unknown 3 years ago
parent 468beb8bf8
commit 87310d1cb3

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 加法器
module adder #(
parameter WIDTH = 8
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y
// add your adder logic here
assign y = a + b;

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 算数逻辑单元
module alu #(
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32,
parameter OPCODE_LENGTH = 4
input logic[DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] operand_a,
input logic[DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] operand_b,
input logic[OPCODE_LENGTH - 1 : 0] alu_ctrl, // Operation
output logic[DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] alu_result,
output logic zero
// add your code here.
logic [31:0] s;
logic signed [31:0] signed_s, signed_operand_a, signed_operand_b;
assign signed_operand_a = $signed(operand_a);
assign signed_operand_b = $signed(operand_b);
assign signed_s = $signed(signed_operand_a - signed_operand_b);
assign s = operand_a - operand_b;
assign zero = (s == 32'b0)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
case (alu_ctrl)
4'b0000: alu_result = operand_a + operand_b; // add, jalr
4'b0001: alu_result = operand_a - operand_b; // sub
4'b0010: alu_result = operand_a | operand_b; // or
4'b0011: alu_result = operand_a & operand_b; // and
4'b0100: alu_result = {31'b0, signed_s[31]}; // slt
4'b0101: alu_result = (operand_a == operand_b)? 32'b1 : 32'b0; // beq
4'b0110: alu_result = (operand_a != operand_b)? 32'b1 : 32'b0; // bne
4'b0111: alu_result = (signed_operand_a < signed_operand_b)? 32'b1 : 32'b0; // blt
4'b1000: alu_result = (signed_operand_a >= signed_operand_b)? 32'b1 : 32'b0; // bge
4'b1001: alu_result = (operand_a < operand_b)? 32'b1 : 32'b0; // bltu
4'b1010: alu_result = (operand_a >= operand_b)? 32'b1 : 32'b0; // bgeu
4'b1011: alu_result = 32'b1; // jal
4'b1100: alu_result = operand_a ^ operand_b; // xor
default: alu_result = 32'b0;

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 算数逻辑单元控制器
module ALU_Controller (
input logic [1:0] alu_op, // 2-bit opcode field from the Proc_controller
input logic [6:0] funct7, // insn[31:25]
input logic [2:0] funct3, // insn[14:12]
output logic [3:0] operation // operation selection for ALU
// add your code here.
case (alu_op)
2'b00: operation = 4'b0000; // lw, sw
case (funct3)
3'b000: operation = 4'b0101; // beq
3'b001: operation = 4'b0110; // bne
3'b100: operation = 4'b0111; // blt
3'b101: operation = 4'b1000; // bge
3'b110: operation = 4'b1001; // bltu
3'b111: operation = 4'b1010; // bgeu
default: operation = 4'b0000;
case (funct3)
case (funct7)
7'b0100000: operation = 4'b0001; // sub (存在addi的立即数恰好满足此情况的bug)
default: operation = 4'b0000; // add, addi
3'b100: operation = 4'b1100; // xor
3'b110: operation = 4'b0010; // or, ori
3'b111: operation = 4'b0011; // and, andi
3'b010: operation = 4'b0100; // slt
default: operation = 4'b0000;
2'b11: operation = 4'b1011; // jal
default: operation = 4'b0000;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 跳转单元
module BranchUnit #(
parameter PC_W = 9
input logic [PC_W - 1:0] cur_pc,
input logic [31:0] imm,
input logic jalr_sel,
input logic branch_taken, // Branch
input logic [31:0] alu_result,
output logic [31:0] pc_plus_imm, // PC + imm
output logic [31:0] pc_plus_4, // PC + 4
output logic [31:0] branch_target, // BrPC
output logic pc_sel
logic [31:0] pc;
assign pc = {23'b0, cur_pc};
pc_plus_4 = pc + 32'd4;
pc_plus_imm = pc + imm;
pc_sel = jalr_sel | (branch_taken & alu_result[0]);
if (jalr_sel == 1'b1)
branch_target = alu_result & 32'hfffffffe; // jalr
branch_target = pc + (imm << 1); // jal and beq

