.leq IntLit.minus_one n then IntLit.minus_one else widening_bottom
let a' = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, Exp.int bound, e)) in
Some a' )
let is_stronger_le e n a =
match Prop.atom_exp_le_const a with
| None ->
| Some (e', n') ->
Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.lt n' n
let is_stronger_lt n e a =
match Prop.atom_const_lt_exp a with
| None ->
| Some (n', e') ->
Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.lt n n'
let join_atom_check_pre p a =
(* check for atoms in pre mode: fail if the negation is implied by the other side *)
let not_a = Prover.atom_negate tenv a in
if Prover.check_atom tenv p not_a then (
L.d_str "join_atom_check failed on " ;
Sil.d_atom a ;
L.d_ln () ;
raise Sil.JoinFail )
let join_atom_check_attribute p a =
(* check for attribute: fail if the attribute is not in the other side *)
if not (Prover.check_atom tenv p a) then (
L.d_str "join_atom_check_attribute failed on " ;
Sil.d_atom a ;
L.d_ln () ;
raise Sil.JoinFail )
let join_atom side p_op pi_op a =
(* try to find the atom corresponding to a on the other side, and check if it is implied *)
match Rename.get_other_atoms tenv side a with
| None ->
| Some (a_res, a_op) -> (
if JoinState.equal_mode mode JoinState.Pre then join_atom_check_pre p_op a_op ;
if Attribute.is_pred a then join_atom_check_attribute p_op a_op ;
if not (Prover.check_atom tenv p_op a_op) then None
match Prop.atom_exp_le_const a_op with
| None -> (
match Prop.atom_const_lt_exp a_op with
| None ->
Some a_res
| Some (n, e) ->
if List.exists ~f:(is_stronger_lt n e) pi_op then widening_atom a_res
else Some a_res )
| Some (e, n) ->
if List.exists ~f:(is_stronger_le e n) pi_op then widening_atom a_res else Some a_res
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
let handle_atom_with_widening len p_op pi_op atom_list a =
(* find a join for the atom, if it fails apply widening heuristing and try again *)
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
match join_atom len p_op pi_op a with
| None -> (
match widening_atom a with
| None ->
| Some a' -> (
match join_atom len p_op pi_op a' with None -> atom_list | Some a' -> a' :: atom_list ) )
| Some a' ->
a' :: atom_list
if Config.trace_join then (
L.d_str "pi1: " ; Prop.d_pi pi1 ; L.d_ln () ; L.d_str "pi2: " ; Prop.d_pi pi2 ; L.d_ln () ) ;
let atom_list1 =
let p2 = Prop.normalize tenv ep2 in
List.fold ~f:(handle_atom_with_widening Lhs p2 pi2) ~init:[] pi1
if Config.trace_join then ( L.d_str "atom_list1: " ; Prop.d_pi atom_list1 ; L.d_ln () ) ;
let atom_list2 =
let p1 = Prop.normalize tenv ep1 in
List.fold ~f:(handle_atom_with_widening Rhs p1 pi1) ~init:[] pi2
if Config.trace_join then ( L.d_str "atom_list2: " ; Prop.d_pi atom_list2 ; L.d_ln () ) ;
let atom_list_combined = IList.inter ~cmp:Sil.compare_atom atom_list1 atom_list2 in
if Config.trace_join then (
L.d_str "atom_list_combined: " ; Prop.d_pi atom_list_combined ; L.d_ln () ) ;
let pi_partial_meet tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (ep1 : 'a Prop.t) (ep2 : 'b Prop.t) :
Prop.normal Prop.t =
let sub1 = Rename.to_subst_emb Lhs in
let sub2 = Rename.to_subst_emb Rhs in
let dom1 = Ident.idlist_to_idset (Sil.sub_domain sub1) in
let dom2 = Ident.idlist_to_idset (Sil.sub_domain sub2) in
let handle_atom sub dom atom =
if Sil.atom_free_vars atom |> Sequence.for_all ~f:(fun id -> Ident.Set.mem id dom) then
Sil.atom_sub sub atom
else ( L.d_str "handle_atom failed on " ; Sil.d_atom atom ; L.d_ln () ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let f1 p' atom = Prop.prop_atom_and tenv p' (handle_atom sub1 dom1 atom) in
let f2 p' atom = Prop.prop_atom_and tenv p' (handle_atom sub2 dom2 atom) in
let pi1 = ep1.Prop.pi in
let pi2 = ep2.Prop.pi in
let p_pi1 = List.fold ~f:f1 ~init:p pi1 in
let p_pi2 = List.fold ~f:f2 ~init:p_pi1 pi2 in
if Prover.check_inconsistency_base tenv p_pi2 then (
L.d_strln "check_inconsistency_base failed" ;
raise Sil.JoinFail )
else p_pi2
(** {2 Join and Meet for Prop} *)
let eprop_partial_meet tenv (ep1 : 'a Prop.t) (ep2 : 'b Prop.t) : 'c Prop.t =
SymOp.pay () ;
(* pay one symop *)
let sigma1 = ep1.Prop.sigma in
let sigma2 = ep2.Prop.sigma in
let es1 = sigma_get_start_lexps_sort sigma1 in
let es2 = sigma_get_start_lexps_sort sigma2 in
let es = IList.merge_sorted_nodup ~cmp:Exp.compare ~res:[] es1 es2 in
let sub_check _ =
let sub1 = ep1.Prop.sub in
let sub2 = ep2.Prop.sub in
let range1 = Sil.sub_range sub1 in
let f e = Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal in
Sil.equal_subst sub1 sub2 && List.for_all ~f range1
if not (sub_check ()) then ( L.d_strln "sub_check() failed" ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
let todos = List.map ~f:(fun x -> (x, x, x)) es in
List.iter ~f:Todo.push todos ;
let sigma_new = sigma_partial_meet tenv sigma1 sigma2 in
let ep = Prop.set ep1 ~sigma:sigma_new in
let ep' = Prop.set ep ~pi:[] in
let p' = Prop.normalize tenv ep' in
let p'' = pi_partial_meet tenv p' ep1 ep2 in
let res = Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars tenv p'' in
let prop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2 =
Rename.init () ;
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
~f:(fun () -> Some (eprop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2))
~finally:(fun () -> Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final ())
with Sil.JoinFail -> None
let eprop_partial_join' tenv mode (ep1 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) :
Prop.normal Prop.t =
SymOp.pay () ;
(* pay one symop *)
let sigma1 = ep1.Prop.sigma in
let sigma2 = ep2.Prop.sigma in
let es1 = sigma_get_start_lexps_sort sigma1 in
let es2 = sigma_get_start_lexps_sort sigma2 in
let simple_check = Int.equal (List.length es1) (List.length es2) in
let rec expensive_check es1' es2' =
match (es1', es2') with
| [], [] ->
| [], _ :: _ | _ :: _, [] ->
| e1 :: es1'', e2 :: es2'' ->
Exp.equal e1 e2 && expensive_check es1'' es2''
let sub_common, eqs_from_sub1, eqs_from_sub2 =
let sub1 = ep1.Prop.sub in
let sub2 = ep2.Prop.sub in
let sub_common, sub1_only, sub2_only = Sil.sub_symmetric_difference sub1 sub2 in
let sub_common_normal, sub_common_other =
let f e = Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal in
Sil.sub_range_partition f sub_common
let eqs1, eqs2 =
let sub_to_eqs sub =
List.map ~f:(fun (id, e) -> Sil.Aeq (Exp.Var id, e)) (Sil.sub_to_list sub)
let eqs1 = sub_to_eqs sub1_only @ sub_to_eqs sub_common_other in
let eqs2 = sub_to_eqs sub2_only in
(eqs1, eqs2)
(sub_common_normal, eqs1, eqs2)
if not (simple_check && expensive_check es1 es2) then (
if not simple_check then L.d_strln "simple_check failed"
else L.d_strln "expensive_check failed" ;
raise Sil.JoinFail ) ;