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 数据存储器
module datamemory#(
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 12,
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32
input logic clock,
input logic read_en,
input logic write_en,
input logic [ADDR_WIDTH -1 : 0] address, // read/write address
input logic [DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] data_in, // write Data
input logic [2:0] funct3, // insn[14:12]
output logic [DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] data_out // read data
logic [DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] MEM[(2**(ADDR_WIDTH - 2)) - 1 : 0];
always @(posedge clock)
if (write_en) // sw etc.
case (funct3)
3'b000: MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][7:0] <= data_in; // sb
3'b001: MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][15:0] <= data_in; // sh
3'b010: MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]] <= data_in; // sw
default: MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]] <= data_in; // 默认sw
if (read_en) // lw etc.
case (funct3)
3'b000: data_out = {{24{MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][7]}}, MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][7:0]}; // lb
3'b001: data_out = {{16{MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][15]}}, MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][15:0]}; // lh
3'b010: data_out = MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]]; // lw
3'b100: data_out = {24'b0,MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][7:0]}; // lbu
3'b101: data_out = {16'b0,MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]][15:0]}; // lhu
default: data_out = MEM[address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]]; // 默认lw

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 数据通路
`include "pipeline_regs.sv"
import Pipe_Buf_Reg_PKG::*;
module Datapath #(
parameter PC_W = 9, // Program Counter
parameter INS_W = 32, // Instruction Width
parameter DATA_W = 32, // Data WriteData
parameter DM_ADDRESS = 9, // Data Memory Address
parameter ALU_CC_W = 4 // ALU Control Code Width
input logic clock,
input logic reset, // reset , sets the PC to zero
input logic reg_write_en, // Register file writing enable
input logic MemtoReg, // Memory or ALU MUX
input logic alu_src, // Register file or Immediate MUX
input logic mem_write_en, // Memroy Writing Enable
input logic mem_read_en, // Memroy Reading Enable
input logic branch_taken, // Branch Enable
input logic jalr_sel, // Jalr Mux Select
input logic [1:0] alu_op,
input logic [1:0] RWSel, // Mux4to1 Select
input logic [ALU_CC_W -1:0] alu_cc, // ALU Control Code ( input of the ALU )
output logic [6:0] opcode,
output logic [6:0] funct7,
output logic [2:0] funct3,
output logic [1:0] aluop_current,
output logic [DATA_W-1:0] wb_data // data write back to register
// ====================================================================================
// Instruction Fetch (IF)
// ====================================================================================
// peripheral logic here.
logic BrFlush, stall;
logic [31:0] PC_mux_result, PC, PCplus4, BrPC, instr;
flipflop #(32) PC_unit(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .d(PC_mux_result), .stall(stall), .q(PC));
mux2 PC_mux(.d0(PCplus4), .d1(BrPC), .s(BrFlush), .y(PC_mux_result));
adder #(32) PC_adder(.a(PC), .b(32'd4), .y(PCplus4));
// add your instruction memory
Insn_mem IM(.read_address(PC[PC_W - 1 : 0]), .insn(instr));
// ====================================================================================
// End of Instruction Fetch (IF)
// ====================================================================================