let todos = List.map ~f:(fun x -> (x, x, x)) es1 in
List.iter ~f:Todo.push todos ;
match sigma_partial_join tenv mode sigma1 sigma2 with
| sigma_new, [], [] ->
L.d_strln "sigma_partial_join succeeded" ;
let ep_sub =
let ep = Prop.set ep1 ~pi:[] in
Prop.set ep ~sub:sub_common
let p_sub_sigma = Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.set ep_sub ~sigma:sigma_new) in
let p_sub_sigma_pi =
let pi1 = ep1.Prop.pi @ eqs_from_sub1 in
let pi2 = ep2.Prop.pi @ eqs_from_sub2 in
let pi' = pi_partial_join tenv mode ep1 ep2 pi1 pi2 in
L.d_strln "pi_partial_join succeeded" ;
let pi_from_fresh_vars = FreshVarExp.get_induced_pi tenv () in
let pi_all = pi' @ pi_from_fresh_vars in
List.fold ~f:(Prop.prop_atom_and tenv) ~init:p_sub_sigma pi_all
| _ ->
L.d_strln "leftovers not empty" ; raise Sil.JoinFail
let footprint_partial_join' tenv (p1 : Prop.normal Prop.t) (p2 : Prop.normal Prop.t) :
Prop.normal Prop.t * Prop.normal Prop.t =
if not !BiabductionConfig.footprint then (p1, p2)
let fp1 = Prop.extract_footprint p1 in
let fp2 = Prop.extract_footprint p2 in
let efp = eprop_partial_join' tenv JoinState.Pre fp1 fp2 in
let pi_fp =
let pi_fp0 = Prop.get_pure efp in
let f a = Sil.atom_free_vars a |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_footprint in
List.filter ~f pi_fp0
let sigma_fp =
let sigma_fp0 = efp.Prop.sigma in
let f a =
Sil.hpred_free_vars a |> Sequence.exists ~f:(fun a -> not (Ident.is_footprint a))
if List.exists ~f sigma_fp0 then ( L.d_strln "failure reason 66" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ) ;
let ep1' = Prop.set p1 ~pi_fp ~sigma_fp in
let ep2' = Prop.set p2 ~pi_fp ~sigma_fp in
(Prop.normalize tenv ep1', Prop.normalize tenv ep2')
let prop_partial_join pname tenv mode p1 p2 =
let res_by_implication_only =
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then None
else if Prover.check_implication pname tenv p1 (Prop.expose p2) then Some p2
else if Prover.check_implication pname tenv p2 (Prop.expose p1) then Some p1
else None
match res_by_implication_only with
| None -> (
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then JoinState.set_footprint true ;
Rename.init () ;
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
~f:(fun () ->
let p1', p2' = footprint_partial_join' tenv p1 p2 in
let rename_footprint = Rename.reset () in
Todo.reset rename_footprint ;
let res = eprop_partial_join' tenv mode (Prop.expose p1') (Prop.expose p2') in
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then JoinState.set_footprint false ;
Some res )
~finally:(fun () -> Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final ())
with Sil.JoinFail -> None )
| Some _ ->
let eprop_partial_join tenv mode (ep1 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) :
Prop.normal Prop.t =
Rename.init () ;
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
~f:(fun () -> eprop_partial_join' tenv mode ep1 ep2)
~finally:(fun () -> Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final ())
(** {2 Join and Meet for Propset} *)
let list_reduce name dd f list =
let rec element_list_reduce acc (x, p1) = function
| [] ->
((x, p1), List.rev acc)
| (y, p2) :: ys -> (
L.d_strln ("COMBINE[" ^ name ^ "] ....") ;
L.d_str "ENTRY1: " ;
L.d_ln () ;
dd x ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "ENTRY2: " ;
L.d_ln () ;
dd y ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