if_id_reg RegA;
id_ex_reg RegB;
ex_mem_reg RegC;
mem_wb_reg RegD;
always @(posedge clock, posedge reset)
// add your logic here to update the IF_ID_Register
if (BrFlush | reset)
RegA.Curr_Pc <= 9'b0;
RegA.Curr_Instr <= 32'b0;
else if (!stall)
RegA.Curr_Pc <= PC[PC_W - 1 : 0];
RegA.Curr_Instr <= instr;
// ====================================================================================
// Instruction Decoding (ID)
// ====================================================================================
// peripheral logic here.
assign opcode = RegA.Curr_Instr[6:0];
logic [31:0] rd1, rd2, ImmG;
// add your register file here.
Reg_file RF(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .write_en(RegD.RegWrite), .write_addr(RegD.rd),
.data_in(wb_data), .read_addr1(RegA.Curr_Instr[19:15]),
.read_addr2(RegA.Curr_Instr[24:20]), .data_out1(rd1), .data_out2(rd2));
// add your immediate generator here
Imm_gen Imm_Gen(.inst_code(RegA.Curr_Instr), .imm_out(ImmG));
// ====================================================================================
// End of Instruction Decoding (ID)
// ====================================================================================
always @(posedge clock, posedge reset)
// add your logic here to update the ID_EX_Register
if (BrFlush | reset | stall)
RegB.ALUSrc <= 1'b0;
RegB.MemtoReg <= 1'b0;
RegB.RegWrite <= 1'b0;
RegB.MemRead <= 1'b0;
RegB.MemWrite <= 1'b0;
RegB.ALUOp <= 2'b0;
RegB.Branch <= 1'b0;
RegB.JalrSel <= 1'b0;
RegB.RWSel <= 2'b0;
RegB.Curr_Pc <= 9'b0;
RegB.RD_One <= 32'b0;
RegB.RD_Two <= 32'b0;
RegB.RS_One <= 5'b0;
RegB.RS_Two <= 5'b0;
RegB.rd <= 5'b0;
RegB.ImmG <= 32'b0;
RegB.func3 <= 3'b0;
RegB.func7 <= 7'b0;
RegB.Curr_Instr <= 32'b0;
else if (!stall)
RegB.ALUSrc <= alu_src;
RegB.MemtoReg <= MemtoReg;
RegB.RegWrite <= reg_write_en;
RegB.MemRead <= mem_read_en;
RegB.MemWrite <= mem_write_en;
RegB.ALUOp <= alu_op;
RegB.Branch <= branch_taken;
RegB.JalrSel <= jalr_sel;
RegB.RWSel <= RWSel;
RegB.Curr_Pc <= RegA.Curr_Pc;
RegB.RD_One <= rd1;
RegB.RD_Two <= rd2;
RegB.RS_One <= RegA.Curr_Instr[19:15];
RegB.RS_Two <= RegA.Curr_Instr[24:20];
RegB.rd <= RegA.Curr_Instr[11:7];
RegB.ImmG <= ImmG;
RegB.func3 <= RegA.Curr_Instr[14:12];
RegB.func7 <= RegA.Curr_Instr[31:25];
RegB.Curr_Instr <= RegA.Curr_Instr;
// ====================================================================================
// Execution (EX)
// ====================================================================================
// add your ALU, branch unit and with peripheral logic here
logic [31:0] FA_mux_result, FB_mux_result, ALU_result, PCplusImm, PCplus4_EX, src_mux_result, lui_mux_resultA, lui_mux_resultB;
logic [1:0] ForwardA, ForwardB;
logic zero, if_lui1, if_lui2;
assign aluop_current = RegB.ALUOp;
assign funct3 = RegB.func3;
assign funct7 = RegB.func7;
assign if_lui = (RegC.Curr_Instr[6:0] == 7'b0110111)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
alu ALU(.operand_a(FA_mux_result), .operand_b(src_mux_result), .alu_ctrl(alu_cc), .alu_result(ALU_result), .zero(zero));
BranchUnit Branch_unit(.cur_pc(RegB.Curr_Pc), .imm(RegB.ImmG), .jalr_sel(RegB.JalrSel), .branch_taken(RegB.Branch),
.alu_result(ALU_result), .pc_plus_imm(PCplusImm), .pc_plus_4(PCplus4_EX), .branch_target(BrPC), .pc_sel(BrFlush));
mux4 FA_mux(.d00(RegB.RD_One), .d01(lui_mux_resultA), .d10(wb_data), .d11(32'b0), .s(ForwardA), .y(FA_mux_result));
mux4 FB_mux(.d00(RegB.RD_Two), .d01(lui_mux_resultB), .d10(wb_data), .d11(32'b0), .s(ForwardB), .y(FB_mux_result));
mux2 src_mux(.d0(FB_mux_result), .d1(RegB.ImmG), .s(RegB.ALUSrc), .y(src_mux_result));
mux2 lui_muxA(.d0(RegC.Alu_Result), .d1(RegC.Imm_Out), .s(if_lui), .y(lui_mux_resultA));
mux2 lui_muxB(.d0(RegC.Alu_Result), .d1(RegC.Imm_Out), .s(if_lui), .y(lui_mux_resultB));
// ====================================================================================
// End of Execution (EX)
// ====================================================================================
always @(posedge clock, posedge reset)
// add your logic here to update the EX_MEM_Register
RegC.RegWrite <= 1'b0;
RegC.MemtoReg <= 1'b0;
RegC.MemRead <= 1'b0;
RegC.MemWrite <= 1'b0;
RegC.RWSel <= 2'b0;
RegC.Pc_Imm <= 32'b0;
RegC.Pc_Four <= 32'b0;
RegC.Imm_Out <= 32'b0;
RegC.Alu_Result <= 32'b0;
RegC.RD_Two <= 32'b0;
RegC.rd <= 5'b0;
RegC.func3 <= 3'b0;
RegC.func7 <= 7'b0;
RegC.Curr_Instr <= 32'b0;
RegC.RegWrite <= RegB.RegWrite;
RegC.MemtoReg <= RegB.MemtoReg;
RegC.MemRead <= RegB.MemRead;
RegC.MemWrite <= RegB.MemWrite;
RegC.RWSel <= RegB.RWSel;
RegC.Pc_Imm <= PCplusImm;
RegC.Pc_Four <= PCplus4_EX;
RegC.Imm_Out <= RegB.ImmG; // lui
RegC.Alu_Result <= ALU_result;
RegC.RD_Two <= FB_mux_result;
RegC.rd <= RegB.rd;
RegC.func3 <= RegB.func3;
RegC.func7 <= RegB.func7;
RegC.Curr_Instr <= RegB.Curr_Instr;
// ====================================================================================
// Memory Access (MEM)
// ====================================================================================
// add your data memory here.
logic [31:0] ReadData;
datamemory DM(.clock(clock), .read_en(RegC.MemRead), .write_en(RegC.MemWrite),
.address(RegC.Alu_Result[11:0]), .data_in(RegC.RD_Two), .funct3(RegC.func3), .data_out(ReadData));
// ====================================================================================
// End of Memory Access (MEM)
// ====================================================================================
always @(posedge clock)
// add your logic here to update the MEM_WB_Register
RegD.RegWrite <= 1'b0;
RegD.MemtoReg <= 1'b0;
RegD.RWSel <= 2'b0;
RegD.Pc_Imm <= 32'b0;
RegD.Pc_Four <= 32'b0;
RegD.Imm_Out <= 32'b0;
RegD.Alu_Result <= 32'b0;
RegD.MemReadData <= 32'b0;
RegD.rd <= 5'b0;
RegD.Curr_Instr <= 5'b0;
RegD.RegWrite <= RegC.RegWrite;
RegD.MemtoReg <= RegC.MemtoReg;
RegD.RWSel <= RegC.RWSel;
RegD.Pc_Imm <= RegC.Pc_Imm;
RegD.Pc_Four <= RegC.Pc_Four;
RegD.Imm_Out <= RegC.Imm_Out;
RegD.Alu_Result <= RegC.Alu_Result;
RegD.MemReadData <= ReadData;
RegD.rd <= RegC.rd;
RegD.Curr_Instr <= RegC.Curr_Instr;
// ====================================================================================
// Write Back (WB)
// ====================================================================================
// add your write back logic here.
logic [31:0] res_mux_result;
mux2 res_mux(.d0(RegD.Alu_Result), .d1(RegD.MemReadData), .s(RegD.MemtoReg), .y(res_mux_result));
mux4 wrs_mux(.d00(res_mux_result), .d01(RegD.Pc_Four), .d10(RegD.Imm_Out), .d11(RegD.Pc_Imm), .s(RegD.RWSel), .y(wb_data));
// ====================================================================================
// End of Write Back (WB)
// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================
// other logic
// ====================================================================================
// add your hazard detection logic here
Hazard_detector hazard_unit(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .if_id_rs1(RegA.Curr_Instr[19:15]), .if_id_rs2(RegA.Curr_Instr[24:20]),
.id_ex_rd(RegB.rd), .id_ex_memread(RegB.MemRead), .stall(stall));
// add your forwarding logic here
ForwardingUnit forwarding_unit(.rs1(RegB.RS_One), .rs2(RegB.RS_Two), .ex_mem_rd(RegC.rd), .mem_wb_rd(RegD.rd),
.ex_mem_regwrite(RegC.RegWrite), .mem_wb_regwrite(RegD.RegWrite), .forward_a(ForwardA), .forward_b(ForwardB));
// possible extra code