match f x y with
| None ->
L.d_strln_color Red (".... COMBINE[" ^ name ^ "] FAILED ...") ;
element_list_reduce ((y, p2) :: acc) (x, p1) ys
| Some x' ->
L.d_strln_color Green (".... COMBINE[" ^ name ^ "] SUCCEEDED ....") ;
L.d_strln "RESULT:" ;
dd x' ;
L.d_ln () ;
element_list_reduce acc (x', p1) ys )
let rec reduce acc = function
| [] ->
List.rev acc
| x :: xs ->
let x', xs' = element_list_reduce [] x xs in
reduce (x' :: acc) xs'
reduce [] list
let pathset_collapse_impl pname tenv pset =
let f x y =
if Prover.check_implication pname tenv x (Prop.expose y) then Some y
else if Prover.check_implication pname tenv y (Prop.expose x) then Some x
else None
let plist = Paths.PathSet.elements pset in
let plist' = list_reduce "JOIN_IMPL" Prop.d_prop f plist in
Paths.PathSet.from_renamed_list plist'
let jprop_partial_join tenv mode jp1 jp2 =
let p1, p2 =
( Prop.expose (BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop jp1)
, Prop.expose (BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop jp2) )
let p = eprop_partial_join tenv mode p1 p2 in
let p_renamed = Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars tenv p in
Some (BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Joined (0, p_renamed, jp1, jp2))
with Sil.JoinFail -> None
let jplist_collapse tenv mode jplist =
let f = jprop_partial_join tenv mode in
list_reduce "JOIN" BiabductionSummary.Jprop.d_shallow f jplist
(** Add identifiers to a list of jprops *)
let jprop_list_add_ids jplist =
let seq_number = ref 0 in
let rec do_jprop = function
| BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Prop (_, p) ->
incr seq_number ;
BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Prop (!seq_number, p)
| BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Joined (_, p, jp1, jp2) ->
let jp1' = do_jprop jp1 in
let jp2' = do_jprop jp2 in
incr seq_number ;
BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Joined (!seq_number, p, jp1', jp2')
List.map ~f:(fun (p, path) -> (do_jprop p, path)) jplist
let proplist_collapse tenv mode plist =
let jplist = List.map ~f:(fun (p, path) -> (BiabductionSummary.Jprop.Prop (0, p), path)) plist in
let jplist_joined = jplist_collapse tenv mode (jplist_collapse tenv mode jplist) in
jprop_list_add_ids jplist_joined
let proplist_collapse_pre tenv plist =
let plist' = List.map ~f:(fun p -> (p, ())) plist in
List.map ~f:fst (proplist_collapse tenv JoinState.Pre plist')
let pathset_collapse tenv pset =
let plist = Paths.PathSet.elements pset in
let plist' = proplist_collapse tenv JoinState.Post plist in
(List.map ~f:(fun (p, path) -> (BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop p, path)) plist')
let pathset_join pname tenv (pset1 : Paths.PathSet.t) (pset2 : Paths.PathSet.t) :
Paths.PathSet.t * Paths.PathSet.t =
let mode = JoinState.Post in
let pset_to_plist pset =
let f_list p pa acc = (p, pa) :: acc in
Paths.PathSet.fold f_list pset []
let ppalist1 = pset_to_plist pset1 in
let ppalist2 = pset_to_plist pset2 in
let rec join_proppath_plist ppalist2_acc ((p2, pa2) as ppa2) = function
| [] ->
(ppa2, List.rev ppalist2_acc)
| ((p2', pa2') as ppa2') :: ppalist2_rest -> (
L.d_strln ".... JOIN ...." ;
L.d_strln "JOIN SYM HEAP1: " ;
Prop.d_prop p2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "JOIN SYM HEAP2: " ;
Prop.d_prop p2' ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