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Module Name: flipflop
// Description: An edge-triggered register
// When reset is `1`, the value of the register is set to 0.
// 当reset被置为1时重置该寄存器的信号为全0
// Otherwise:
// 否则
// - if stall is set, the register preserves its original data
// - else, it is updated by `d`.
// 如果stall被置为1寄存器保留原来的值stall被置为0将d的值写入寄存器
// 边沿触发寄存器
module flipflop # (
parameter WIDTH = 8
input logic clock,
input logic reset,
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
input logic stall,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q
always_ff @(posedge clock, posedge reset)
if (reset)
q <= 0;
else if (!stall)
q <= d;

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 数据定向处理单元
module ForwardingUnit (
input logic [4:0] rs1,
input logic [4:0] rs2,
input logic [4:0] ex_mem_rd,
input logic [4:0] mem_wb_rd,
input logic ex_mem_regwrite,
input logic mem_wb_regwrite,
output logic [1:0] forward_a,
output logic [1:0] forward_b
// define your forwarding logic here.
if ((rs1 != 0) && (rs1 == ex_mem_rd) && ex_mem_regwrite)
forward_a = 2'b01;
else if ((rs1 != 0) && (rs1 == mem_wb_rd) && mem_wb_regwrite)
forward_a = 2'b10;
forward_a = 2'b00;
if ((rs2 != 0) && (rs2 == ex_mem_rd) && ex_mem_regwrite)
forward_b = 2'b01;
else if ((rs2 != 0) && (rs2 == mem_wb_rd) && mem_wb_regwrite)
forward_b = 2'b10;
forward_b = 2'b00;

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 冒险探测器(阻塞生成器)
module Hazard_detector (
input logic clock,
input logic reset,
input logic [4:0] if_id_rs1,
input logic [4:0] if_id_rs2,
input logic [4:0] id_ex_rd,
input logic id_ex_memread,
output logic stall
// define your hazard detection logic here
logic [1:0] counter;
always @(negedge clock)
if (reset)
stall <= 1'b0;
counter <= 2'b00;
stall <= (id_ex_memread && ((id_ex_rd == if_id_rs1) || (id_ex_rd == if_id_rs2)));
if (stall == 1'b1)
counter <= counter + 2'b01;
if (counter == 2'b10)
counter <= 2'b00;
stall <= 1'b0;

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 立即数扩展
module Imm_gen(
input logic [31:0] inst_code,
output logic [31:0] imm_out
// add your immediate extension logic here.
logic [6:0] test;
assign test = inst_code[6:0];
case (test)
7'b0010011: imm_out = {{20{inst_code[31]}}, inst_code[31:20]}; // andi, ori, addi
7'b0000011: imm_out = {{20{inst_code[31]}}, inst_code[31:20]}; // lb, lh, lw, lbu, lhu
7'b0100011: imm_out = {{20{inst_code[31]}}, inst_code[31:25], inst_code[11:7]}; // sb, sh, sw
7'b1100011: imm_out = {{20{inst_code[31]}}, inst_code[31], inst_code[7], inst_code[30:25], inst_code[11:8]}; // beq, bne, blt, bge, bltu, bgeu
7'b1101111: imm_out = {{12{inst_code[31]}}, inst_code[31], inst_code[19:12], inst_code[20], inst_code[30:21]}; // jal
7'b1100111: imm_out = {{20{inst_code[31]}}, inst_code[31:20]}; // jalr
7'b0110111: imm_out = {inst_code[31:12], 12'b0}; // lui
default: imm_out = 32'd0;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 指令存储<E5AD98>?
module Insn_mem #(
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 9,
parameter INSN_WIDTH = 32
input logic [ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] read_address,
output logic [INSN_WIDTH - 1 : 0] insn
logic [INSN_WIDTH-1 :0] insn_array [(2**(ADDR_WIDTH - 2))-1:0];
initial begin
$display("reading from insn.txt...");
$readmemh("insn.txt", insn_array);
$display("finished reading from insn.txt...");
assign insn = insn_array[read_address[ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 2]];

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 二端口多路选择器
module mux2 #(
parameter WIDTH = 32
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1,
input logic s,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y
assign y = s ? d1 : d0;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 四端口多路选择器
module mux4 #(
parameter WIDTH = 32
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d00, d01, d10, d11,
input logic [1:0] s,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y
assign y = (s==2'b11) ? d11 : (s==2'b10) ? d10 : (s==2'b01) ? d01 : d00;

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package Pipe_Buf_Reg_PKG;
// Reg A
typedef struct packed{
logic [8:0] Curr_Pc;
logic [31:0] Curr_Instr;
} if_id_reg;
// Reg B
typedef struct packed{
logic ALUSrc;
logic MemtoReg;
logic RegWrite;
logic MemRead;
logic MemWrite;
logic [1:0] ALUOp;
logic Branch;
logic JalrSel;
logic [1:0] RWSel;
logic [8:0] Curr_Pc;
logic [31:0] RD_One;
logic [31:0] RD_Two;
logic [4:0] RS_One;
logic [4:0] RS_Two;
logic [4:0] rd;
logic [31:0] ImmG;
logic [2:0] func3;
logic [6:0] func7;
logic [31:0] Curr_Instr;
} id_ex_reg;
// Reg C
typedef struct packed{
logic RegWrite;
logic MemtoReg;
logic MemRead;
logic MemWrite;
logic [1:0] RWSel;
logic [31:0] Pc_Imm;
logic [31:0] Pc_Four;
logic [31:0] Imm_Out;
logic [31:0] Alu_Result;
logic [31:0] RD_Two;
logic [4:0] rd;
logic [2:0] func3;
logic [6:0] func7;
logic [31:0] Curr_Instr;
} ex_mem_reg;
// Reg D
typedef struct packed{
logic RegWrite;
logic MemtoReg;
logic [1:0] RWSel;
logic [31:0] Pc_Imm;
logic [31:0] Pc_Four;
logic [31:0] Imm_Out;
logic [31:0] Alu_Result;
logic [31:0] MemReadData;
logic [4:0] rd;
logic [31:0] Curr_Instr;
} mem_wb_reg;