match prop_partial_join pname tenv mode p2 p2' with
| None ->
L.d_strln_color Red ".... JOIN FAILED ...." ;
L.d_ln () ;
join_proppath_plist (ppa2' :: ppalist2_acc) ppa2 ppalist2_rest
| Some p2'' ->
L.d_strln_color Green ".... JOIN SUCCEEDED ...." ;
L.d_strln "RESULT SYM HEAP:" ;
Prop.d_prop p2'' ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
join_proppath_plist ppalist2_acc (p2'', Paths.Path.join pa2 pa2') ppalist2_rest )
let rec join ppalist1_cur ppalist2_acc = function
| [] ->
(ppalist1_cur, ppalist2_acc)
| ppa2 :: ppalist2_rest ->
let ppa2', ppalist2_acc' = join_proppath_plist [] ppa2 ppalist2_acc in
let ppa2'', ppalist2_rest' = join_proppath_plist [] ppa2' ppalist2_rest in
let ppa2_new, ppalist1_cur' = join_proppath_plist [] ppa2'' ppalist1_cur in
join ppalist1_cur' (ppa2_new :: ppalist2_acc') ppalist2_rest'
let ppalist1_res_, ppalist2_res_ = join ppalist1 [] ppalist2 in
let ren l = List.map ~f:(fun (p, x) -> (Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars tenv p, x)) l in
let ppalist1_res, ppalist2_res = (ren ppalist1_res_, ren ppalist2_res_) in
let res =
(Paths.PathSet.from_renamed_list ppalist1_res, Paths.PathSet.from_renamed_list ppalist2_res)
The meet operator does two things:
1) makes the result logically stronger (just like additive conjunction)
2) makes the result spatially larger (just like multiplicative conjunction).
Assuming that the meet operator forms a partial commutative monoid (soft assumption: it means
that the results are more predictable), try to combine every element of plist with any other element.
Return a list of the same lenght, with each element maximally combined. The algorithm is quadratic.
The operation is dependent on the order in which elements are combined; there is a straightforward
order - independent algorithm but it is exponential.
let proplist_meet_generate tenv plist =
let props_done = ref Propset.empty in
let combine p (porig, pcombined) =
SymOp.pay () ;
(* pay one symop *)
L.d_strln ".... MEET ...." ;
L.d_strln "MEET SYM HEAP1: " ;
Prop.d_prop p ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "MEET SYM HEAP2: " ;
Prop.d_prop pcombined ;
L.d_ln () ;
match prop_partial_meet tenv p pcombined with
| None ->
L.d_strln_color Red ".... MEET FAILED ...." ;
L.d_ln () ;
(porig, pcombined)
| Some pcombined' ->
L.d_strln_color Green ".... MEET SUCCEEDED ...." ;
L.d_strln "RESULT SYM HEAP:" ;
Prop.d_prop pcombined' ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
(porig, pcombined')
let rec proplist_meet = function
| [] ->
| (porig, pcombined) :: pplist ->
(* use porig instead of pcombined because it might be combinable with more othe props *)
(* e.g. porig might contain a global var to add to the ture branch of a conditional *)
(* but pcombined might have been combined with the false branch already *)
let pplist' = List.map ~f:(combine porig) pplist in
props_done := Propset.add tenv pcombined !props_done ;
proplist_meet pplist'
proplist_meet (List.map ~f:(fun p -> (p, p)) plist) ;
let propset_meet_generate_pre tenv pset =
let plist = Propset.to_proplist pset in
if Int.equal Config.meet_level 0 then plist
let pset1 = proplist_meet_generate tenv plist in
let pset_new = Propset.diff pset1 pset in
let plist_old = Propset.to_proplist pset in
let plist_new = Propset.to_proplist pset_new in
plist_new @ plist_old