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 主控制器
module Proc_controller(
input logic [6:0] Opcode, //7-bit opcode field from the instruction
output logic ALUSrc, //0: The second ALU operand comes from the second register file output (Read data 2);
//1: The second ALU operand is the sign-extended, lower 16 bits of the instruction.
output logic MemtoReg, //0: The value fed to the register Write data input comes from the ALU.
//1: The value fed to the register Write data input comes from the data memory.
output logic RegWrite, //The register on the Write register input is written with the value on the Write data input
output logic MemRead, //Data memory contents designated by the address input are put on the Read data output
output logic MemWrite, //Data memory contents designated by the address input are replaced by the value on the Write data input.
output logic [1:0] ALUOp, //00: LW/SW/AUIPC; 01:Branch; 10: Rtype/Itype; 11:JAL/LUI
output logic Branch, //0: branch is not taken; 1: branch is taken
output logic JalrSel, //0: Jalr is not taken; 1: jalr is taken
output logic [1:0] RWSel //00Register Write Back; 01: PC+4 write back(JAL/JALR); 10: imm-gen write back(LUI); 11: pc+imm-gen write back(AUIPC)
logic [10:0] con;
case (Opcode)
7'b0110011: con = 11'b0_0_1_0_0_10_0_0_00; // R-type
7'b0110111: con = 11'b0_0_1_0_0_00_0_0_10; // lui
7'b1101111: con = 11'b1_0_1_0_0_11_1_0_01; // jal
7'b0010011: con = 11'b1_0_1_0_0_10_0_0_00; // I-type1 (includes ori, andi, addi)
7'b0000011: con = 11'b1_1_1_1_0_00_0_0_00; // I-type2 (includes lb, lh, lw, lbu, lhu)
7'b1100111: con = 11'b1_0_1_0_0_10_1_1_01; // I-type3 (jalr)
7'b0100011: con = 11'b1_0_0_0_1_00_0_0_00; // S-type1 (includes sb, sh, sw)
7'b1100011: con = 11'b0_0_0_0_0_01_1_0_00; // S-type2 (includes beq, bne, blt, bge, bltu, bgeu)
default: con = 11'b0_0_0_0_0_00_0_0_00;
assign {ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemRead, MemWrite, ALUOp, Branch, JalrSel, RWSel} = con;

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 寄存器文件
module Reg_file #(
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32, // number of bits in each register
parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH = 5, //number of registers = 2^ADDRESS_WIDTH
parameter NUM_REGS = 2 ** ADDRESS_WIDTH
// Inputs
input clock, //clock
input reset, //synchronous reset; reset all regs to 0 upon assertion.
input write_en, //write enable
input [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] write_addr, //address of the register that supposed to written into
input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in, // data that supposed to be written into the register file
input [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] read_addr1, //first address to be read from
input [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] read_addr2, //second address to be read from
// Outputs
output logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out1, //content of reg_file[read_addr1] is loaded into
output logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out2 //content of reg_file[read_addr2] is loaded into
integer i;
logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] register_file [NUM_REGS-1:0];
integer log_file;
initial begin
log_file = $fopen("./reg_trace.txt", "w");
if (log_file)
$display("***************************** File was opened succussfully: %s", "./test.txt");
$display("***************************** Failed to open the file: %s", "./test.txt");
always @( negedge clock )
if( reset == 1'b1 )
for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGS ; i = i + 1) begin
register_file [i] <= 0;
$fwrite(log_file, "r%d, 0", i);
else if( reset ==1'b0 && write_en ==1'b1 && write_addr != 0) begin
register_file [ write_addr ] <= data_in;
$fwrite(log_file, "r%02x, %08x\n", write_addr, data_in);
assign data_out1 = register_file[read_addr1];
assign data_out2 = register_file[read_addr2];

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// risc-V整体模块
module riscv #(
parameter DATA_W = 32)
(input logic clock, reset, // clock and reset signals
output logic [31:0] WB_Data// The ALU_Result
logic [6:0] opcode;
logic ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemRead, MemWrite, Branch, JalrSel;
logic [1:0] RWSel;
logic [1:0] ALUop;
logic [1:0] ALUop_Reg;
logic [6:0] Funct7;
logic [2:0] Funct3;
logic [3:0] Operation;
Proc_controller proc_controller(opcode, ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemRead, MemWrite, ALUop, Branch, JalrSel, RWSel);
ALU_Controller proc_alu_controller(ALUop_Reg, Funct7, Funct3, Operation);
Datapath proc_data_path(clock, reset, RegWrite , MemtoReg, ALUSrc , MemWrite, MemRead, Branch, JalrSel, ALUop, RWSel, Operation, opcode, Funct7, Funct3, ALUop_Reg, WB_Data);

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module tb_top;
//clock and reset signal declaration
logic tb_clk, reset;
logic [31:0] tb_WB_Data;
//clock generation
always #10 tb_clk = ~tb_clk;
//reset Generation
initial begin
tb_clk = 0;
reset = 1;
#25 reset =0;
riscv riscV(
initial begin